Has anyone switched to shopping for food online?

Most of my problems stem from my not being able to resist temptation at the grocery store.

But I love shopping at the grocery store so I haven't made this switch.

Anyone tried this? Did it help you to not be tempted to buy chips/ lollies/ chocolates etc?


  • hf91
    hf91 Posts: 23
    I have friends who use a "gofer" service that will do your grocery shopping for you and deliver it. I don't know if that's something available to you in your area but that way you give out your list and have no worries about resisting temptation at the store. I haven't personally used online shopping for food but I think you could give it try once and see how you like the experience before committing fully to switching.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Yes and yes!

    I've been ordering my groceries online for over a year now and it's been awesome! It's much harder to just "browse" the aisles so you wind up just searching for exactly what you need. It's helped to save me money and keep me from temptation! :)
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,251 Member
    I tried it a few years back, mainly to get them to lug tins of cat food home for me [no car at the time]

    I am not one to be tempted by snacks anyway, so that was never a problem

    What I found was "substitution" of unwanted item, like margerine for butter for instance, or items on "use by date" the following day

    Always replaced / refunded but not the point

    I also missed not being able to pick & choose my fresh veg / fruit /meat to get just what I wanted & not first pack the picker found at front of shelf

    Now I trundle round shop and get what I want in quantity I want, plus the odd reduced for quick sale item
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Well, you burn calories pushing a cart for 30 minutes in a grocery store, so it would be counter-productive to order online I think (especially if you're like me and keep having to cross the store because you forgot something).

    The key for me is to go after eating, so I'm not hungry and have less cravings. And it's much easier for me not to buy the stuff than not to eat it at home. Plan healthy meals you like. Make a list... stick to the list. Avoid the candy and cookies aisle.

    Honestly though I have cookies, ice cream and chocolate at home (I have kids and a husband who isn't 'on a diet') all the time so I guess it's a bit different.
  • FJDodd
    FJDodd Posts: 140 Member
    I shop online for a lot of things. Eggs, Milk, Bread, and other items that have short shelf lives being the exception. It is nice to be able to compare things on the nutrition panels at leisure and not worry about blocking aisles. Also, it keeps me from the impulse shopping. I still go to the market for fresh produce items, and since I am only going for a short list of specific items, I find I am more disciplined about putting unnecessary items in my cart.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Well, you burn calories pushing a cart for 30 minutes in a grocery store, so it would be counter-productive to order online I think (especially if you're like me and keep having to cross the store because you forgot something).

    What if you order them online on your phone while on the treadmill jogging with 50lbs of plates in a backpack?

    ETA: I buy a lot of my groceries online but not a ton. I would love to though. I hate grocery shopping. That 30 calories extra I burn while walking around a grocery store is negligible anyway.
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 75 Member
    Hi. I've lurked these forums for a LONG time and this is my first post. I kinda do the "shop groceries online" thing in one way: I have my milk and eggs delivered from Oberweis Dairy. Why? Because it costs me $2.99 a week and I not only never run out of these, but I ALSO don't go to the grocery and buy $30 more of everything else but what I went in there for, e.g. milk and eggs. When I do shop, it's with a list and NOT when I'm hungry. Works for me. :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Hi. I've lurked these forums for a LONG time and this is my first post. I kinda do the "shop groceries online" thing in one way: I have my milk and eggs delivered from Oberweis Dairy. Why? Because it costs me $2.99 a week and I not only never run out of these, but I ALSO don't go to the grocery and buy $30 more of everything else but what I went in there for, e.g. milk and eggs. When I do shop, it's with a list and NOT when I'm hungry. Works for me. :smile:

    I love Oberweis Dairy products. The best and delivered in glass jugs.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Definately shop online. Write out a meal plan for the week then shop from h ome.
    It works out alot cheaper as you dont see any of the extra stuff. ( not just junk food but "spcials" tht arn't all tht special.)

    We do walk to the greengrocer once a week. O pick up fresh fruit and veg too.