

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hello to all

    Thank you Barbie for your continuing support for our group and keeping us together, great job as always!

    Welcome to all our new ladies great group you will enjoy it and learn so much

    welcome also to the new grandbabies so precious and such a gift ,congradulations to the Gramas

    my goals for march are much the same log food everyday , get my step count up , and move more...
    I did loose 2 lbs last month and hope to do the same in march , have learned from past mistakes to not get ahead of myself
    that leads to disaster slow and steady always works best

    Best wishes to all for a good month with goals met and surpassed if possible

    take care and stay safe in those stormy areas

    Juanita in Sudbury
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Oh my, what do you eat when you just don't feel like eating anything??? I had a light lunch, nothing since and don't feel like eating anything now. I may feel like eating my bedtime snack because that is one of my favorite things of the day but I know 500 calories in't enough for a day.

    Joyce, Indiana

    Joyce, an occasional low calorie day won't hurt you any more than an occasional high calorie day.....don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good....eat your bedtime snack and go to bed with a good book and don't stress
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks Barbie. It's not stress, I'm still nauseated and just have an upset stomach. I don't know if it's the muscle relaxant or not but I just don't feel good.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi D

    My naturopath told me if I wanted to bake and use sugar to use coconut sugar. It is not processed like white sugar. But I haven't got up the courage to bake yet. I have had a muffin or a cookie when visiting, but I don't know if I would have the control to not eat the whole cookie jar. The consequences? A bad headache the next morning and knees that ache all day.

    For those who snack in the evening.... I sit down and have a cup of peppermint tea and read, either on the internet or a magazine. If I really think I can't make it to bedtime I have 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt with blueberries.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,

    Barbie: Thanks for getting us going every month and for the book suggestion. Will see if it's on Audible.com.

    Christschild: Happy Birthday!

    Amanda: What a beautiful baby. Safe travels.

    Teral: Congrats to you, too!

    Good news is that I got the tax workbook mailed out today, so won’t need to carry that goal over to this month. March came in like a lion! Snow, wind and bitter cold temps. Made a spicy chicken and vegetable curry to ward off the chill.
    I’ll be back later with March goals.

    Stay well,

    Rori in Colorado Foothills

    My word for 2014 = Release
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Rori - could I get your spicy chicken and vegetable curry recipe?

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, I have been logging my food everyday but was to sick to get on and check in, 2 weeks ago Hubby got sick and when he went to the doctor he was diagnosed with the flu. The next day I started coughing.:sick: I went to work did orientation for new hires and by the time I was through I was freezing and coughing my head off. Our DON came into my office and took my temp. it was 99.6 so she sent me home and disinfected my office. I left work, went to Ambient Care and was diagnosed with Bronchitis AND the flu. :sick: After DH got better he went to LabCorp and had blood work done for his annual check up. We got the results back and his diabetes is so out of control he is in danger of his kidneys failing. He has agreed to go on diet with me and start exercising. He is off to a good star and is riding the stationary bike each evening and yesterday we joined a gym.:smile:
    one of my goals for February was to lose 4 lbs and I did, even though I had to lose it twice. When I was sick I was drinking juice and ginger ale and I didn't exercise for almost 2 weeks so I gained 3 lbs but lost it gain and ended February with a 16 lb loss since January 1st.
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Going to bed now.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Have a great evening, Rose in frozen Delaware.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    barbie - thank you for keeping us going

    Eileen - I wouldn't THINK there'd be snow, but with this winter, you never can tell. Yesterday Denise called and said "wouldn't it be funny if you were snowed in in Florida?" I wouldn't mind that.

    Last year when we were down here Vince was having trouble breathing, so we went to the ER and they gave him a prescription for an inhaler. Well, last night he said that he felt his chest was tight. He wasn't sure if it was something in the condo or in the air down here. This only started last year. So he slept in the Outlook thinking that if he felt better, he'd know at least it was something in the condo. He just came back up and said he really doesn't know if it's the condo or not, it may take a while to get out of his system. I personally feel that he needs to get out of the condo more. We brought our bowling balls down with us and day before yesterday I asked him if he wanted to go bowling, he said he didn't. Yesterday he sat in the condo all day and watched the race from Phoenix on the TV. I don't mind since i did some of my crafts on the porch. But I was a little surprised that he didn't want to at least go bowling.

    Patricia - welcome. So sorry about your mother. you've come to a great place

    Susan - welcome and congrats on the fantastic weight loss

    Joyce - every year at the end of the season Charlotte Motor Speedway lets you take your car out on the speedway. They're selling that year's merchandise so depending how much money you spend depends on how many laps you can do. I remember the first time Vince did that he thought for sure he was going to slide down one of the turns it was so sharp. If he did, he'd hit another car. Can you imagine reporting THAT to an insurance company? "where did the accident occur"? "oh, on turn four". Somehow i don't think they'd honor that claim.....lol That's funny about your car door.

    katla - love your goal

    christchild - happy birthday. Keeping us in suspense. Now THAT'S mean....lol

    Alison - good for you getting rid of those pants. I remember last year when we had a social, this one gal took almost all the desserts to a homeless shelter. She said that most of the people there were recovering alcoholics and the sweets help them deal with no alcohol

    Amanda - ONLY cloud nine??? I would be on cloud fifty if it were me. Ellie is so adorable. Thanks for sharing

    jaya - welcome. One of the wonderful things about this thread is that we have people from all over.

    yanniejananie - good for you getting that manicure and massage. You do so much for others that you deserve something for yourself. And then out to eat! Sounds delish. Vince and I are only children and we don't mind doing things by ourselves. I think you're right, it probably does have to do with being brought up as an only child. I know that i'm more self-sufficient But that can also be a problem because I tend to want to do things myself rather than letting others help me out. Do you ever find that?

    Lily - welcome. Awesome weight loss

    jb -"park racoons"......ROTF

    jane - at least you know now what you're dealing with for hubby. Hope he gets better fast.

    Well, Vince had been having respiratory problems. He did when we came down here last year so he went to the ER where they gave him a prescription for an inhaler. The same thing happened again this year. As I was coming out of the Crossfit class, I went to get my phone out of my pocketbook and he was calling me. So I came home, changed, gave Loki his med and went to the ER. Seems they're having a bad outbreak of oak pollen down here. And that's what he's sensitive to. Last night he was trying to figure out if he was sensitive to something in the condo or not, so he slept in the Outlook. In retrospect, that was the wrong thing to do. But who knew????

    Did 30 minutes of a yoga DVD that I brought down with me. I honestly thought it was longer. But whatever. Then I went to the Crossfit class. katla - they REALLY scaled things down, and I do mean that they scaled it down. To be honest, I don't feel that I got much of a workout but I can understand why they scaled it down. You don't know if someone who has been excising will come in or someone who has been sitting on the couch. And they don't want to discourage the couchpotato.

    Lois - welcome and congrats on quitting smoking. You'll find lots and lots of great advice here. Stop in often.

    Plano Teral - congrats to grandma

    lhunterq - welcome. you joined just by posting. come back often. You CAN do this, logging each and every bite really helps a lot

    caroldavidson - I don't know of any way to get the posts emailed to you nor do I know of a way to eliminate the smiley faces. Maybe someone does, but as far as I know there's no way.

    Margaret - great bp

    Sandy - awesome NSV. That lady was right, you SHOULD be on a success board. We have one lady in our water aerobics class that I keep telling that she needs to buy a new bathing suit, the one she's wearing is literally hanging off her. I can see the loss and have told her so

    Jill - wonderful NSV. Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I'm looking for ideas -- what are people giving up/doing for Lent? I know that a downfall of mine is eating after late at night, I'm thinking about not eating after either dinner or 8p.m.

    Rori - let me know if "Sugar Fat Salt" is on Audible. That would be wonderful if it was! We get a certain amount of data usage (or something like that) with the MiFi so that's why I'm not going to search right now.

    Michele from NC now in FL but not for long enough
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Oh my, what do you eat when you just don't feel like eating anything??? I had a light lunch, nothing since and don't feel like eating anything now. I may feel like eating my bedtime snack because that is one of my favorite things of the day but I know 500 calories in't enough for a day.

    Joyce, Indiana
    Egglets. :laugh: :devil:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Good morning everyone from overcast Hampshire UK.

    Michele - hope Vince gets help with his allergy. My DH had terrible hayfever from tree pollen every time we went to Southern France in May. It made his life a misery. Not so bad over here.

    Lilymay - if you can't resist cookies you are probably better off not baking them, unless putting them in the freezer would help you. I don't know if this is a possible solution, but you could make the sort where you make a roll of uncooked dough, wrap it up in clingfilm and put it in the freezer. Then, when you want a fresh cookie you slice a bit off the end and bake it. Or you can freeze unbaked dough in balls. They cook from frozen. A little of what you fancy does you good, but not a LOT of what you fancy!:laugh:

    I texted my elder son yesterday as he had not replied to an email I sent last week and when I lurked on his twitter feed he hadn't tweeted for a week. Started to worry ( he is the one who has had severe depression and won the sports coaching awards). Fortunately, he said he was fine and sorry he hadn't replied. He said he would send me a missive! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh: I know I shouldn't worry, but twitter silence is not usually a good sign.:wink::tongue:

    DH'S sister and 2 children, plus the grandchild who may have ASD are all off to NYC today for five days. I don't envy them the plane journey with the child! ! ! ! ! :noway: The sister's boyfriend has wisely decided not to accompany them! I will be interested to hesr how they get on as I am going on 30th Sept. I think they chose NYC because DH'S niece has been able to use a company apartment. We will be in a hotel, which is not my favourite thing, but we are arriving in the evening and I just felt it was a bit easier. In Rome we ended up cooking most of our meals in the apartment as the food in the restaurants was so carb heavy.

    I'm still doing well on the exercise front, clocking up 500+ cals a day. Yesterday, because of my late lunch, I ate well under. Today I have 3lbs of beef mince to cook. 1 lb I will make into a chilli and have some with cabbage and 2 lbs will be an Italian ragu. I add chicken livers to the mix, which makes it lovely and rich. Not much tomato. I just love having lots of pots of deliciousness in the freezer!:love: One way to eat it is with "cauliflower rice ". Blitz cauliflower florets in the processor until they look like breadcrumbs, season as desired and I just microwave it for a couple of minutes or less. Roasted ccauliflower is also very good. Spray some aluminium foil on a baking tray. Slice cauliflower florets and lay them on the sheet. Sprinkle with lemon juice and any herbs or spices you like, I like paprika and zatar, then roast on highish heat for 15 - 20 minutes until the edges char a bit. Goes great with chilli etc.

    My cleaner has had to change her day next week as she has been given a ticket to Crufts. Do you doggy people know it? She is soooooo excited! By the way, my cleaner has 2 dogs, two horses, chickens and a Range Rover. She works to keep them fed! Does anyone know why, when her Range Rover is parked outside our front door, about 7 yards from the modem, the wifi connection to our devices goes off. It is a normal landline modem. No other car does this and when she comes in her van it doesn't happen. A mystery! We thought it was really spooky for a while until we worked out it was the car.:noway: :huh: Any technical folks among you know why it happens? ? ? ?

    Bye for now. Not sure if my cystitis is better or not. Still getting the odd niggle.

    Love Heather in dreary Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Lilymay - if you can't resist cookies you are probably better off not baking them, unless putting them in the freezer would help you. I don't know if this is a possible solution, but you could make the sort where you make a roll of uncooked dough, wrap it up in clingfilm and put it in the freezer. Then, when you want a fresh cookie you slice a bit off the end and bake it. Or you can freeze unbaked dough in balls. They cook from frozen. A little of what you fancy does you good, but not a LOT of what you fancy!:laugh:
    Unless Lilymay likes the dough as much as the cookies, like me. :laugh:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Does anyone know why, when her Range Rover is parked outside our front door, about 7 yards from the modem, the wifi connection to our devices goes off. It is a normal landline modem. No other car does this and when she comes in her van it doesn't happen. A mystery! We thought it was really spooky for a while until we worked out it was the car.:noway: :huh: Any technical folks among you know why it happens? ? ? ?

    Love Heather in dreary Hampshire UK
    What do you mean exactly, the wifi connection to your devices goes off? You mean the wifi doesn't work anymore?
    At first I thought she might have a handsfree carkit that's interfering, but that shouldn't be the case if the car is turned off. Weird.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Yes, Cynthia,
    The lights on the modem are on as normal, but our devices say no connection. We thought it could be all kinds of things, but it is definitely that one car and it is not running.:noway: :huh:

    Frozen unbaked dough! Oooooohhhhh no! Though I do have a friend who said she used to get up in the night to gnaw on frozen cakes!:laugh: :noway: :drinker:
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Happy March everyone!

    Just a quick post to mark my spot.

    About to go out join our monthly Doodle Dash on Cannock Chase! Labradoodles of all shapes, sizes and colours meet up with their humans and have a great time racing around together! People drive for around an hour to join us on the Chase which is a fantastic area of natural beauty just outside of the town where I live. I'm amazed at from how far way people will come to visit it when it's almost on our doorstep and we take it for granted! It's one of my favourite places.

    So getting togged up with waterproofs and boots on - weather forecast isn't too good but the sun is shining at the moment - so hopefully the bad weather will arrive as we leave rather than as we arrive.

    Hopefully Spring is around the corner, lighter nights by the end of the month too, and we can get out on the Chase more often!

    Enjoy your week MA in UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies

    LizPlus :smile: A wonderful goal to work on for this summer Liz! I love walking outside, maybe hubby could go with you and you would be less nervous!

    DeeDeeLHF :smile: I’ve cut my computer time down by a lot, I just don’t have the time anymore!

    Katla :smile: Sounds like DH is determined to get an RV!

    Beth :smile: Very good goals!

    Pat in Ohio :smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: !!! Stay safe in the storm, I hope it’s the last one too!!!

    Sue in SD :smile: Congrats on getting to your step goal!!!

    Jane Martin :smile: So glad your daughter is feeling back to normal now!!! Hope you and hubby will be that way soon:flowerforyou: !

    Sandi :smile: One day at a time works!!!

    Lily :smile: Welcome! Sounds very cold, don’t think I would be going out either! Goals look good!

    Teral :smile: February is not my favorite month either, I`m always ready for March!!! Congrats on your new granddaughter:flowerforyou: !!!

    Heather :smile: Sounds like you had a busy morning! Cauliflower rice sounds good, I might give that a try, I like roasted cauliflower, haven`t sprinkled them with lemon juice though, that sounds really good! Glad your son is okay, we do worry about our kids!

    Jb :smile: “Park raccoons”:laugh: ! Hope you had a fun time last night!

    Margaret :smile: I love Dr. Seuss too!!! I think I can recite several books! Congrats on your Feb. goals!!!

    Sandy in ON :smile: What an awesome NSV!!!! I would have been smiling all day too:bigsmile: !!!

    Jill :smile: Fantastic NSV!!!

    Sylvia :smile: That storm sounds nasty…stay safe!!! Having fun with the grandkids can sometimes be a workout in itself!!! I've played tag, hula hooped, hopscotch, etc. etc…..good workout. We get a good laugh at me hula hooping too:laugh: , not nearly as good as I used to be!

    Renny :smile: I wish for a new look in March too! Dedication and hard work!

    Barbie :smile: I will have to get that book, sounds like something I would like to read!

    Juanita :smile: Congrats on getting those 2 pounds gone:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Joyce :smile: Don’t force yourself to eat if you feel nauseated! Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: !

    Rori :smile: Yay for getting the tax stuff in the mail, I plan on having mine in the mail this week:bigsmile: ! Spicy chicken and veggie curry sounds delish!

    Rose :smile: Glad hubby is joining you in the weight loss! Hope he will get things turned around!!! Hope the two of you are feeling better now:flowerforyou: !

    Michele :smile: Hope Vince is feeling better:flowerforyou: ! At least you know it`s oak pollen that’s the culprit! It`s going to be cold this week, I would stay in FL another week:glasses: !!!

    MA :smile: Doodle Dash sounds like a fun time!!!

    I had a wonderful unexpected lunch and shopping trip with my daughter yesterday:love: , it was nice just the two of us! Normally my granddaughters are with us and they demand my attention. They were at SciWorks with friends for the day, so it was perfect for us all! I ended giving my sassy new cowboy boots to my daughter, they just looked so cute on her with her size 2 skinny jeans! She can actually rock them so much better than I can!
    I`m about ready to go boss the boys this morning:bigsmile: ! It`s supposed to be a beautiful day today, 67 degrees, then the nasty cold and rain/sleet/snow stuff is coming to visit us for the week:sad: !

    Have a wonderful Sunday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yes, Cynthia,
    The lights on the modem are on as normal, but our devices say no connection. We thought it could be all kinds of things, but it is definitely that one car and it is not running.:noway: :huh:
    Very strange. If I think of anything I'll let you know. Can the car be blocking the sight line to the GSM mast? Hardly seems possible, though.
    Frozen unbaked dough! Oooooohhhhh no! Though I do have a friend who said she used to get up in the night to gnaw on frozen cakes!:laugh: :noway: :drinker:
    Well, if you think this is strange you've obviously never had Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream! :tongue:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Did any of you UK ladies see the northern lights the other night? I saw it on the news and it was spectacular. They said it was more colorful than usual because of solar flares. I remember seeing northern lights once when I was little, out on my grandparents farm in Kansas.

    We had sleet with thunder and lightning last night. It's snowing now, and 10 degrees F. So far there's no ice on the trees. We are staying in today.

    DeeDee in NC, I used to love hula hooping when I was young, but have not found one recently that is big enough for me. There are videos on YouTube on how to make your own from irrigation tubing. Some day I might do that.

    MA, that Doodle Dash sounds like real fun! I love labradoodles. Tell us about yours!

    My grandkids went to their other grandparents house yesterday and are supposed to come back today. I just hope the weather doesn't prevent their return trip or make it hazardous. I will be on edge till I hear they are home safe.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I have been good up until now,
    I feel something coming on,just exsausted:grumble: , did get up early and go grocery shopping, i did pretty well, bought what was on the list, and no junk... got some fresh fruit..pears, strawerries, apples,grapes, got bagged salads, and my wonderful rye wraps...
    Sandy- they are made by the La Tortilla Factory , and they are made with rye ,olive oil and are low in sodium, they arent the chintzy little ones either and only 90 calories,
    what I do is take the bagged salad and put some in a wrap and have that for lunch, filling and under 200 calories,
    breakfast somethimes I do, pb2 (powdered peanut butter) mixed of course and sliced banana on a a wrap..yummy.
    I did buy plain no fat greek yogurt and will chuck fruit in there for breakfast too..
    Jill - I hope we dont get alot of snow I am not in the mood..
    going to make Tom a pumpkin pie later on , and making turkey breast and stuffing for dinner, me I will not eat the stuffing..
    i bought myself -Premier Protein chocolate shakes, snack size -100 calories, and i grabbed one when I went out the door this morning, and it did a pretty good job of filling me up...
    well laundry is in the washer, will take care of that, and sorta lay low today..
    I am wondering if it could be allergies,I dont know if the tree's are starting to bud yet, but that usually has me sniffling and sneezing, already started the flonase just to combat it..
  • CPAmommy
    CPAmommy Posts: 15 Member
    hello I would like to join you girls :blushing:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    crazy busy day ahead... but did get my walk in - I'll read and catch up later - the time difference makes things interesting!

    CPAmommy - join us! I have only been here 2 weeks, but everyone is really nice!

    Kim in N. CA