Have you ever had a problem with binge eating?

eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
I have a problem with binge eating sweets. I don't binge on anything else. I was wondering if anyone has ever conquered this problem and how you did it? Specifics please.


  • annkimr
    annkimr Posts: 7 Member
    I seem to binge when I've not had enough to eat during the day. So one thing to do is to make sure you are getting enough during your meals. I have also found that increasing my protein is helping control some of my snacking urges as well.

    If you know what you binge on, do not have it in the house. I know, for me, if I know it's a problem food, I don't even buy it.

    One thing that I used to do, and need to start doing again, is only eating at appointed times. Only eating at meals I sit down to, or planned snacks. Eat nothing not on your plan for the day.

    It's not easy. Keep taking one day at a time, and don't beat yourself up if you fail. Just acknowledge it and move on. Tomorrow you try again.
  • eksims1
    eksims1 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm so glad you said eating planned things at appointed times. That had crossed my mind! Thanks!
  • HealthyMakeover
    HealthyMakeover Posts: 142 Member
    I used to restrict my food intake all day long and then eat everything I could find uncontrollably at night time.
    It brought anxiety, guilt, and also the discomfort of stuffing my belly full of all kinds of food.

    The way I stopped this was to plan all my meals throughout the day. I didn't get that craze at the end of the day, because my body was satisfied with the food I had been eating all day long.

    Eating six small meals a day made me feel like I ate a lot "more" except I'd actually be eating the same amount of calories but all day long instead of sitting at a table three times a day with larger portions. It psychologically helped me not to binge, because my brain was satisfied with all the times I got to munch throughout the day.

    Also, there can be "trigger" foods that can cause a binge. Sometimes it's bread, it can be chocolate, etc. I would recommend staying away from these triggers (find out what they are first) and then eventually eat them in moderation.

    Hope this helps you!
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    Agree with all the above. I've had problems with binging and still do but less now. Not keeping trigger foods in the house and having a plan as to what you'll be eating that day has really helped. If you have junk food, literally hiding it can also help. Finding alternatives to your high calorie sweets help too. I'm obsessed with chocolate but I buy those nips candies which are like 30 calories a piece and I don't feel like having 20 pieces cuz it's hard candy!
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    Also, when you're about to binge, really ask yourself am I hungry or just emotionally unsatisfied, and am I going to regret this later?
  • JamMarie1987
    JamMarie1987 Posts: 17 Member
    Definitely had trouble with this, still do.

    It's really hard living with someone who can eat whatever they want, and are really happy with your body the way it is. He wants me to be happy, and I find it hard to be happy when I'm trying to limit what I'm eating. So his constant comments are usually, "just eat what you want, and exercise if you still want to lose weight". Makes it hard to stay strong enough to not have that steak and chips for tea and instead have a big bowl of veggies with grilled steak.

    I'm getting better though. And so is he. I'm making sure that when I cook dinner, it's healthy for the both of us. Had to convince him that all healthy food isn't bird seed and lettuce. There's things he won't eat still, but most of it he's pretty happy with - which makes it easier for me!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    If I'm not logging accurately then I eat a bunch more of somethings. From about October thru December I'll only sorta log. Usually coincides with a planned bulk. But still is bingeing. Oh for the love of baklava. But then January thru April I can maintain a perfect diary to get me to buffet season in Vegas. Bring on the sushi. I can't wait till march 24.:)
  • traceylynns
    traceylynns Posts: 155 Member
    Binge eating was a big problem of mine still is!!

    I now make sure I eat during the day and plan all my meals that way I don't go crazy in the evening. Also I make sure that if there is something I want I eat it when I want it and not wait. If I wait I BINGE on it big time like a whole box of cookies in stead of just a couple.
    I don't keep my trigger things on head either that way I have go get it that help with the out of site out of mind!

    Good LUCK!!

    PS I Log everything even when binge that way when I look back I kick myself for it! and then the next time I am like it was how many calories was it worth it!!! lol