This is not my first rodeo on MFP. I have been on here so many times in the past trying to lose weight. I have a hard time losing. No matter what I do I just can't seem to lose enough. I am starting this again tomorrow for the final time. My goal is to lose it for good this time. I need support and friends to assist me in getting there. THANKS!


  • LA_mummy
    LA_mummy Posts: 4
    I have the same problem as you do! Hopefully we can encourage eachother
  • lsb583
    lsb583 Posts: 1
    i have. and i am scared that i cant do it again.
  • Artemisia7
    Same here :) I just signed up because I am always starting... But then just don't have time, or I am too tired or something... And then I just forget about it... And then start again. This time I came here to find workout buddy to support and encourage each other. I am not really into some dieting, more into workout. But I will try to eat healthy too.
    We can do it! ;)
  • 6Vampire6Kitten6
    6Vampire6Kitten6 Posts: 3 Member
    Same here.I just started with "myfitnesspal" but I have tried many times before with other apps or websites or written food diaries.I just can't seem to commit to my efforts long enough.I have about 10 kilos to lose(but even if I slim down without any change on the scale I will still be happy) and I feel dissapointed if I don't see results for the first few months.I hope I can stick to it this time.
  • wordsandmusic51
    wordsandmusic51 Posts: 126 Member
    Been there, this time, lets make it the LAST time! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • wolfie209
    wolfie209 Posts: 11
    I was just writing this same thing in my blog. I realized I started this 2010 and still am here with the same doubts, fears, discouragements, and excuses. This can be done! I don't have support and I think that might help. I am glad this is on mobile now because now maybe I can't walk away so easily. I have 100 lbs to loose and I would love for this to be my last starting over! I am with ya girl! :happy:
  • chase6470
    chase6470 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with ya - however one big change is I stopped drinking alcohol. I have about 100lbs to lose and that has made a big difference. I'm now down about 8 pounds in a week (granted, I've been keeping to about 1500 calories a day give or take), but this feels like a different change. A good change.
  • mandyD80
    mandyD80 Posts: 4
    I hear ya 100% on this one...and its so discouraging! Im tired of starting over but my long term determination is not there :( Im feeling very frustrated and like its the impossible task lately !
  • vivre17
    vivre17 Posts: 28
    I've dieted sooo much in the past, but those were always temporary. This is my first go at an honest lifestyle change:)
  • Makai18
    Makai18 Posts: 5 Member
    this is me. This is my third different account on MFP. Lost it successfully once about 2 years ago. Maintained it for about half a year, and spent the remaining time gaining it all back. Never stopped working out though, just not as hard or as much..and evidently my accountability with eating fell through. Anyone in the same boat, feel free to add me. I need to be pestered if I don't log and if I'm not honest!
  • Having lost 40 pounds way too quickly, gained 85 back, and then lost 35... Yeeeaaahh :/
    I just joined this site, today, though. Newwwb
  • bobbijarrell
    I am not sure why I can't stick to a diet. I end up starting over many times.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    I've honestly lost count of how many times I've started over. Each time I lose about 30-40lbs and then fall off the wagon, gain most if not all of it back, and then crawl back to MFP. It's a vicious cycle I'm hoping to break this time around.