Bruised tailbone...and training for half marathon...OUCH!!

Anyone out there fallen and "bruised"/"sprained" your tailbone?? They did x-rays and said it is not broken, so I guess that is good, but it has been two weeks and still hurts a great deal. I am just wondering how long recovery may take and when I can expect to try to get back into my running routine. I was doing really well training for my first half marathon, which is on January 23, but have not been able to do anything now for two weeks. I am still hopeful that I will be able to do it, even if I have to walk most of it. I am hoping to try using the elliptical this week, as that will not have the jarring impact of running...any other ideas for how to still train for a half marathon??


  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    Oh, oh, oh! :frown: I fell on the stairs in February and broke my tialbone :sick: I was out of work for almost a month! It still hurts when I sit wrong, but it's more of a crampy/stiff pain than a sharp pain. I would bet that you'll be okay for your marathon, but it does take a while to heal and you'll feel it! Sorry for you
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Get in the pool...if you have that option. Pool running is low impact and it is running ;)
  • Amanda141982
    I don't know much about your tailbone problem but I wanted to encourage you to keep on trying to do the half marathon. I just finished my first yesterday and it was amazing! I had multiple setbacks (my mom getting cancer, my training schedule being wrong, semi-breaking my little toe the night before) but I am so glad I kept at it. Of course take care of yourself health-wise.... but if it's possible then go for the race--- the adrenaline is incredible!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Get in the pool...if you have that option. Pool running is low impact and it is running ;)

    I have a pool, but eventhough I live in San Diego, CA, it is too cold this time of year. There is a heated pool at the gym, but it is still outdoors. I need to stop wimping out and give it a try, as it would be a good option. thanks!!
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    I don't know much about your tailbone problem but I wanted to encourage you to keep on trying to do the half marathon. I just finished my first yesterday and it was amazing! I had multiple setbacks (my mom getting cancer, my training schedule being wrong, semi-breaking my little toe the night before) but I am so glad I kept at it. Of course take care of yourself health-wise.... but if it's possible then go for the race--- the adrenaline is incredible!

    Amanda - Congrats on your half and thank you for the encouragement!! I am definitely still trying to stay determined to do it no matter what!! There is a 4 hour time limit, but I figured I can still mostly walk it in that amount of time if needed. How did you do?? Thanks again for the support!!
  • Amanda141982
    I finished in 2 hours and 33 minutes- I ran faster than I thought I would and it was awesome! I felt like crap the day after but I was fine the next day. All together it felt so awesome just crossing that finish line and knowing everything that had been endured to get to that point. Good luck with your training!!! There were people walking at the race I went to... I kept on telling myself, "the tortoise wins the race".