In need of support and motivation!!

In January 2013, I quit smoking and started my journey toward a healthier lifestyle including losing weight, running, weight training, etc. I completed numerous 5K's, mud runs, a Spartan Sprint, and even a half marathon. I had lost over 30 pounds. The weight was falling off, I was getting stronger, and I felt so confident. Nothing (and no one) could stop me. I was on top of the world!

In July 2013, I picked up a cigarette while at a BBQ with some friends. Smoking while having a few drinks started. Then smoking on the weekends started. Then smoking while I wasn't at work started. And now I'm back to full blown smoking a pack a day. I hate myself for it and feel like this is part of the reason for my loss of motivation.

In October 2013, I got into a relationship. He was an avid gym goer, too, so I thought "This will be perfect!" We started going to the gym together right away. There were times I didn't want to go but wanted to see him so I went anyway. He became my motivation.

Here I sit...March 2014...I'm a full blown smoker again, I've gained 12 pounds, I rarely enter the gym, I've fallen back into old eating habits, and I can't stand to look at myself. I KNOW what I need to do and I KNOW I can do it. So, why can't I bring myself to just do it?

I wanted to rat myself out here for all of you to see. And maybe I can gain some knowledge and support from some new friends to help motivate me...inspire me...and hold me accountable like I know all of you can.


  • Fiqahana
    Fiqahana Posts: 93 Member
    Hi there, I'm Hana, I've stopped with this weight loss journey like since a year ago because I was so busy with my studies, but now I've graduated and I'm really looking forward to conquer this quest with you guys. Hopefully we'll motivate and support each other until the end of the road, good luck and please feel free to add me as a friend. The more, the merrier! :D
  • 55Megamus
    55Megamus Posts: 40
    In January 2013, I quit smoking and started my journey toward a healthier lifestyle including losing weight, running, weight training, etc. I completed numerous 5K's, mud runs, a Spartan Sprint, and even a half marathon. I had lost over 30 pounds. The weight was falling off, I was getting stronger, and I felt so confident. Nothing (and no one) could stop me. I was on top of the world!

    In July 2013, I picked up a cigarette while at a BBQ with some friends. Smoking while having a few drinks started. Then smoking on the weekends started. Then smoking while I wasn't at work started. And now I'm back to full blown smoking a pack a day. I hate myself for it and feel like this is part of the reason for my loss of motivation.

    In October 2013, I got into a relationship. He was an avid gym goer, too, so I thought "This will be perfect!" We started going to the gym together right away. There were times I didn't want to go but wanted to see him so I went anyway. He became my motivation.

    Here I sit...March 2014...I'm a full blown smoker again, I've gained 12 pounds, I rarely enter the gym, I've fallen back into old eating habits, and I can't stand to look at myself. I KNOW what I need to do and I KNOW I can do it. So, why can't I bring myself to just do it?

    I wanted to rat myself out here for all of you to see. And maybe I can gain some knowledge and support from some new friends to help motivate me...inspire me...and hold me accountable like I know all of you can.

    The line in there where you say "I know what I need to do and I know I can do it" hit home for me. I research obesity for a living, I'm a Kinesiologist by trade, I should know better than most, yet here I am, severely obese with health issues. I can't explain it, and I can't explain whatever it is that has us backtracking against out better judgment. When it comes to health and weight, it is like jumping on an uphill treadmill that never stops for the rest of your life, i'm sure smoking is the same thing. I can try to help and share thoughts and motivation, feel free to check out my profile and add me if you wish, that's an invitation for anyone
  • food911
    food911 Posts: 4
    Hey, first my heart is with you and I hope you manage to pull yourself together and get back to how you were!
    And that's the only person who can bring you back - YOU. It's understandable that you need a push from someone else, but remember that you're the only one who can motivate yourself. Remember the time last year when you were so fit and happy? Who made that happen? YOU did!
    As far as smoking goes, keep cigarettes out of sight and out of mind. Don't buy any, avoid the checkout booths at supermarkets that are near racks of cigarettes, and tell all your friends to keep a check on your habit. Go cold turkey for a while and you'll be over it soon enough. (Throwing away all lighters you might own is a helpful tip)
    Write down motivating quotes and stick them on your refrigerator - they'll serve as a reminder every time you open it to grab an unhealthy snack. Have photographs of you running a marathon? Looking fab? Put them up and around. Serves to remind you of what you can be.
    Gym? Get a gym buddy! Motivate one another to go to the gym. Believe me, it works waaaaay easier to motivate yourself when you have someone else to motivate too! (Has worked for me EVERY TIME)
    Now these are just suggestions, you probably know all of them already! Good luck getting back to being fit and happy, now get off your phone/computer and go for a jog!
  • arielkaylou
    arielkaylou Posts: 85 Member
    I too know what I need to do but can't find the motivation. I need to lose about 60 lbs. I'm 211, my son is now 8 months old so he isn't my excuse. I am starting Insanity today. Let's see how this goes
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    I've never smoked but I did lots of runs in 2013 and its been a bad start to 2014 so far. I have gained 10 pounds since Oct 2013 and in the worse shape of my new journey. Thought maybe we can motivate each other
  • rebdot
    rebdot Posts: 5 Member
    I can totally relate. I used to smoke but quit a little over a year ago. I know its hard but sometimes you just have to do it. I quit cold turkey which i researched and it is said to have the best results. The first 3 days will be hard. I was pacing my hallway a lot just deep breathing. At one point i had to sit and just write through my craving. I would write what i was feeling and write i will not smoke over and over. And at the end it was worth it. I have a constant reminder of how much i struggled with it to loom at when i feel tempted. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. We tell ourself we cant do things or we arent strong enough. But just having some willpower and being disciplined feels good in the end. Yoi just have to REALLY do your best. I know you can do it. I believe in you.