90 Day No Alcohol Challenge - Any tips?

Hey everybody!

I have decided to do a no drinking challenge. I only drink once per week, on Saturdays usually, but I drink a lot on that day. I'm ready to take my fitness and health to the next level. I'm excited to see the changes that will come with it. I know it will be tough at times. I tend to drink to relax after a long week at work. Last weekend it was warm enough out that I went out for a run instead of drinking. It was great. Unfortunately, it's still pretty cold around here on most days. I don't have a treadmill at home (yet) and gave up my regular gym membership for a crossfit membership so I don't currently have a gym to go to either. So I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do to relax and relieve tension, especially on Saturday afternoons/evenings, to replace drinking.

Also, I do plan on still going out with friends that drink. I think I'll need to find a non-alcoholic beverage that I can enjoy while being social.

So I'll take any tips that people can offer! And if anyone else is doing the same kind of challenge it'd be awesome to help support each other.


  • nathanrhea
    nathanrhea Posts: 4 Member

    I'm in the same boat, yet I was drinking quite a bit more than you. I've essentially been alcohol free for a about six months - I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a drink.

    My alternative "drink" of choice is equal parts cranberry juice and club soda with a splash of lime juice. I make sure I have it in the same old fashioned glass from which I used to drink bourbon. I even purchased some custom ice cube molds to give the drink the feel of a higher end bar. Long story short, even though it's a non-alcoholic drink, I still give it the pageantry of one. I've found this drink also works when I'm out with my friends. It looks like a mixed drink and I can have "drinks" with friends when we hit the town. Other benefits are that it need's up being a lot cheaper and friends like knowing there is a DD present.

    I hope this helps.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I gave up drinking lately and I've gained weight. haha. I really thought it would do the trick. nope.
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the tip, nathanrhea! I am also looking forward to spending a lot less money on drinks the night of and food the next day. haha.

    Yikes, elisa123gal! Haha. I hope that doesn't happen to me! Unless it's gaining muscle... then I guess that's cool. :) I have a feeling I'm going to have to do a lot more running to relieve stress so hopefully the running instead of drinking will help me to not gain fat. Also, I tend to eat REALLY crappy the day after drinking (which I don't do when I'm not hungover) so I think that will help me too.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I don't drink alcohol, never have. I have a 40 year streak going............ha ha No, seriously.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    No thanks. Like you I drink one day on the weekend usually on Saturdays. I drink to get buzzed about 6-8 light beers. Will not give this up EVER! I work my butt off all week long exercising and logging my food. Staying under my caloric goal every day.
    I wish you well. I will have a drink for you!
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I don't drink but I still go to the pub or out with my friends. I don't feel out of place at all just drinking soft drinks or whatever mixer I would've had with vodka (just without the vodka!).
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Well I'm older than you by alot and my big drinking days are behind me. I find that drinking leads to bad eating choices and displaces food. I'd rather eat than drink. I don't swear off alcohol but you can reduce the damage by choosing lower calorie drinks. Light beer, sugar-free mixers, alternate drinks with water, etc. Just remember that alcohol makes you feel skinny and you will choose bad menu items when you feel skinny.
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    Well I'm older than you by alot and my big drinking days are behind me. I find that drinking leads to bad eating choices and displaces food. I'd rather eat than drink. I don't swear off alcohol but you can reduce the damage by choosing lower calorie drinks. Light beer, sugar-free mixers, alternate drinks with water, etc. Just remember that alcohol makes you feel skinny and you will choose bad menu items when you feel skinny.

    I agree, I'm not doing this challenge to never drink again. (I fully intend to enjoy some margaritas on the beach in 92 days. hehe) But, I do get a craving to "relax" via drinking when Saturday comes around and I want to kick that craving. I can only do it by not drinking for a longer period of time. And yes, I definitely make poor "nutritional" choices when I'm hungover. Ice cream and fried foods. Stuff that I rarely touch when not drunk and/or hungover. I'm also just tired when I'm hungover and I kind of hate just laying around the house and being lazy.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Just do it. Don't take a drink it's that easy. You don't sound like an alcoholic so it shouldn't be that hard.

    If you do get the urge to relax, smoke a bowl. You might get the munchies though.
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    Just do it. Don't take a drink it's that easy. You don't sound like an alcoholic so it shouldn't be that hard.

    If you do get the urge to relax, smoke a bowl. You might get the munchies though.

    Hahaha. Oh I'm definitely doing it. I'm just going to have to have to learn to relax some other way. Once it warms up a little more and I can go for more runs it will be easier.
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    Whenever you want to stop something its never good to go cold turkey, so I suggest to bring down the consumption, for example if you have 5 drinks then knock it to three and drink water the rest of the time. Don't replace it with juice! Another thing you can do is ask the bartender about their low calorie drinks so you know exactly how much calories that you are in taking.I hope this helps!
  • RachNRoll
    RachNRoll Posts: 192 Member
    find your non alcoholic signature drink for those times when you go out with friends. Mine is " virgin gin tonic " - which of course is only tonic water, a slice of lemon and ice. It kinda sounds fancy :D
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Hahaha. Oh I'm definitely doing it. I'm just going to have to have to learn to relax some other way. Once it warms up a little more and I can go for more runs it will be easier.

    You don't have to wait until it warms up!


    My SP3 tights and cross-country pants are fine down to below 10º F if I'm moving briskly, or 20º if I'm walking. I don't work for Sporthill, I just like their products, but there are other companies that make good cold-weather gear too. Like the Norwegian saying goes, there's no bad weather, just bad clothing. (I don't think it's 100% right, but I like the attitude.)
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    Hahaha. Oh I'm definitely doing it. I'm just going to have to have to learn to relax some other way. Once it warms up a little more and I can go for more runs it will be easier.

    You don't have to wait until it warms up!


    My SP3 tights and cross-country pants are fine down to below 10º F if I'm moving briskly, or 20º if I'm walking. I don't work for Sporthill, I just like their products, but there are other companies that make good cold-weather gear too. Like the Norwegian saying goes, there's no bad weather, just bad clothing. (I don't think it's 100% right, but I like the attitude.)

    Lol, I know you're right. I have some Zaggora HotPants that can keep me pretty warm I just don't have any desire whatsoever to run outside when it's so cold out. Haha. When it's 40 degrees or more then I'll want to. :)
  • ecopley86
    ecopley86 Posts: 6 Member
    I gave up drinking 30 days ago today. I was always known as a heavy drinker and could hold my liquor better than most of my guy friends. After the first two weeks it got much easier. I have been exercising 5 times a week and my skin looks so fresh and clear. I will drink again way in the future but in moderation. For now I really am finding I don't need the booze to have fun. I drink a ton of grapefruit or lime Perrier at home. Reminds me of vodka soda. And I went to a bar for the first time last weekend and drank club soda with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. Some friends I ran into assumed it was a vodka cranberry and I just try to pretend in my head it is (like the placebo effect). I thought being sober would be a lot harder than it is. I think I drank a lot out of stress and boredom. I cook and exercise to stay busy. My bank account and waistline are both looking much better! Good luck! :)
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    I gave up drinking 30 days ago today. I was always known as a heavy drinker and could hold my liquor better than most of my guy friends. After the first two weeks it got much easier. I have been exercising 5 times a week and my skin looks so fresh and clear. I will drink again way in the future but in moderation. For now I really am finding I don't need the booze to have fun. I drink a ton of grapefruit or lime Perrier at home. Reminds me of vodka soda. And I went to a bar for the first time last weekend and drank club soda with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. Some friends I ran into assumed it was a vodka cranberry and I just try to pretend in my head it is (like the placebo effect). I thought being sober would be a lot harder than it is. I think I drank a lot out of stress and boredom. I cook and exercise to stay busy. My bank account and waistline are both looking much better! Good luck! :)

    Awesome!!! Thank you so much! Your words are encouraging. I also drink out of stress and boredom. I like the club soda and vodka idea.