In A Funk, what do you do to get out ?

Well, I haven’t written on here in quite some time… sure I have posted my weekly measurements and weigh in stats, but have I written more than that? Nope! Well today I feel like having a venting session so it is going to happen.I have been pretty down on myself since my measurement and weigh in on Friday.

My weight went up 2.9lbs and for some reason it destroyed me completely!! I was seeing a slow and steady decrease so when I saw it move in the “up” direction I was livid with the world and myself most importantly.

With only four months until my best friend’s wedding, I do not feel where I need to be or where I should be. My wedding is in 6 months but surprisingly I am more scared for my best friend’s wedding as I try on my wedding dress often to see where I am at… my dress for her wedding is not in my possession yet so I have NO idea how it will fit, hopefully I will make her mail it soon though, just waiting for some shoes to come in… that day terrifies me, I hope it fits … and fits nice …

My hubby tells me I am too hard on myself has I have lost over 40 pounds in the past 9 months, but then I go on the boards and stuff on here and see people who have been doing this the same amount of time and they are kicking *kitten* and loosing 60 plus pounds.

I know I can be hard on myself sometimes, but I am such a number person, when I see those numbers go in a bad direction I get mad, and usually when I am upset with myself I turn to food so this is so flipping hard to not go eat bad food right now as that was my coping mechanism before!

I did up a month by month chart today showing my monthly stats. I record every weekly measurement and weigh in so I took those numbers and broke it down into months to see how I do on a monthly basis … and to be honest, I was NOT impressed by them … they made me sad.

These were the results Monthly Average Lost:
Weight: 4.58 lbs
Waist: 1.08”
Hip: .58”
Forearm: .1”
Upper arm: .4”
Chest: .88”
Body Fat%: 1.56%

I know I should be happy that each month everything still comes down, but frick, I am just at a point where I want to see numbers drop faster like they used too !!

Each month lately I have only been loosing about 3 per month, which to me is brutal, I feel discouraged and pissed.

My goal was to be under 200 by Mandys wedding which is in 4 months, or 131 days to be exact… right now I am 27 pounds away from that …. If I continue to loose 3 a month that only brings me down 12 pounds… if I lose the average of 4.58lbs a month that still only brings me down 18.32lbs… if I take the 27 pounds and divide it by the 4 months I need to loose on average 6.75lbs per month ! so 1.68lbs per week .. ugh is that even doable with how my numbers have been lately ? I just feel defeated and angry grrrrr


  • Shawntaemoran
    Shawntaemoran Posts: 2 Member
    I know how you feel, i've been there a lot. I also am a numbers person, and seeing that scale go down is the best feeling. I have not recorded my weight in the last 4 days because the last time i weighed myself I was up a pound and a half, I felt defeated. We just have to keep pushing through, harder than normal. I like to switch it up between running amd the eliptical. hehe That way my body wont get used to what i'm doing and keep burning fat. I have faith that the both of us can make it through any of these tough trials, i mean look how far we have come! Just keep on keepin on, YOU GOT THIS!
  • michellewelch2010
    michellewelch2010 Posts: 147 Member
    You are doing awesome! Look up pictures of body fat percentage and see the difference between 30% and a 25% body fat. If you are losing 1.5% every month, that means in 3 months you will drop about 5% and those results are very noticeable! I'm sure you didn't gain your weight over night so you can't expect to lose it overnight. One day at a time :) Chin up!
  • SummerRain43
    I know just how you feel.....I am so frustrated when I see the scale go up any amount....I am trying to lose 10-12lb that have crept back on after getting to my goal weight....I figure I did it once, I should be able to do it again, but you wouldn't know it by what the scale says.....I really don't know what advice I can give apart from just understanding what you are going through....please don't give up's so annoying that this losing thing doesn't go nearly as fast as we didn't mention what you do for exercise.....are you able to change it up a little?....maybe up the exercise a bit?....just hang in there!!!....add me as a friend if you want and we can rant together.....:)
  • mypersonalfitnessjourney
    Don't worry, you're not alone. I've only lost about 20 pounds in a year with a low-carb, wheat-free, sugar-free lifestyle. I was losing weight so quickly at first, but then I was put on a medication that gave me high cortisol levels and hypothyroidism, causing me to gain weight and making it nearly impossible to lose weight. Most others who are on a similar diet to me lost all the weight they were aiming to lose within a year, and most of them lost it all in much less time than that. It sucks to see so many others getting the results I should be getting with the effort and dedication I've been putting in, while I'm stuck dealing with these health issues preventing me from getting the results I want.

    Whenever I get down about my progress being less than that of others (even those who aren't as strict about their weight loss regime), I just remind myself of how far I've come. Thinking about how far you have to go can be disheartening, so just remind yourself of what you HAVE accomplished thus far. You've lost weight! You've lost sizes! You've lost inches! You've improved your health, looks, body, and overall well-being. And that is no small feat. Even though you're not where you want to be and others are, that doesn't take away from the progress you have made.

    Everyone's bodies are different, and it's pointless to fixate on how others have it so much better/easier than you because - the fact of the matter is - you'll never be them and you'll never have their body. You are you and you have your own body, so it's best to just accept that and make do with the cards you've been dealt. Even if it takes you twice as long to lose the weight as others, don't lose your motivation. You WILL get there eventually, and giving up will only set you back and reverse what you have managed to accomplish. Stick with it, and keep in mind that you are going to reach your goal someday, and it is going to be SO worth all this hard work and dedication!

    I'm sorry you're not making progress as quickly as you want to, and trust me, I feel your pain. But comparing yourself to others is a recipe for feeling unhappy and inadequate. You are you, and you are AMAZING. Keep up the good work, and always remind yourself of how far you've come - rather than how far you have yet to go. Best of luck to you in your weight loss endeavors! xo
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    There will be weeks when the scale goes up; weight loss isn't linear. Here are my last 6 months:


    Note the big bump in November, from 169.6 to 172.2 - 2.6 pounds up, in a week!

    However, the only time I was actually gaining body weight was from late December through early January, when I was taking a holiday break, and I gained only about 1 lb. according to my daily weight trend. I update MFP only once a week, but I weigh daily and calculate the trend. This graph shows the results:


    The gray line shows daily fluctuations, while the red line shows the exponentially smoothed weighted average. Note that it's almost always going down, even when my morning weight is bouncing around like a punch-drunk boxer.

    If you're interested in this kind of tracking, you can read how in John Walker, The Hacker's Diet (, chapter on "Signal and Noise," or you can use a site like to track it yourself.