My computer is making me fat!

Sailor1952 Posts: 6
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Seriously. It controls all of my time, makes me avoid exercising like the plague and causes me make bad food choices. But I have to earn a living with the darned thing, so the computer and I are going on a new exercise and fitness regime.

My computer found for me and it will enable me to track my efforts and changes. It's even going to help me exercise more. A lot more. A whole lot! Cause that's the key for me, I believe ... to get up off my "portable notebook computer platform" (otherwise known as my butt) and get moving.

Food isn't as big an issue for me. I work at eating healthier and I don't consume large portions. But I do seek better balance in my diet. I might even try those things called "fruits" and "vegetables!"

So, wish me luck and feel free to help me keep my chin up and my "portable notebook computer platform" down!


  • Seriously. It controls all of my time, makes me avoid exercising like the plague and causes me make bad food choices. But I have to earn a living with the darned thing, so the computer and I are going on a new exercise and fitness regime.

    My computer found for me and it will enable me to track my efforts and changes. It's even going to help me exercise more. A lot more. A whole lot! Cause that's the key for me, I believe ... to get up off my "portable notebook computer platform" (otherwise known as my butt) and get moving.

    Food isn't as big an issue for me. I work at eating healthier and I don't consume large portions. But I do seek better balance in my diet. I might even try those things called "fruits" and "vegetables!"

    So, wish me luck and feel free to help me keep my chin up and my "portable notebook computer platform" down!
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    good luck sailor!
    its hard to start off with but gets easier in time
    welcome to the mfp family!:flowerforyou:
  • Good luck!!!! :happy:
    I am always on my comp so...I understand what you mean. :embarassed:
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:
  • 150lbs2go
    150lbs2go Posts: 104
    Haha! Mine is too! I could look up diet after diet on this computer but I still am fat! haha and I wonder why! Jeez, good luck to you and those fruits and veggies :tongue:
  • MrPilon
    MrPilon Posts: 12
    Lol stay away from facebook!! that site will turn you into a zombie! lol
  • tanzmamma
    tanzmamma Posts: 368 Member
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Ha! Yeah, being an IT Manager, I feel your pain. Basically, you gotta eat a balanced diet, and get up and walk around every hour or so. Add to that a regular (3 times a week or more) 1/2 hour to 1 hour of exercise and you should be good to go.

    Good luck Sailor!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    In case you can't tell from the photo and didn't see it in the news recently, that is a treadmill desk. I have no coordination, however, and would do a face plant if trying to type and walk at the same time :laugh:
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Welcome & good luck to you!:flowerforyou:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    In case you can't tell from the photo and didn't see it in the news recently, that is a treadmill desk. I have no coordination, however, and would do a face plant if trying to type and walk at the same time :laugh:

    OMG!!! I am with you, I'd have roadrash on my face.
    I saw on an earlier thread where people are using exercise balls for computer charis for core training. Seriously thinking about that (for home though, I doubt my office would allow me to do it seeing as I can't walk to the copier without running into something)
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I use to have the same problem...and although it seems like I am here all day...already this AM I have...

    Fed two kids, taken the dog for a walk, done the dishes, switched out the laundry, kicked my DH out the door after making his lunch and a pot of coffee, reorganized my closet (because as I was kicking DH out the door I realized when I looked at the shoes I left in FRONT of the door...I had two different black ones on all day yesterday...:laugh: ), I cleaned the living room, scrubbed my bathroom down, sorted through a stack of papers, and watched Good Morning America...and answered 100000 different questions about nothing me or my kids will ever care or remember. LOL

    Anyway, I did also find this for you...Here ya go!!!

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Not to hijack your introduction thread Sailor.....


    ... I've been debating asking my boss if I could bring in an exercise ball for a chair. I'm afraid I'll look like a dummy though!!

    I guess to tie that in, have you thought about an exercise ball for a chair, Sailor? :smile:
  • tacoman
    tacoman Posts: 40
    Good Luck,

    One day at a time. I spend a lot of time in front of my computer for my job as well and my solutions have been I try to get a round of golf in weekly prior to work and I use my lunch hour for a little cardio.
    It has not been easy but I take it one day at a time.

  • Actually, I DID see that story. It was my inspiration.

    What I did was add a shelf to my treadmill so I could place my computer on the tread and work while I walk. It IS a little tricky, but I can hold onto the tread and use the track pad. If I have to type I can step onto the side-rails for a moment.

    I am also experimenting with voice recognition software, which I bought yesterday. This morning I composed several email replies while walking 32 minutes! I'll let you know if my bronco bucks me off, though!
  • Great idea but it wouldn't work for me. Osteo arthritis in my lower back! Even the 30 minute walk kicks up a lower back throb! But I intend to "play with pain" to meet my goals.
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    As long as your computer isn't interrupting your personal life or your sleep, you should be fine. :laugh:

  • This should be my next goal ... computing as i sleep! Who needs people?

    (Gulp! Did I actually say that?)
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    mine would if I let it too! Well done for deciding to do something about it and joining us :smile: you might even get to like the fruit and veg.
    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • Just eating some fruits and veggies would be a minor miracle ... I mean major victory!

    But liking them? I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. We're talking about a lifelong aversion to healthy eating, here!

    But I want to be healthy so I'm giving it a whirl. I think I'll try a salad for dinner tonight ... I hear they're quite good. (OK, just kidding. I DO eat salads. Sometimes)
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