Any former Weight Watchers members?

Hi All,

I'm trying myfitnesspal because it's free, easy to use, and my husband is using it too! Just curious if there are any for mer WW members here who are liking this website?



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I did WW a few years ago. I like this site much better.
  • patio1313
    patio1313 Posts: 169 Member
    Yup I stopped using WW about 6 months ago, went on my own for a few months and have been here now for 1-2 months.

    Lots of great people and infrmation out here...Good luck and post or drop a line anytime you need a push in the right direction.
  • scott24
    scott24 Posts: 132
    I did WW online a few years ago and liked it, but didn't like having to pay. I also didn't like that the data base was built only on what I entered and that I couldn't use what others were putting in. Maybe that's changed now, but I absolutely love this site. I've rarely had to add anything (though I caution you to avoid entries that have few to none confirmations - though you can look at what others have entered for nutritional info and edit or approve) and you can build recipes and favorites. The support here is awesome! You'll have lots of friends in no time! We all are in this together!!

  • JAG995
    JAG995 Posts: 15 Member
    I used to follow WW. I wasn't a member but had all the books, tools, etc. I love this site because the people are so supportive and any questions you have, someone is bound to know! Everything with tracking food is right there for you so you don't have to figure out how much fat and fiber are in things and convert it into points.
  • goldspaula
    Hi Hillary!!

    I have been a WW member a few times in my life. I've paid them a lot of money!! It was always the same, lost a few pounds then it slowed and got harder and harder, and then I would give up. I did do the online WW and it was good, but expensive, and I felt a bit adrift out there. I did it for a year, then gave that up too.

    When my daughter suggested this site, I thought what the heck, but omg it has been wonderful. Lost 37 pounds and I'm still losing every week. I haven't, knock on wood, plateaued yet. I know I will, but I also know that I have a wonderful support system here and my friends will all love me right through it. There is so much good information and support here. If you stay within the calorie range you will get here and work out regularly you will do great.

    Long answer to your questions, hope you have all the success in the world here.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,005 Member
    I did weight watchers years ago , I liked it and did pretty good. But I didnt like paying and it wasnt always easy to make it to the meetings. But I love this site, it is free, it is easy , it is encouraging, motivating. I cant say enough good things about it
  • goldspaula
    Sorry to misspell your name Hilary. :-D
  • sasysuzy
    I was a WW member for several months, upon my doctor’s recommendations. After receiving a harsh wake up call regarding my blood work, my doctor decided to send me to a dietician. She is the one that recommended this site. I absolutely love this site. This is so much easier then counting points. Because of my numbers, the dietician has put me on a strict 1200 calories a day. Even with so few calories, I rarely ever feel hungry and there are days that I have to force myself to get in all my calories for the day. I loved this site so much that I’ve recommended it to my family and friends. And of course you can’t beat the price……….
  • mcrawley22
    I did WW and lost 25 lbs quickly. But since then have gained back 15. I like this site so far. Still pretty new myself. People have been really supportive.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I did WW for my first 60 pounds....loved it & it helped me get my act together lol

    I love this site! although I was calorie counting before I came here ;)
  • seele52
    seele52 Posts: 8 Member
    I did weight watcher on-line for a while. This is my second week on this program and so far it is working great. I lost 1 1/2 pounds my first week. I liked weight watchers but didn't want to pay for it. I like that this program in free and I also get the app. on my phone because I have a droid. That is making it really easy as well. Good Luck to both of you!!!
  • funkymoover
    Hi I have done WW a few times, first time was ace, I lost all the weight I needed to & even got to Goal but I soon put weight back on & with 2 babies in 14 months have put on more & not lost in even though my baby was 4 recently.
    I tried WW again recently but I was struggling, my Husband fould the app on his iphone for this & I have used that for a while now but just come to the website recently.
    I lost about a stone with the app about a year ago & mostly maintained that weight (apart froma few business trips & holidays where I am less in control of what I eat) now trying to lose a bit more, just over 2 stone to go (29lbs) will aim to lose a little before the holidays & maintain till new year but when January comes I will be running like a maniac to shift the lbs!
  • Audi68
    Audi68 Posts: 113 Member
    I did WW a couple of years ago and lost some weight but the points thing drove me nuts. I only did the online membership which still wasn't to cheap and the message boards made feel like I was in high school again, with stupid clicks of friends that would pounce on a random member and belittle them if they "didn't read all the materials" and asked a question. Don't get me wrong there was some really helpful people there but man there was some really nasty ones too.

    I have yet run into a rude person here and I really love the positive attitudes you find in these message boards. :love:
  • cherfurr
    I was a member 20 years ago and lost 25 lb, I kept it off for years. As I got old the weight slowing came back. I re-joined and did the point system but it was harder to keep track of. Thought about coming back to WW but found this site so I thought I'd give it a try!
  • jerilynndraper
    yes, in fact i'm a life time member since 2000 and had kept my weight off til about a year ago or so..........anyway, my girlfriend, also a ww member told me about this website and that she was trying i followed and i've lost 9#'s already... but when you get started, it's kinda hard to log in food, if you make your own............or don't have a label to tell calories, carbs, fiber, etc. but you just choose a food that is close to what you've eaten.............jeri draper
  • damselndistress
    I followed the WW program for four months up until last week. I lost 26 pounds on it, but am tired of paying for it. I found myself skipping meetings because they didn't fit into my schedule, and I didn't really get the support online that I needed.

    So far (and I'll confess it's only been a few days), I'm LOVING counting calories instead of points! I feel so much more in control of my eating. The new WW system seems like it won't really work to me - everything has calories in it, so I think that fruit shouldn't be zero points, even with the increased daily and weekly points allowed. I think it's ridiculous to tell a group of weight-watchers that they can have all the fruit they want, but to eat "only until satisified". Well, if we could do that, we wouldn't need WW!!

    Anyway, I'm loving counting calories - much less work than counting points. This site has been great. Good luck to you!!!