Hi Im Cherrell, Im a 19 year old college student (law)from New Orleans Louisiana and ready to loose this weight I would love for us to help motivate each other. We can check on each other and share tricks and tips on how to better this long and painful process lol. So can we start with CHEAP Healthy foods and and effective ans SIMPLE exercises to try because Im just begging. So would you be a sweety and add me as a friend


  • p_s1984
    p_s1984 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Cherrell.I am also on a budget and I always thought that buying healthy food would be more expensive for me to buy. I go to the 99 cent store and I buy most of my veggies there for the week. I go to the grocery store for meat and fruit and the rest of my groceries. I buy packets of meat and chicken and break them up in portions and freeze them individually. You will notice that while dieting you will prepare most of your meals at home and you will end up using most of the groceries you buy. I also noticed that not buying fast food and not eating out really is good for my bank account :) Good luck! Please don't worry a healthy diet does not have to be expensive. Most importantly buying mostly "clean food" will save you money on not buying junk food!
  • CherrellBates
    CherrellBates Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks Cherrell. Ill add you as a friend
  • Elsapie93
    Elsapie93 Posts: 17
    I'm also on a budget! Although I live in England, we have some Gould supermarkets that have some really good deals on food! I suggest you bulk buy things that you can freeze when they are on offer , if you can! When I'm at work I take a little snack pot I've made up in the morning! It can have any fruits or veg you like! I personally really like blueberries ( which in summer are really nice frozen!) carrot sticks which I have cut myself, and whatever else I can get hold which isn't too expensive!
    Shop around to find the best deals! That's my best advise!