weight up and down

The past few days the weight goes up and down the highest being 800 grams, then the next day, down. Am I literally full of crap:)!? I am a bit constipated, I tried a mild laxative, it seems to work after about 6 hours but I still continue to pass hard stools after I stop using it. I only took the laxative with a few days apart, I do not want to be dependent on those., It seems the harder I cardio the higher my weight is the next day, I should be near my goal of 100 kg by now(but I am stalling) as I have been at my target or below in calorie intake since I first stated records in 2/7/14. Any thoughts? technically I started in mid January but never recorded


  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Yes, they say your waste can be up to 5lbs
    Don't bother with laxative! Go for some fiber! Eat some dried plums! Spike your water with prune juice.
    It could be something in your shake's that are stopping you up.
  • Hi
    Thanks, I mix muesli with my shakes to give fibre, also I have tried a method of a banana and a cold glass of water when I wake up and that seems to help( usually within a hr I pass some stool, but its still too firm.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    get more fat in your diet.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weight fluctuates day to day (and throughout the day). Don't panic! Take photos & measurements, too.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Thanks all
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You only have 2kg (4.4 lb.) to go. Congratulations! Set your goal to the slowest one (in pounds, it's .5 lb. per week), and be patient. The smaller deficit will also help your transition to maintenance.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    get more fat in your diet.
    For the constipation issue, I agree with this - peeked at your diary and you are well under your daily fat goal. Eat more nuts, nut butters, avocados, use olive and coconut oils, etc. Water and fiber are important too, but many people forget about fat, or go all low fat when they start eating "healthy". Fat is good for us, we need it! Fat doesn't make us fat, too many calories do. :smile:

    Daily weight fluctuations are totally normal. If the numbers drive you crazy, stop weighing daily and cut back to once a week or less, and track measurements instead.
  • Thanks, I will look into the fat content each day, I love avocado/cashews but they are so high in calories:( I live in Norway and the cost to eat is extreme, just a few days of fruit and veggies and your talking nearly 100 dollars:sad:
  • You only have 2 kg (4.4 lb.) to go. Congratulations! Set your goal to the slowest one (in pounds, it's .5 lb. per week), and be patient. The smaller deficit will also help your transition to maintenance.

    Thanks, yes I have set it to the lowest 0,5 kg per week and my actual goal is to get to 80 kg, I only set it for 100 to get a smaller gaol at first, when I get to 100 I will set the goal to 90
  • Hello
    Looks like my weight is going down (levelling off again) from when I started, however I have not reached my 5 week goal by as much as 4 kg over. I know the diary is not exact but can the goal be as far off as 4 kg and if it is can it be plus or minus a %? I should be around 95 kg by now. I changed the goal of 0,5 kg a week to 1 kg a week to lower my calorie intake, that is why my chart looks so out of control. I have been staying under my 1750 goal and not adding calories because of exercise. So technically I was well under and should have been at my 5 week goal?
  • Anyone one have a input to the question from above:
    I have not reached my 5 week goal by as much as 4 kg over. I know the diary is not exact science but can the goal be as far off as 4 kg and if it is can it be plus or minus a %? I should be around 95 kg by now.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Everybody's different, and it takes trial & error to find what works for you. You may be underestimating your food & drink &/or overestimating your burns.

    Log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    Did you read the Sexypants link? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Thanks
    Yes I have been careful not to include exercise as calorie allowable intake and have weighted my portions, I usually give myself lower calorie intake to account for errors. My appetite is well suppressed at the 1750 and a couple days ago started the 1200 to try for a while and till now I am not hungry between morning and evening, These shakes I make in the morning with plenty of fibre and nutrition seems to keep me full, just need a light snack now and then before my last meal. I probably need patients, it took a long time to get the weight it will not be overnight to be rid of it. Today was a up beat even if it was only 100 grams I still got below 99!:bigsmile:
  • orandaberg
    orandaberg Posts: 37
    Well its been 90 days now, according to the calculations I should be at 88 kg, but here I sit at 93! I know this calculation when completing the day is no error proof method but it helps, I am going to have to assume the calculator in the food section is at least 5 kg to low when calculating. Ok my calorie level is not a straight line in the reports section, but its still below the daily norm for calorie intake. Everyone's metabolism is going to be different. So moderate daily exercise is not getting me towards my goal any time soon at this rate. Looks like I will have to do more intense cardiovascular. Having said that I lost 17 kg in 90 days,that's 5.6 kg(12.3 lbs) a month or 1.4 kg (3.0 lbs) a week (that's just food and very moderate exercise). Now according to the calorie intake and my net, I should (and am) loosing about 1 kg a week. Sooooo...... my weight is correct at 93!
    The weather is getting better in Norway(we are lucky when we have low 70 in summer, air conditioning here is Open the Window!). I got the bike out bought a bike basket and will pedal to the grocery store or a daily ride. On the oil rigs I will have to do spinning. I will give it 5 weeks and see if it matches the MFP calculation.(without adding the bike,just the normal daily moderate exercise). If I add the bike it will just show me to be a lower weight and add more net calories to my intake goal.
  • orandaberg
    orandaberg Posts: 37
    God I hate this yo yo, for 12 days, I just want to jump on this scale and smash it, so depressing to put effort in just to yo yo
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    What are your measurements like? Waist, hips etc. Have you taken these? Sometimes you are losing just not on the scale
  • orandaberg
    orandaberg Posts: 37
    Yes lost lots of inches everywhere from size 40 waist to 36 and I can see my legs and arm and chest all slimming down especially legs ,My body is a bit ugly now because you can see sags where I had fat, not stretch marks, just sagging parts like under my arms and breasts, Everything I own is baggy. Problem is here in Norway for medicals they go by BMI and are very strict with that.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member
    Eat a huge salad for dinner tonight (lots of leafy greens) and drink a big glass of water in the morning when you get up. Give it about 2 hours and you'll be empty! haha!
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    That's great news on the inches lost - are you lifting weights yet?? If not start ASAP - will really help with shape and some of the saggy skin:smile:
  • orandaberg
    orandaberg Posts: 37
    Take a look on my fitness log, mostly swimming now and water aerobics, using the bike now for groceries weather permitting, I have muscle tone I can feel it, also working on offshore drilling installations which gives me lots of muscle usage, stairs and 12 hr shifts of continuous outside heavy work in the cold, It was the offshore food and sweets over the years that added the weight. I will give weights a go next offshore trip. No excuse each rig has fully equip gyms! When I think of sagging skin I think of some of the pics I see where people lost so much weight the have floppy folds of skin,, I do not have that I just have areas once tick in fat now getting less and less, so lucky for me my skin is keeping up with what I have lost and not leaving stretch marks or skin folds just love handles you can grab on different areas:) :(