New friends

Hey everyone

Ive always struggled with my weight but ive decided enough is enought im unfit, unhealthy, lack motivation. I need a change I have a goal which is my wedding I dont want to be a big bride. I need to snap out of the comfy eating cut out all the crap and exercise ive done it before I will do it again. Need friends to help me and encourage me on my way please add me


  • carfanman
    carfanman Posts: 271 Member
    welcome to MFP! You will find a great bunch of people here full of ideas, support and tips!
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    Request sent. :smile:
  • alisong69
    alisong69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I know how you feel. In theory it is the easiest thing to do, but reality is a whole different thing. I've been up and down all my adult life. In my forties now and I am not going to accept that I will be overweight forever. I have at least 28lbs to lose. Always the same amount I take off then put on again. It is getting harder though to shift so need to end the cycle, could do with a load of support. I've never posted on the site before but I could relate to your comments.
  • eekp
    eekp Posts: 4 Member
    Fairly new to FitnessPal and making a commitment to being more healthy, active, and making better choices with food. Sometimes easier said than done, right? I take one day at a time, and it's nice to be surrounded by like-minded individuals. Wishing everyone much luck and good wishes.
  • eekp
    eekp Posts: 4 Member
    Just read your post...wanted you to know I'm also in this to be more healthy and fit. I think we can get a lot of encouragement here and help each other out. Sending you good thoughts and motivation!
  • new to MFP and looking for friends
  • feel free to add me......I've been here a long time....just have a different of luck with your goals....:)
  • kamalelwa
    kamalelwa Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me--I love to have someone to share with!!!! I log everyday so expect lots of feedback!!!!
  • Sending an add. I log everyday and looking for more individuals to help me as well on my journey!!