Where to start?

I know I am morbidly obese, this is no surprise to me; I have been for as long as I can remember...not that this makes it ok, on the contrary. Today was a scary day, I thought I was having a heart attack! I sat after lunch and had this absolute horrible pain in my check and was unable to breath for a good 7 minutes and it is still extremely sore hours after.
I have been wanting to lose weight for a long time and would lose 10 lbs and gain them back all the time, now I am thinking it is time for me to get it straight.
The eating is a problem but I can work with it, the real problem is the exercise! I have never really exercised and I don't even know where to start. I have had major problems with my back since high school so there are a lot of things that I start trying to do but end up not being able to follow thru and finish because it just hurts so bad to do (i.e., kettle bell, sit ups).
Does anyone know any good things to get me started that is easy for beginners and easy on my back and hips?


  • deadyankee
    Walking or swimming. They will help but it's controlling your intake of food that will make 80% + of any difference to your life
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Start by doing what you like to do. If a 30 minute walk hurts you, you could just do 2 ten minute walks or 2 five minute walks. I had some limitations last year so I just kept doing things I could do. Some days it was just stretching or physiotherapy exercises, other days it was park further away from the store or take the stairs. I managed to do some resistance exercises like squats and therapy band exercises but only on those days that I could. I lost weight last year from eating at a calorie deficit.
  • jackieg218
    jackieg218 Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome... And you CAN do this! Last year I had gotten pretty sick and had to have several large masses removed from my pelvis and ultimately had to have the last 9 inches of my intestine removed because it ruptured. I really wanted to change my life at that point.. I was obese and hurt all the time, I "thought" I was healthy even though I was so over weight... I was done lying to myself and made the decision to lose weight.

    I started walking ( along with counting calories ) but I moved.. I walked. I remember my 1 st walk was around the block and I got so winded... My legs felt like they were on fire... But I did it again the next day.. After a week, I added another 1/2 block and week by week just kept adding. I got to 5 miles and it doesn't wind me and it's easy to do.

    I dropped 70 lb last year just by walking and calorie counting.
    I got lazy and stopped to here I am again to drop the 12 I gained. But it was a great lesson... I learned that I simply can't get lazy again or they weight can come back..

    Congrats on your choice of health... You totally can so this... Step by step. Don't think you need to be running a 5k or lifting tons on weight... Just move to start with. But make it fun, walk with a friend, listen to some music or an audio book, don't make a chore of it... You will soon find you actually look forward to the walks and the time that you know your repairing yourself.
