Postcard Challenge 12!!! Starting 11/18/10



  • storybookcreator
    and the winner is???
  • JuliaRose73
    We have some winners!!!!

    MrsSeaShell221 - with the highest numbers of pounds lost.... 6.4!!!

    BkrBabe57 - with the highest percentage rate of 3.11%!!!!

    While we started off with 22, we ended with 13! However, we did manage to loose 38.8 pounds between us! So congratulations to everyone that hung in there during the Thanksgiving Holiday!

    Name Starting Weight Ending Weight Difference %
    inskydiamonds 187.6 ~ 185.6 ~ 2 ~ 1.07%
    juliarose73 253.8 ~ 251.4 ~ 2.4 ~ 0.95%
    drew531 360 ~ 360 ~ 0 ~ 0.00%
    looby1968 204 ~ 199.5 ~ 4.5 ~ 2.21%
    agirlfromminnesota 281.6 ~ 276.4 ~ 5.2 ~ 1.85%
    oldbat61 177.6 ~ 176.6 ~ 1 ~ 0.56%
    timbotina 172 ~ 171 ~ 1 ~ 0.58%
    bohochick 167 ~ 162 ~ 5 ~ 2.99%
    storybookcreator 158 ~ 158.5 ~ -0.5 ~ -0.32%
    mrsseashell 221 ~ 214.6 ~ 6.4 ~ 2.90%
    jennili7 158.2 ~ 156.2 ~ 2 ~ 1.26%
    beanie242 174.6 ~ 170.8 ~ 3.8 ~ 2.18%
    bkrbabe57 193 ~ 187 ~ 6 ~ 3.11%
    GRAND TOTALS 2708.4 ~ 2669.6 ~ 38.8 Total Pounds lost
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Yay! Congratulations to everyone and I can't wait for the next round to start!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Yay! Congratulations to everyone and I can't wait for the next round to start!

    Yes, congrats to everyone! And i'm looking out for the next one!!!

    When the challenge is posted, can peeps post the thread in their profiles so we all know about it??
  • MrsSeaShell
    Thanks! I will start the next Challenge on the 13th so we stay accountable through out the holidays and I plan on posting daily challenges to motivate and help us all loose some pounds!
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    Yay looking forward to the new challenge :)
  • MrsSeaShell
    Postcard Challenge 13 is up!!!!!!!!

    Here's the link:::::::::::;;

    Come join and drop some pounds!!!!!!