I really just need friends...

Hi, I'm begging for friends.

Just kidding.


I feel like I drifted away from MFP when my friends on here started taking breaks, or I stopped communicating. Of course, I'm to blame for regaining some of my weight, and I'm to blame for not taking my diet/exercise seriously.

That all ends right now. Right this second. Not tomorrow, not later in the week. Right now.

I put a HRM on hold in a shop, and I'm joining a gym in the morning. I registered for hot pilates, and a total body conditioning class tomorrow and my friend is going with me. I cannot wait to have sore muscles while I walk up and down stairs on Tuesday!

I would LOVE to have some active friends on here who will help encourage and motivate me to be the best me possible! :)


  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    Hi! Wow sounds like you are seriously hitting the exercise!! Good luck on your mission. I'm pretty active - power plates x3 per week and try to walk at least 4.5 miles a day and just about to start couch to 5 k. Also I do daily yoga but don't log it as I really don't think little 15 minute bursts in the morning and evening should really give me extra kcals? Please feel free to add me :)
  • Goldensun2014
    Goldensun2014 Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log every day and love connecting with new mfp friends for support and encouragement.
  • Amy4President
    Amy4President Posts: 165 Member
    I hear you! Friend request sent :)
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I've sent you a request. I'm on here everyday! :)
  • jenny181111
    jenny181111 Posts: 163 Member
    feel free to add me :) its awesome to have support
  • Feel free to add me! I have been logging in every day.
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Add me if you want :) I'm on almost everyday I could do with some motivation too !
  • floatingaway15
    floatingaway15 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm also looking for friends to help keep me motivated! Feel free to add me if you want, and also anyone that has posted on this thread :D
  • wpanderson
    wpanderson Posts: 194
    Feel free to add me! I log and exercise daily! It's great you're getting back on track! :)
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me!
    I am working at a life style change, I work at this every day. Well most days. Some days are better than others. I am making more of them better and better choices.
  • Jaydec70
    Jaydec70 Posts: 63 Member
    We all need friends. I'll send a request.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I need more friends, too! :smile: FR sent.
  • Goldensun2014
    Goldensun2014 Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log in daily :)
  • Vonikins
    Vonikins Posts: 56 Member
    I am also working through a C25K program. Walk/jogged my first 5k last month and have a 5k booked for every month through the fall this year. I'm a daily logger because I enjoy analyzing the progress. We all need friends and I would be happy to be part of your cheering section. I have been far more accountable in the last month now that I"ve been growing some active MFP friends and I know the value of a broad group of friends.
  • rebdot
    rebdot Posts: 5 Member
    Me too. I need to feel like someone else is in this with me. Friend request sent
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I'm pretty active - power plates x3 per week and try to walk at least 4.5 miles a day and just about to start couch to 5 k. Also I do daily yoga but don't log it as I really don't think little 15 minute bursts in the morning and evening should really give me extra kcals?

    I love yoga soo much! It doesn't burn too many calories, but it's good for the soul, and sometimes we need that. :)
    I'm also taking hot pilates tonight, SO nervous because I've only ever taken hot yoga! Hopefully I don't die! :D
    Feel free to add me!
    I am working at a life style change, I work at this every day. Well most days. Some days are better than others. I am making more of them better and better choices.

    That's what's the most important! A LIFESTYLE change! Not a diet!! xx
    I am also working through a C25K program. Walk/jogged my first 5k last month and have a 5k booked for every month through the fall this year. I'm a daily logger because I enjoy analyzing the progress. We all need friends and I would be happy to be part of your cheering section. I have been far more accountable in the last month now that I"ve been growing some active MFP friends and I know the value of a broad group of friends.

    I started the c25k program, but I got soooo bored with it and just kinda did my own thing, I ran a couple 5k's but I stopped running after a while. BUT, I'm running one on my birthday, which is next month! :)
    I used to log like obsessively, but I just kinda fell off the wagon, but I'm ready to start again. ...my pants not fitting definitely helped!
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 220 Member
    Add me! :)