Brides to be.....



  • Abby_Dalek
    Abby_Dalek Posts: 12 Member
    October 11th here!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I got engaged last June and will be getting married in the Spring! :) .... of 2016 haha :P (Yes, a 3 yr engagement. I am in school and we just won't have time to plan and safe until after). Currently I am already at my goal weight but the wedding is a long term goal that I am using to keep me focused so I don't fall of track :)

    Good luck to all of you!!! :D
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    I've been engaged for 2 years now and we are hoping to get married next year. We were going to get married this year but I got pregnant and just had our 2nd baby 6 weeks ago. I am wanting to lose another 15-20 by the time we do get married :) good luck ladies!

    WOOT!! Another 3 yr engagement :) Now I won't feel so behind :P
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    June 7 wedding for me. My dress was already a little too big when I bought it off the rack, but I really want to feel more comfortable with my upper body (waist and arms especially!) and face, so I am shooting for a total weight loss of 20-30 pounds before the wedding. With 12.4 already lost in the last 6 weeks, I'm feeling pretty optimistic that I can do it!
  • meaganmna
    meaganmna Posts: 24
    June 14th! Trying to tone up -- lose some fat and gain muscle. I've started lifting again. Feel free to add me!
  • livestrongrose
    May 25th, 2014 bride here! Still have some pounds to lose and looking forward to some motivation. I would love to take off another 15 pounds!

    So let's start this together! How many of you are logging your food each day?? (Every morsel you put into your mouth) When do you find that logging your food is the most challenging?

    For me, I have logged my food on an off for about 5 months now. Today I told myself from now until May 22nd, I will log ALL food (the good, the bad, and the really really bad)!! I also committed to logging my foods on weekends, which has been the biggest challenge for me!

    Time to hear from all you beautiful brides! :heart: :happy:
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I've been logging everything for 6 weeks. It doesn't feel like a chore now, it feels sort of fun and reassuring and as much of a routine as brushing my teeth. What I find difficult is when I go out to eat, and/or eat something that someone else prepared, but I try to find rough equivalents in the database and keep the dining out to a minimum. Overall, it's really been worth it for keeping me in check. I've definitely had some "off" days (yesterday was way too tempting with yummy food and drinks at work), but MFP makes it feel so easy to bounce back from slip-ups. Something about the fresh blank new screen each morning, very encouraging!

    (I plan on keeping this up after I get married, but probably not on the honeymoon where I'll be faced with 9 different restaurants!)