Lost newbie

I just signed up and am trying to navigate everything. Result . . . I am lost. That would be a good thing if It meant I couldn't find the kitchen! But in reality, I don't know how to navigate this site. (Blame it on age). Is there a place to go to learn ?
Would love to connect with some who remember the '60's (although I have heard if you remember the 60's you weren't really there!). Thanks . Judy


  • Janlo26
    Janlo26 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Judy,
    Though I was just a kid, I do remember the 60s. :)
    There's a "Help" button at the top right of the screen. Click there and scroll down a bit and you'll see a "Getting Started" title with some topics. Just start clicking on stuff and hit the back arrow on your browser if it's not what you want. Good Luck!
  • Thank you Janet.