YOUR February Accomplishments + March Goals

Hey everyone,

I can't believe it is already March. February seems to have come and gone before I even realized it. At the beginning of each month I like to evaluate what I have accomplished over the past month and see if I need to reevaluate the direction I am headed. I am hoping you will do the same because goals are extremely important on all of our journeys.

I started the Stronglifts program.
I have continued my progress on C25k.
I had my bodyfat percentage measured for the first time in my life.
I have become much more active on MFP.

What did you accomplish in February? What do you want to accomplish this month? Take a few minutes to think of some measurable goals for March if you haven't already :)


  • OcotilloFire
    OcotilloFire Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread. February had a rough start for me, as I had the flu, but by month's end I had recovered and formed some fairly solid habits:
    -I drank at least 64 ounces of water each day
    -I started (and am still committed to) the C25K program
    -Although I did not avg 10K steps a day for February, I am satisfied with my avg of 7K+. I logged everyday, which was a big step for me.

    My March goals include upping my daily step avg to 10K, continue work on C25K, increase my intake of raw veggies, and faithfully complete Shaun T25 Focus each week day.
  • Pau1004
    Pau1004 Posts: 9
    That's actually a very good question.

    March is here indeed and I have started a new routine today which it will set me stronger and faster. It's called the Rock hard challenge. I have to say that it is very very intense and I didn't manage to finish it all as my arms, chest,shoulders and legs were extremely sore.. I can't even touchy head now.

    I just want to see the results at the end of March and do a fitness test.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Started February in an unwanted gaining trend but managed to turn that around and lost a pound each of the last two weeks. For March I will have surgery around mid-month so my goal is to lose two more pounds prior the surgery and then maintain that weight, and to get back on my feet at the gym by the end of the month. That would be exceptionally awesome. But if not that, an alternate and more realistic goal is to maintain my current weight, rather than gaining, while I am disabled and/or bed bound, and to keep my chin up. I am a little apprehensive about the surgery, and about the probable pain while healing. Goal for that is to practice mindfulness as a palliative measure. Good luck everyone!
  • docwasch
    docwasch Posts: 19
    February was a restart for me, my wife and my daughter. We are all going on vacation in June to South Padre Island and we weren't to happy with what we saw in the mirror. It has been great having them go to the YMCA three days a week with me, always keeps me motivated. Because of them we have not missed a workout all month! I have lost 16lbs, my wife 12lbs and my daughter 7lbs! More importantly we are all eating healthier and feeling better as we get fitter. I have logged in for 35 days straight and it has really helped me a lot.
    March goals- Lose another 15lbs or more, it's a longer month!
    Start lifting weights again at least 2-3 days a week in addition to my cardio.
    Get rid of soda completely, I am down to 1 or 2 diet cokes usually 1 a day which is great for me, it use to be WAY more.
    Keep enjoying the time with my wife and daughter in the gym.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    February was key for me! I made the decision to lose the rest of this weight I carry around, after losing 70 lbs 5 years ago. Found MFP, and it's the greatest site on the net. Excited for my first logged weigh in on Tuesday.

    March goals are to stick to my 1400 calorie diet recommended by MFP every single day of the month. Also, to continue hitting the gym 5 days per week. I want to slowly increasing the difficulty of the programs I do one the cardio machine and lifting more weight.
  • brock_west_houston
    brock_west_houston Posts: 23 Member
    Good topic.

    I did fall short a few times in January and February. However the overall trend has been upward! (or "downward," in terms of losing weight while upward in gaining muslce!).

    Right now I'm back on Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet, which is a bit extreme for a 31-year-old male at 183 lbs who exercises and lifts weights routinely. So today (even though it hasn't been two weeks) I'm going to incorporate minimal fruit and starch on an as-needed basis. I already feel a low blood sugar headache coming on and certainly want to avoid that horrible kind of pain. However I'm generally omitting breads, grains and refined sugars completely. It's working pretty well. The "Battle of the Bulge" has begun, that is, that last 15 pounds of body fat stubbornly clinging to my belly, thighs, butt, obliques and face. I'll force surround it with muscle and dieting and it will have no choice but to shrink!

    I plan on making some kind of grand-sized chart this weekend to hang on the wall at home with goals and a timeline for the next two months. Whether it be new clothing, ONE glass of red wine (some time out, still), or just some good ole-fashioned "gold stars," I want to have an elaborate reward system in place for meeting my goals. One thing is certain: pain will be involved in workouts. I don't have to look at lifting that way; however, I understand the need to do it whether I feel like it or not (you know, provided I want to see RESULTS) and that once there I simply need to stay focused! I'm starting to find some workout buddies which helps immensely, making the time fly by. Conversation and encouragement (as opposed to excruciating effort and pain) naturally replace the focal points.

    Good luck to everyone with their goals!
  • skytoads
    skytoads Posts: 79
    It sounds like everyone is achieving some great goals and forming habits that will stick. Glad to hear all of your progress! Your goals also sound incredible and I wish each of you the best of luck in accomplishing them :)

    Although we have all gone through the struggles, the key is persistence. Keeping fighting through all of the struggles and temptations and remember is a new day. You have a community of support here so feel free to message me for any motivation or help :)
  • LarDoucheLar
    LarDoucheLar Posts: 171 Member
    I don't have all that many as i got back onto this journey late into February but they're achievements for me none the less.

    1. Switched from Soda to Water Only.
    2. Finally dedicated myself to daily exercise that i'm sticking to.
    3. Eating healthier and logging all calories and exercise.
    4. Successfully completed a 5:2 Fast.

    Goals for March.

    1. Continue with drinking water only.
    2. Complete 30 day shred and continue doing Vinyasa Yoga Daily.
    3. Eat more Fruits and Veg.
    4. Experiment with Healthy Recipes and have fun with food instead of dreading it!
    5. Have 2 Successful 5:2 Fasts a week.
    6. Lose atleast 5lbs and reach my next goal weight.
    7. Start Insanity on the 30th of March.

    Also just like to say i really like this thread and i wish everyone the best with their March Goals.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    In February I dropped 7lbs & 1 pant size. I started making small active changes to everyday activities (walking more, etc) & dropped to 1 soda per day max.

    In March I hope to drop another 6lbs, eat more raw foods (at least 1 serving daily) & walk 100mi!

    ETA: I'm also payin more attention to my macros this month, as I seem to consistently fall far below on protein
  • itsirkmr
    itsirkmr Posts: 24 Member
    In February I lost 9 pounds, and began exercising. In March, I would like to lose 10 pounds and begin strength training.
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    February goal:
    On February 17, I made a goal to run 20 miles by March 17. I finished all 20 yesterday-2 weeks early.

    March goal:
    -Run 25 miles by March 31
    -Continue the 8 week Run 4 Fat Loss Training program on RUNKEEPER (I am beginning week 2 tomorrow)
    -Just to continue focusing on a better version of myself and enjoy what little time left I have before medical school starts.
  • KristinaB83
    KristinaB83 Posts: 440 Member
    In Feb I lost some pounds and a bunch of inches and started weight lifting! In March I plan to keep on lifting, lose some more weight and, most importantly, get a job!
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I lost my goal weight and am aiming to do it this month, i'm also aiming to come in under my calorie goal by at least 200 calories a day. Not always going to happen but i'll try.