Struggling to start working out

I'm about to embark on a 12 week body transformation challenge that involves eating well and daily workouts consisting of alternating cardio and weight training days. I've recently signed up at my local pool and have a program to follow to get me swimming again. However, I'm really struggling to even start the program. I joined to pool 3 weeks ago and haven't been once. I planned to get up early this morning but turned my alarm off without even thinking about it and ended up sleeping in for an hour.

I try so hard to prepare myself for the day ahead. I had lay out my workout gear, prepare breakfast the night before, and get everything ready for when I would get out of bed, get out the door and get into the pool. I've set the goals, I've written my planned workouts on a calendar, I've purchased all the gear I need, I've read countless books and forums about how good exercise is for you and I remember how great I felt when I was fit (before I had somewhat of a nervous breakdown last year). All I have to do is turn up and I'm struggling to do even that. The most I can seem to manage right now is going for a walk a couple of times a week.

Recently I have struggled with panic attacks and depression, and one month ago I was put on anti-depressants. Since starting the medication I have struggled to do anything physical. I'm also seeing a therapist but haven't had a chance to discuss this in detail. She simply says don't pressure myself and walking is enough. The thing is, I WANT to do more, I just don't know how to start.

Any suggestions? It's frustrating because I want to work out, I know it's good for me and I enjoy it once I'm there, but the doubts and lack of self esteem always seem to win me over. I'm really good at talking myself out of working out, so how do I talk myself INTO it?


  • heikejacob4
    heikejacob4 Posts: 38 Member
    I would suggest finding a workout buddy, because you won't want to stand them up. Plus a little healthy competition never hurts!
  • KeshiaBeard
    Any tips on how to go about this? I'm new to our area and don't know anybody close by... my partner is the only person I know in the area but he isn't interested in any of the exercise that I enjoy.
  • kjones1709
    kjones1709 Posts: 5 Member
    For me, getting to the gym is the hardest part. Lol. I agree that you should find a workout buddy! I've found that when I had one I was 100x more likely to work out and work out harder. It helps to have that motivation and knowing that you and someone else are working towards similar, if not the same, goals. If you can't find one, I wouldn't mind messaging you on here to give you a little boost! = )
    Just make sure you don't give up on yourself!
  • KeshiaBeard
    Thanks, I wish I had someone that I could team up with, unfortunately I just don't know anyone in the area...
  • niqu11
    niqu11 Posts: 84 Member
    Maybe your therapist is right about not putting too much pressure on yourself. Perhaps you can set small goals- instead of planning a big workout, promise yourself that you're going to go to the gym or the pool and work out for 15 or 20 minutes (or some other attainable time frame.) Usually on days I don't feel like working out by the time I'm 10 minutes in the adrenaline starts flowing and suddenly I've gotten an hour in. And the exercise will undoubtedly help the other issues going on, definitely a natural mood booster! Be sure to friend people here on MFP and check the newsfeed daily to be inspired by others. It might be hard to find an accountability partner in your new town, but there are plenty online! Good luck!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Thanks, I wish I had someone that I could team up with, unfortunately I just don't know anyone in the area...

    Maybe you could check with the pool program and see if they can hook you up with someone. Maybe they could introduce you to others that are doing workouts at the pool. It is hard...I have moved a few times in the last several years and it can be difficult getting to know someone.

    Sadly there are probably others sitting at home wishing they had a workout partner...if we could just figure out a way to get them all together!

    Good luck...remember to be kind to yourself.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    From what I've found, baby steps is the best way.

    I have a social phobia and going somewhere new is more than enough to bring on an anxiety attack without proper planning.

    As much as I like the idea, gyms at the moment are just not an option - but I'm working on it.

    To begin with, I started a walking group for parents at my kid's school, and two other mum's and I still walk together 1-2 times a week for 30-40 minutes around the oval while the kids play.

    Then, I started working out at home. Small things first - Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred takes 20 minutes and was a really good way to slowly get used to the idea of exercising again after so many years. I also took more than 30 days to do it lol

    And I slowly added more. I moved onto JM's Ripped in 30 and took a couple of months working through that. Everything just gradual and moving forward in tiny baby steps.

    I like working out at home now. It's quiet (I do it while the kids are asleep or I fit it into my work schedule while they are at school - I run my own business, so I have that luxury) and I can go at my own pace without the niggling worries in the back of my head.

    I have a small makeshift gym in the corner of my garage now with some weights and I follow the New Rules of Lifting for Women program. Once again, at my own pace, slowly working through it all. I like it so much I am on the lookout for equipment to make the gym area a little more professional looking lol Oh, and a boxing bag. There are days I would dearly like to punch things lol :laugh:

    It's taken me about 2 years to get to this point, so yes, your therapist is probably right, try not to rush yourself and put yourself under any undue pressure. Baby steps are ok as long as you keep taking them one after the other :smile:

    And I second finding some friends here on MFP - they are amazing. I have friends at all different stages of the journey, and each one plays an important role.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    i'd follow your therapist's advice and take it slow, but at the same time you mention you really wanting to do it so maybe all you need is not only a workout buddy but a solid determination to start out with?

    I remember when I started my high-performance program which had me busing in the early mornings to either the canoe club for on-water practice or the on-site weight room or to the university for a pool workout.

    I knew it was going to be AWESOME but I was a little anxious as to where to start as I'm visually impaired so getting there, finding the proper meet-up places, finding my coach for her to guide me around the pool area when swimming. These anxieties started a few weeks prior to the start of the program so one day I said 'To hell with it!" Gathered up my courage and took 2 buses to the pool we would use not to go for a swim, but just the simple act of getting on-campus and locating the building was enough to quell some of my anxieties and then teh coach and I went from there. When I was unsure about that environment and especially sicn eht elocker room was close to twice the size of the one where I got at now, she worked with me so that I was able to move around the place comfortably in a matter of a few sessions.

    All taht to say baby setps/determination/give yourself a kick in the *kitten* if you think you need it
  • KeshiaBeard
    It's funny because the logical part of my brain is telling me that my plan is entirely manageable, but the emotional side is screaming too much!

    Here's a breakdown of my plan for the first month:

    Mon: 5.30am - 30 minutes swimming and stretches;
    Tues: 5.30am - strength training;
    Wed: 5.30am - 30 minutes swimming and stretches, 6.00pm yoga;
    Tues: 5.30am - strength training;
    Friday: 5.30am - 30 minute walk;
    Sat: Morning - 1 hour walk or cycle and yoga (combined);
    Sun: Rest.

    After 1 month I will also swim on Fridays.

    As part of the 12 week challenge I am sent a weekly food plan. I have paid for this challenge and my pool membership which should be motivation enough, It doesn't officially start until 24 March.

    Should I maybe just break my plan down until then? For example I could just turn up at the pool twice a week and not worry about the time of day or how long I stay in the water, and just walk on the other days? I'll stick with my yoga because it is so much more than just a workout for me.
  • walkingDeadDenise
    I tried a morning boot camp and could not do it...i actually fell asleep sitting up in my workout clothes! I have struggled for 5+ years trying to find out what works. Now, i am going to a gym close to work and on the way to my daughters school. i get up early and work, then hit the gym on the way to pick her up. I am lucky to work flex hours, but even if i couldn't, i would try to go at lunch. maybe you are someone who would do better to exercise later in the day or even at night.

    best of luck :)
  • HappinessFreedomForever
    I hadn't worked out in ages. I am usually the person who goes to the gym in the middle of the night so no one's around. I decided to go around 9 pm today; there was one very fit woman and two healthy men working out there already. I just put my headphones on and started working on that elliptical. I knew if I continue to be scared of what others think of my body, I would never start, so I just did. The Pandora music on my phone definitely helped! Also, before hitting the gym, I did about 20 minutes of yoga and dance at home and then about 10 minutes of dog walking in the brutal cold. I plan on going to the gym every day and getting my 30 minutes in, no matter what. Believe it or not, the presence of those people around me motivated me to finish those entire 4.47 miles in 30 minutes! You can do this!