Dinner time stategies for a crazed mom



  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I cant do it all, my advice, enlist daddy's help. Another option might be to spend one day cooking meals for a week, place in freezer than warm up for dinner. Good luck!

    That would be nice, but I have a hard time not saying I have 3 kids because daddy is a lost cause! For real, he wont even take out the trash. But daddy is an issue for later, next time, cuz you really don't want me to get started on all daddy should do but doesn't. I wish I could order a clone to keep the house and cook.
  • suzaay
    suzaay Posts: 3 Member
    My kids love "Happy-tizers" and this is a lifesaver for me. I throw together some nutritious snacks on a plate for them to keep them occupied and satisified before the meal...cheese, turkey pepperoni, triscuits, cucumbers, baby carrotts, grape tomatoes etc. If they fill up, it's not a problem because it's all good-for-you stuff. They usually always eat a pretty good dinner 30-45 minutes later. Good luck!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I have a 2 and an almost-5 year old and I've found myself in the same boat over and over and over again! What I've been doing is meal planning for 2 weeks at a time and then I shop on Saturdays. I leave the kids with dad and just go. I set the timer on my phone and allow myself "X minutes" in each store--the time depends on what I need to get. This helps me avoid buying crap just to buy it, which in turn helps me save money. I usually hit 3 stores: Costco for all the big items; Sprouts Farmer's Market for produce, bulk grain, etc.; and King Soopers to get the stuff I couldn't get at the other stores. I can usually do all my shopping in less than 2 hours--I'm lucky though, all these places are close to each other and me.

    Then, on Sunday, I usually cook a soup, chili, or stew that simmers for a while so it's ready to go when we're ready to eat. Then, while the little one goes down for her nap, I chop, saute, boil, everything I can. Basically, I pre-cook and pre-chop everything I can so when I come home from work, it's done! I label all the containers with the meal that it's for so I'm not scratching my head wondering, "Hmmmm, why do I have all of these diced carrots and onions?"

    I try to make enough to freeze (great with casseroles and soup, etc.) and for my husband and I to have for lunch the next day. It's a bit of work those two days, but I don't have to do it again for 2 weeks! We usually allow for 1 night a week for going out/ordering pizza and we might have some leftovers that we need to eat some nights as well.

    Oh, and I'm not above turning on the tv or letting my 5 year old play Wii to get them out of my hair! :laugh:
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I know someone mentioned it already but I have to reemphasize "CROCK POT" kinda wierd at first not knowind many recipies but a god! when you have little to no time. As a mother to an 18month baby girl a 13 and 10 year old boys who I drop in the morning at school before my 8:30am - 5pm job then home to do exactly what you have mentioned cook, homework, reading with the boys, shower the baby (of course after feeding), picking up, and making sure the boys shower, feed the dog and let him out to potty. Yep Im totally with you!!! PM me if yad like!
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    personally, I skip the bath part :blushing:. My 3 yr old doesn't need one every day. Once he looks or smells dirty I stick him in the shower and enjoy 1/2 hour to myself! It's worth the water bill! He'd stay in there for an hour if I let him, but the hot water won't last that long! His bedtime routine is putting on "night pants" (as opposed to jeans) and going and getting into bed. Takes about 10 mins tops. I know so many moms that going to bed is an hour or more long project. Seems like a huge waste of precious time to me!

    Also, don't be afraid of PBJ's or grilled cheese and some fruit for dinner. There's no rule that says you have to have a big home cooked dinner each night (and no rule that it has to be 100% from scratch to be healthy)! Do that and the frozen cassaroles or bake up a bunch of quiche and freeze it (it's not quite as good as when fresh, but still good!) Eggs or quesadillas are also great, tasty, healthy, and super easy. Grill up a bunch of chicken breasts on the weekend and store them in the fridge. Grab one and serve over spaghetti (10 min meal), or with a side of canned or even fresh veggies (5 min meal), or cut up and put with a scrambled egg and some sliced peppers over rice (10 min meal)... You can also throw a bake in the oven and do homework while it cooks. A granola bar or an apple will tide the kids over for an hour for dinner.

    this makes me feel SOOOO much better cuz this is me alllll the way.... LOL :blushing:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I don't know if I just have dirty little kids or what but I can't skip the bath! My daughter and I both have kinda crazy hair that needs to be washed and my son plays really hard all day and gets really gross. He eats with his hands a lot (I'm working on this still) and has more sauce on his face and body than on his hands most the time. :laugh:
    But last night I did try to put on the TV to a kiddie show and that did work. Both looked like little zombies and daddy got a little mad that "they are glued to the new baby sitter" but then once I told him dinner was ready all was better! :bigsmile:
    I think planning ahead it the key. I'll try to make a few extra things on Sunday this week and see if that helps.
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