loose skin



  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Thanks all :)

    Yes sorry it was a typo, im am most definitely not 138lb!! Im 238lb! :)

    The thought of loose skin will definitely not stop me from losing the weight I just worry that I still wont like the way I look, even though it will be a dramatic difference to what I look like now! My boobs have stated to work their way south and flatten out too! I think im just annoyed with mtself that I have put myself in this situation especially when I was so active in my late teens!

    I have thought about surgery if my loose skin is really bad but we would like at least one more baby so I wouldnt want it doing before then but it might be several years before we try again for baby no 3 so maybe/hopefully I will just learn to love the way I look!

    Yes for sure dont let it stop you! Its worth it in the end! Clothes cover you up nicely! They say being skinny wont make you like your self if you dont right know but who knows! I have had this weight off for years and I still see myself as 330pds! Catch myself still looking at size 3x clothing! I wish I could see myself as I am now! Maybe one day! Good luck , you got this!
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Good genetics aside, there are ways to help heal the elasticity of the skin without major surgery or big $$$. During the course of my personal weight loss (and having a baby), I reverted to using skin therapy as taught to me in massage therapy. Long story short, I use a combination of coffee scrubs and home made body wraps to help with the sagging.

    The key is to combat gravity and the skin's own healing process (which is undoubtedly a slow one). Here's the recipes I use incase you want to try them.

    Coffee Scrub:
    Coffee Grounds
    Olive Oil
    Essential Oil (optional, vit E, lavender and clove extracts are nice)

    Body Wrap:
    Betonite Clay
    Olive Oil
    Epsom Salt
    (Slather on body or problem areas. Wrap tight with ceran wrap or ace bandages, and either let sit for an hour or go to bed with it on)

    Other wrap recipes are stupid simple, as easy as using Vaseline (or something like it) and wrapping yourself up. To the most complex, turmeric, cayenne pepper, coffee, and rice. You'll find the recipe that works best for you. I prefer the one above because it also helps draw out toxins. I've lost inches this way, and they don't come back so long as you continue with your diet and exercise.

    Good luck.

    I call bs! You are so full of it. Pics or it didn't happen. Now put up or shut up. Yeah I am being rude but I just dont care, you cant go around giving people false hope. It is just setting them on to the path of gaining the weight back.

    My pics http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1164025-loose-skin-the-real-deal
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Good genetics aside, there are ways to help heal the elasticity of the skin without major surgery or big $$$. During the course of my personal weight loss (and having a baby), I reverted to using skin therapy as taught to me in massage therapy. Long story short, I use a combination of coffee scrubs and home made body wraps to help with the sagging.

    The key is to combat gravity and the skin's own healing process (which is undoubtedly a slow one). Here's the recipes I use incase you want to try them.

    Coffee Scrub:
    Coffee Grounds
    Olive Oil
    Essential Oil (optional, vit E, lavender and clove extracts are nice)

    Body Wrap:
    Betonite Clay
    Olive Oil
    Epsom Salt
    (Slather on body or problem areas. Wrap tight with ceran wrap or ace bandages, and either let sit for an hour or go to bed with it on)

    Other wrap recipes are stupid simple, as easy as using Vaseline (or something like it) and wrapping yourself up. To the most complex, turmeric, cayenne pepper, coffee, and rice. You'll find the recipe that works best for you. I prefer the one above because it also helps draw out toxins. I've lost inches this way, and they don't come back so long as you continue with your diet and exercise.

    Good luck.

    I call bs! You are so full of it. Pics or it didn't happen. Now put up or shut up. Yeah I am being rude but I just dont care, you cant go around giving people false hope. It is just setting them on to the path of gaining the weight back.

    My pics http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1164025-loose-skin-the-real-deal

  • Prettypedalpower
    Hi there, I started at 350lb. 25'4lbs.. I'm 6'2 tall had bmi of 48. Dress size 34-18. I'm currently 221 my bmi is 27. Like you I had an apron of skin that hangs over my pubic hair line partly from having had 3 c sections but mostly from having gained such an enormous amount of weight. When I started I just wanted simple things. To be able to walk, wash myself, find clothes that fitted.. But mostly I wanted to live long enough to make old bones.
    However as the weights come off quickly in 8 months my skin problem has worsened, my tummy skin as it's emptied of fat has spread out and down. Up to my hips I'm a size 16 from my waist up an 18., but between my waist and hips I'm 20 ish. I have hideous stretch marks up to 1 cm wide and 6 cm long.. They cover my entire stomach hips right up to my ribs. Now I'm thinner I actually love feeling fitter being healthier but hate how I look unclothed. I can't wear jeans as the legs are always massive to accommodate my huge saggy belly. I work out 6x a week in the gym and my belly sits on my lap, makes jogging hard and sore if I don't wear really tight underwear. Reducing the bounce. So I've decided to go for a full fleur de lys tummy tuck. (Later this yr) 45 lb more to lose first. Although I won't have a completely flat smooth stomach I don't expect miracles sports and clothes will be so much easier to contend with. I'm going to post before and current photos (in underwear next week) so the full extent of my skin etc can be seen.
    My breasts are also being lifted but they cause much less problems it's mainly cosmetic. They have decreased from a 48hh to a 36/38 dd. they have shortened in length but aren't pleasing on the eye nude.
    This probably seems a little negative but I never thought skin would bother me I just wanted to be thinner... But it really does. I know we're all different but without skin removal I'd never reach my goal of size 14 clothes. I don't think I'd ever regain full confidence I'm too aware of it..
    Good luck on your journey friend me if you like.. I'd love to know how your doing. Xx
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    In regards to the body wrap. Pretty sure her weight was a part of being pregnant and maybe not as long term as other posters.

    Perhaps - it is not the % of body fat that causes the skin to stretch but the length of time the skin has been stretched.
  • snoodled
    snoodled Posts: 57
    Just like with any home remedy some people are gonna swear by them and some people are gonna say it's a complete waste of time. The good thing about most home remedies though is they could be done with the items you already have in your pantry so it's not a total loss.

    If you have an excessive amount of skin at the end of your weight loss journey I wouldn't expect a scrub and wrap to work. I lost a lot of inches in my midsection over the course of one year. I used the scrub regularly along with a good moisturizer throughout my journey. Helped me.
  • zaidat
    zaidat Posts: 4 Member
    Loose skin also happens when you lose weight at a fast rate. And if you mostly did cardio and did not incorporate any weight training.

    Try adding weight lifting to your routine and that will help you build muscle to fill in that loose skin.

    I don't think scrubs with do any good in the long run, especially for severely loose skin. You have to work on loose skin from the inside out.

    Body recomposition will also help. Some people will go on a slight bulk after losing a lot of weight, while weight training. Then cut again o lose any body fat you might gain. Doing this for a few cycles will help your body fill out and tighten your skin.
  • Lu_LeatherEagle
    Lu_LeatherEagle Posts: 9 Member
    I have quite a bit of loose skin. My weight has been stable for 2 years now and I exercise 2 or 3 times a week. I was overweight in varying degrees, for a very long time.. I've lost 100lbs.(gastric bypass) I will live a lot longer and I am more physically fit than I've been in 20 years but I do have some other body issues now...loose skin. I probably have about 15-20 lbs of it or more, I would estimate.

    Not sure what I am going to do about it. choices are: live with and be thankful for the opportunity to live alot longer or have cosmetic surgery, which is very expensive. I am still working on toning whatever I can, but no amount of core exercises will put elasticity back in long term stretched skin.

    If only I knew then what I know now..lol
  • kmclamb13
    kmclamb13 Posts: 220 Member
    How often do you use the scrub and do the body wrap.
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    Bump to read later :)
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    A friend of mine has lost half her body weight (down from over 20 stone to 10 stone - incredible!). She lost the weight fairly slowly through diet and exercise, but she has a lot of loose skin, especially on her stomach and arms. She's awesome because she's actually pretty cool with it. She used to stress about it, but says she eventually realised that there was no way she could have been that overweight for so long without having done some kind of damage to her body - and for her, a bit of loose skin is way better than heart disease, or diabetes, or some of the other obesity-related problems she could have had.

    Edited to add: PS don't bother with the scrub and wrap treatments! All they do is make you sweat out water. This has the temporary effect of making your skin feel tighter, which is fine if you want to slim a little to fit into a dress for a night out, but it's not going to be a long term solution. Applying vaseline or coffee grinds or whatever to your skin is just going to make you feel greasy and smell like coffee - it's not going to magically eliminate the excess skin cells.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Vase line is a of your greasing or coffee in it up. petroleum product. I moisturize with olive oil because 8 ve heard vase line cab give you liver cancer. It makes sense that a stretched out shoe (leather) doesn't go back to its original siZee regardless
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    bumping this in case I need it.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I have a total of a little under 100lbs to lose and i spoke to my GP about minimalizing loose skin. He said the main things to do are.

    Lose the weight slowly, this gives time for the skin to snap back while the weight comes off.
    Drink lot's of water! This keeps your skin tight, elastic and your body healthy
    Eat heaps of veggies, make sure you are getting enough good nutrients .
    And do some well balanced exercise, a good mix of strength training and cardio.

    At the end of the day genetics, age, weight and a few other things will contribute but doing the things above will give you a good fighting chance of minimalizing it as much as you can and also it will keep you healthy.

    I've set for my loss to take over 24months. So far 35ish to go and my skin is looking pretty good. Just need to keep upping my water as i always drink too little.

    All the best!:flowerforyou:

    Agreed. I have been losing weight VERY slowly (1/4lb to 1/2lb each week usually) and although I've got stretch marks I don't seem to have too much sagginess going on (except the dreaded saddle bags **sigh** I fear they will be with me forever). But then, I never got above 200lbs at my highest. Good luck!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,191 Member
    I didn't read the whole thread so I don't know if this link was posted http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1164025-loose-skin-the-real-deal
  • 40DayFit
    40DayFit Posts: 246 Member
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Good genetics aside, there are ways to help heal the elasticity of the skin without major surgery or big $$$. During the course of my personal weight loss (and having a baby), I reverted to using skin therapy as taught to me in massage therapy. Long story short, I use a combination of coffee scrubs and home made body wraps to help with the sagging.

    The key is to combat gravity and the skin's own healing process (which is undoubtedly a slow one). Here's the recipes I use incase you want to try them.

    Coffee Scrub:
    Coffee Grounds
    Olive Oil
    Essential Oil (optional, vit E, lavender and clove extracts are nice)

    Body Wrap:
    Betonite Clay
    Olive Oil
    Epsom Salt
    (Slather on body or problem areas. Wrap tight with ceran wrap or ace bandages, and either let sit for an hour or go to bed with it on)

    Other wrap recipes are stupid simple, as easy as using Vaseline (or something like it) and wrapping yourself up. To the most complex, turmeric, cayenne pepper, coffee, and rice. You'll find the recipe that works best for you. I prefer the one above because it also helps draw out toxins. I've lost inches this way, and they don't come back so long as you continue with your diet and exercise.

    Good luck.

    I call bs! You are so full of it. Pics or it didn't happen. Now put up or shut up. Yeah I am being rude but I just dont care, you cant go around giving people false hope. It is just setting them on to the path of gaining the weight back.

    My pics http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1164025-loose-skin-the-real-deal


    It can be possible that these people did not have "loose skin" or as much as some would - there is something to be said for properly taking care of your skin in order for it to be healthy and moisturized and maintain its elasticity - while people who have a LOT to lose may not see the benefits as much others will benefit by caring for themselves properly - we spend all this time logging foods and balancing our diets and exercising to lose the weight - I don't see anything wrong with adding skin care to our regime? Perhaps it's not for some people but I would try it - not really for the benefit of getting rid of loose skin (not sure how much I will have at my goal weight) but for the benefit of a healthy, moisturized skin. I am thinking at my age and with the amount of weight loss I have to go I will definately have some loose skin but taking care of it would only benefit me now and later :flowerforyou:
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm down from 275 to 188, OMG its gone down some but it's saggier...I'm hoping that more goes away but with about 57 more lbs to lose I'm thinking that I may be seeing a plastic surgeon after all is said and done.
  • mazmol
    mazmol Posts: 41 Member
    Good genetics aside, there are ways to help heal the elasticity of the skin without major surgery or big $$$. During the course of my personal weight loss (and having a baby), I reverted to using skin therapy as taught to me in massage therapy. Long story short, I use a combination of coffee scrubs and home made body wraps to help with the sagging.

    The key is to combat gravity and the skin's own healing process (which is undoubtedly a slow one). Here's the recipes I use incase you want to try them.

    Coffee Scrub:
    Coffee Grounds
    Olive Oil
    Essential Oil (optional, vit E, lavender and clove extracts are nice)

    Body Wrap:
    Betonite Clay
    Olive Oil
    Epsom Salt
    (Slather on body or problem areas. Wrap tight with ceran wrap or ace bandages, and either let sit for an hour or go to bed with it on)

    Other wrap recipes are stupid simple, as easy as using Vaseline (or something like it) and wrapping yourself up. To the most complex, turmeric, cayenne pepper, coffee, and rice. You'll find the recipe that works best for you. I prefer the one above because it also helps draw out toxins. I've lost inches this way, and they don't come back so long as you continue with your diet and exercise.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for sharing
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