Keeping patience when you have a lot to lose!!!!

It's hard sometimes.... although one knows its a long journey, the weight wont disappear magically in a day or week....

But sometimes one wishes it did!!!! Somedays i'm so so patient and content but there are those days when some emotions start creeping in that it might never happen.... When the scale hasn't moved for days or weeks even though you have been working your *kitten* off!!!!!

I have lost few inches everywhere but i still cannot SEE it nor can I fit in some of my skinny clothes as yet...wonder how long will it take when i finally start seeing the difference..... Its hard to be patient when you have so many pounds to lose.....

What do you guys think and went through??? :indifferent: :flowerforyou:


  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    You are right, it's very hard to be patient. Some days you just feel better and know you are doing the right things and other days you wonder why bother. For je there was no turning back, you can stop, which would more than likely result in you not only gaining back the weight you loss but probably putting on more.

    I am not sure what changes you have/are making but, if like me you are trying to make lifestyle/lifetime changes - how exactly would you turn back!

    It will happen, and like me you may look back and know that what you are going through is necessary for you. I am not saying it's not hard and at stone points just plan miserable, it's so worth it.

    Take your time and plan for the long term.
  • Warrior_Butterfly
    "The first step in achieving your goal, is to take a moment to respect your goal. Know what it means to you and achieve it."
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    I try to focus on the NSVs (non-scale victories) like feeling energized, proud that I log every single day, notice that my posture and the way I carry myself is taller and more graceful and STRONG.

    I am doing heavy weight lifting so being able to add weight on every week feels awesome. I know this is a long journey so that helps.
  • foxytrotter82
    foxytrotter82 Posts: 65 Member
    instead of focusing on the big end goal scale goal, set up some short term and mid-term goals and milestones. This keeps me going.

    Each month I pick a challenging but attainable goal to work towards. Usually a small weigh goal that's realistic (depending on how many lbs per week you are aiming to lose + number of weeks that month). But, the most important are the activity and habit forming goals I set. Whether it's to run a little bit further, or faster. Challenge myself to an extra set of squats and pushups. Etc.
    Tracking every day, drinking all my water plus some, measuring portions accurately and honestly.

    You can do it.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I made other goals for myself... fitness... clothes fitting... etc.

    Also, think of the alternative. If you didn't change, where would you be?

    And lastly, instead of thinking about how far you have to go, think about how far you've come.
    "I've only lost 5 lbs" vs. "I've already lost 5 lbs!"

    It's all about perspective, you know?
  • cherylbileau
    cherylbileau Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes it helps to really bring to the front of your mind that you really had to WORK at getting fat...I mean really put time and effort into getting is just that getting fat is much more fun than getting thin. :-)

    You took time to put the weight on so you should expect it to take even longer to take off. What does not seem like a lot of weight WILL actually add up to quite a bit of weight lost over say, 1 year. In just under 2 years I have lost 114 pounds but I didn't do it overnight...I did it 2 lbs a week...sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less.

    Try your best to focus on the journey, not the destination....because at the end of the journey if you are fixated on the number on the scale only then you will be disappointed when you get there.
  • Jade0529
    Jade0529 Posts: 213 Member
    As everyone is saying I try to focus on other things as my scale fluctuates too much to rely on it. Can I climb the stairs easier? Pick up toys easier? How are my clothes fitting? I also am trying to rid myself of thinking patterns which contributed to my weight gain. Stuff like there are "bad" foods and guilt associated with eating less healthy options.

    This is all a journey. I am trying to take the mindset that I might as well enjoy the view along the way instead of racing through and missing things.
  • kristin329
    kristin329 Posts: 8 Member
    I get impatient quick. You feel like you are working so hard and fighting all the temptations but the scale is not showing the results you expect. For me the scale fluctuates too much. I need to stop looking at that damn scale for a while. I just feel I'm doing so well that I expect to hop on that thing to reap the rewards. Not so much. Slow going.

    But like other says, clothes fit better, have more energy and just feeling better. I guess I need to shift my focus on that instead of just the scale. I will TRY to not look at the scale this week until Mid-Week (Wednesday) hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.

    I'm committed to this body/life transformation but I need to work on my I want it now attitude.:grumble:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    My wt loss journey started because of health concerns.Never did I consider what long,long plateus would do to feelings of being in control.
    Shame that I had to be eating more calories than I knew,feelings of what's the use,who cares ,seeing other posters losing in a straight line etc :grumble: :grumble:
    Eventually my thoughts returned to the feelings I had after losing 20 pds.Knowing.... It's been recorded ......the good,bad & ugly for nearly a yr. Realizing age,meds etc do make a difference for me.Cannot compare my journey to other ppl.

    Most of all,lab work is better,every pound gone is better for over all health.
    Just what would happen if slow & slower is used as an excuse to eat what I wanted,when I wanted? Isn't that the reason for my wt problems? Haven't I already been down that road too many times?:sad:

    So,it's a long,winding road,but there's no other choice for me. JMO
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    instead of focusing on the big end goal scale goal, set up some short term and mid-term goals and milestones. This keeps me going.

    Each month I pick a challenging but attainable goal to work towards. Usually a small weigh goal that's realistic (depending on how many lbs per week you are aiming to lose + number of weeks that month). But, the most important are the activity and habit forming goals I set. Whether it's to run a little bit further, or faster. Challenge myself to an extra set of squats and pushups. Etc.
    Tracking every day, drinking all my water plus some, measuring portions accurately and honestly.

    You can do it.

    That does sound right... i have become a tab bit stronger and well let me think over some short term goals... My fav jersey is definitely one of them :)
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    I made other goals for myself... fitness... clothes fitting... etc.

    Also, think of the alternative. If you didn't change, where would you be?

    And lastly, instead of thinking about how far you have to go, think about how far you've come.
    "I've only lost 5 lbs" vs. "I've already lost 5 lbs!"

    It's all about perspective, you know?

    Yes!! :) I did my measurements today, i hadn't lost much compared to last week but when i saw the comparison through a week i felt very happy :flowerforyou:
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    My wt loss journey started because of health concerns.Never did I consider what long,long plateus would do to feelings of being in control.
    Shame that I had to be eating more calories than I knew,feelings of what's the use,who cares ,seeing other posters losing in a straight line etc :grumble: :grumble:
    Eventually my thoughts returned to the feelings I had after losing 20 pds.Knowing.... It's been recorded ......the good,bad & ugly for nearly a yr. Realizing age,meds etc do make a difference for me.Cannot compare my journey to other ppl.

    Most of all,lab work is better,every pound gone is better for over all health.
    Just what would happen if slow & slower is used as an excuse to eat what I wanted,when I wanted? Isn't that the reason for my wt problems? Haven't I already been down that road too many times?:sad:

    So,it's a long,winding road,but there's no other choice for me. JMO
    I get impatient quick. You feel like you are working so hard and fighting all the temptations but the scale is not showing the results you expect. For me the scale fluctuates too much. I need to stop looking at that damn scale for a while. I just feel I'm doing so well that I expect to hop on that thing to reap the rewards. Not so much. Slow going.

    But like other says, clothes fit better, have more energy and just feeling better. I guess I need to shift my focus on that instead of just the scale. I will TRY to not look at the scale this week until Mid-Week (Wednesday) hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.

    I'm committed to this body/life transformation but I need to work on my I want it now attitude.

    Yes true...specially when u dont SEE the results and you already have a long way to go...its easy to lose patience....
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    To be honest the last 18 pounds are proving the hardest for me to lose. The first 100 came off easily and consistently. I'd have 2 to 3 pound losses when I was bigger but now, just a 1/2 pound loss is something I have to work very hard for and be extremely disciplined.
  • bl1nk6
    bl1nk6 Posts: 175
    im one of the most patient people going, but when it comes to losing weight i get so p'd off quick! I want results and want to see and feel them now!

    i keep trying to think of things to stay motivated and focused.. like reading loads of fitness info and looking at fat pics of me against how i was before and wear im at now and window shopping for nice dresses i will only wear if im skinny enough.. seeing others acheivments are inspiring too :)
  • BetterThanExpected
    BetterThanExpected Posts: 104 Member
    It's best to take it one day at a time and know that your efforts will add up. If you've been going weeks without losing though, you should probably reevaluate your diet/lifestyle and exercise plan. Remember, a 500 calorie deficient from your TDEE will help you lose a pound a week. So, for instance, if your TDEE is 2000, you should be eating around 1500. Look up a TDEE calculator or find a calorie maintenance calculator.
    Anyways, take it day by day and try not to think of all the weight you have to lose, but think of what you've already lost. You could also have mini (nonfood) rewards every 5 or 10 pounds, like a new book, or magazine, or whatever you like. Maybe put a dollar in a jar for every pound you lose and save up to buy yourself some new clothes.
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    Hi, I am right there with you. I've been "stuck" at 31 pounds gone (which is GREAT) for over 3 months now. I've been logging everyday for 394 days, started just walking, now I joined a gym...but I am now VERY frustrated. Disheartening. I mean a silly pound would help, but seems it just wont budge anymore! I don't even enjoy the gym, I joined and go because I have to. My body needs it, so I do it. I trained my mind to try and be better at healthy, so yea, I expect a reward (like a pound or two) gone every once in a while. *sigh*
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member



  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I've had this conversation with myself every day for the past 20 months while I've been at this. I walk for 30 minutes at lunch and use that time alone for a little patience pep talk. I'm in the final stretch with 9 pounds to go and have allowed myself 9 months to get there. Losing weight fast has not been successful for me in the past, this time it's about changing my life. Take joy in the small changes and they will multiply.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I have those feelings too. I always try to think about it like this. I have been at the weight loss thing for almost a year now, and if I hadn't started, I think about how awful I'd feel and how much time I wasted. Then I think if I stopped right now and either stayed the same or gained weight back, in another 6 months, I would be so disappointed in myself.
    It's okay to get frustrated! Try looking back at progress photos when you start feeling down to remind yourself of how far you've come.
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    Hey, so l was around high 180s earlier this year. lost some fat and gained some muscle. lost 7 lbs then gained some weight back. l look back at pics and vids with friends and notice that even though lm roughly back around the same weight my body looks diff less fat a bit more muscle. l used to be 129 lbs about 4 - 5 years ago when l was 19. l want to drop about 50 lbs atm. lm on a 90 journey. lts just really hard when l haven't really been seeing much progress in the last few days. l don't have a scale so l don't stress and stuff but lol lm not seeing too much of a diff. l just get really stressed because lm not comfortable with how l look... thinking how l can speed this up.