

  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Just getting over that stomach virus here. It last for a good 3 days then you will be good to go. So hopefully tomorrow will be better. Happy B'day. Hope it is a good one.
    Pennie in Texas
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Ok I promised on Friday or was it Saturday :huh: that I would get my March Goals up:
    In March
    I will post 6 out of 7 days :wink:
    I will lose at the very least 1 lb a week :mad:
    I will exercise everyday :embarassed:
    I will drink more than 4 glasses of water a day :drinker:
    I will say 1 nice thing about myself everyday :blushing:
    I will answer all emails from MFP friends daily :flowerforyou:
    This should provide some good results this month.
    Feb I didn't post goals as I had just joined group. Well as you see by my weight loss that didn't go to well. :explode:
    Keep me on track ladies!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Forgot to look at my goals from last month which is one of the reasons I posted earlier; so......here we go:
    Wear pedometer..........about half time
    Log food and eat more fish...........pretty good on both
    Exercise 5x/week............yes!!!
    Follow Katla's water guide............yes!!!
    Haven't made it on the scale lately but as of the last time the loss was 2lbs. which means 51/2 more to get back to goal, I think. I'll keep these goals for March.

    Heather...........Hope your knee issue is diagnosed quickly and treatment is fast, simple, and effective! I'm still in love with that baby; she's so cute......everytime I see that pic I just kind of melt a little.

    Katla...........I am 5' 3" and some petites are a smidge too short and reg sizes are 2" too long..........it seems to all depend on the brand for me.

    Cynthia..........Wow, what a great guy!

    My DH got off his usual route home from work tonight due to an accident (we've had many because of the ice) and called me for directions---we've only lived here 33 yrs!!! That man is so set in his ways........anyway, I'm glad he called and even moreso that he got home safely..........who knows where he might have ended up, lol.

    Looking doubtful that I will get Gwen to the eye dr. tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, your bathtub NSV is awesome and one you will remember and use as motivation to continue

    :flowerforyou: Heather, getting into strength training a little at a time was a smart way to go….so many people start off with a big burst and quit before long……congrats on your 4 pack

    :flowerforyou: Latoldy, congrats on not listening to the voice that said “you deserve a little”…..I read somewhere that thoughts like that are childish relationships with food

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I knit cotton dishrags in the summer and blankets in the winter…..I don’t knit as much now that I am more active.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, when Jake and I traveled a lot, he wanted to leave before daylight to miss the traffic.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I am inspired by your running a half marathon but I am more likely to increase my walking rather than start running

    :flowerforyou: Beth, thanks for the information about the dryer…..we cleaned the vents at both ends….also the load was very heavy and I put it In immediately after taking out another load……when I started the dryer again I did only half the load.

    :flowerforyou: Mandy, the best foods for low or no fat are vegetables

    :flowerforyou: Pat, we watched the Oscars and loved Bette Midler’s song

    :flowerforyou: Jaya, many health care professionals recommend only 1600 mg of sodium a day.

    :flowerforyou: Margaret, I try to avoid going to restaurants as much as possible……the sodium is high even when I order a plain grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables.

    :bigsmile: Jill, that’s great news about your knees.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, your guy is a keeper…..but then you already knew that.

    :flowerforyou: Pennie, if you read the posts and reply almost every day, you will be encouraged by all of us to keep up with your other goals.

    :laugh: :laugh: After all my talk about sodium, I have to confess that my big meal today was two turkey franks with whole wheat buns and sauerkraut and mustard…….a rare treat for me…….I’ve been thirsty all afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: This afternoon I went for a walk with a friend who winters in Arizona and this year sold her house down there and is home in Washington to stay……we would have talked longer but an hour was a long as she is comfortable walking.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today ---strength training----lots of time on the exercise bike
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    JOYCE, happy to hear that you enjoyed your birthday wishes as I am sending you another to brighten the day.
    TIARPANTS congratulations on your new grand baby too! My newest grand baby girl was born the same day. We will be traveling to see her as well in a couple of weeks.
    THANK YOU All for the grand baby wishes and congratulations; nothing like those grand Ones!
    KAY in WI, one day it will be you and we shall celebrate the occasion in a big way!
    KAY (drkatiebug) ♥ your goals - simple, makes life grand :)
    DEEDEE, looking back at last year February was not a good month nor was March; looks like I need to pull in the reins on March & hoping that we both have a good month.
    SYLVIA my February goals were like dust in the wind too but you, lady lost 5 lbs and that is awesome!
    REBEL RANNY, I am really glad to see you point out that not all planks and crunches are good for everyone due to abdominal muscle separations; mine are the result of surgery but hazardous all the same. Occasionally I forget and sit-up straight - regretfully.
    RORI, I'll be traveling to your state in a couple of weeks to see my grand baby girl. We also had some that lion weather for March and will be looking for the lamb - hoping to find it when I get to Denver. So sorry to hear that about your husband's diabetes; hopefully the exercises will curtail the damage and he will do fine. Congrats on getting your taxes in the mail!!!

    And here's where my mind boggles; there are so many other posts - some I read - being so far behind I can't keep my thoughts straight so at this point I will wish everyone well; hope the worst of winter has past us all and we can start seeing Spring flowers.

    God bless,
    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well we went to Red Lobster. My husband went with the attitude that he wouldn't like anything because they didn't have cod but he got a crab linguini and really liked it. I got the shrimp linguini alfredo. Yes, I know. Anything with alfredo at the end is bad for me but it's my birthday, haven't hardly eaten anything for the past 3 days and just plain wanted it. I usually get the baked flounder there. I know it would have been nice and bland but alfredo is one of my comfort foods I turn to when I am stressed. Hot dogs and macaroni and cheese are the others. So I ordered the 1/2 order and ate only about 1/2 of that. I am finding that hot tea helps to settle my stomach and had two cups of that during supper. I am sure that I will eat the other half throughout the evening. He had 5 cheddar biscuits, I had 2. So I do feel better. I had told him that I felt like I needed a mega dose of protein.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Monday!:flowerforyou: And the new week is started. I am working a few hours this evening as one girl is still sick. Kind of funny as she played Bingo yesterday and several people seen her. But she can't come to work today. Gotta love it!
    Had a very nice BD yesterday. Thank you all for the birthday wishes and your friendship. It means alot to me and makes this journey doable.:flowerforyou: Went to DGD dance program and then we took her to see the movie Frozen. I wanted to see it as thought it would be funny. I did not realize till we were there that it is in 3D. We did have a good time.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Hope to hear from you regular and get to know you and you to know us.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia--So glad to hear the children are home and all went well. Great NSV with the bathtub.:drinker:

    Brenda--Congrates on the weight loss.:drinker:

    Sue--our church also does the prayer shawl program and I keep thinking I want to voluteer to knit some. Keep my hands busy and be for a good reason.

    Barbie--DH knows I really don't want a party for me, I enjoy doing them for him and then I am not the center of attention.:blushing:

    Heather--Congrates on you NSV!!! I hope you get some answers and relieve for your knee.:flowerforyou:

    Pat--Congrates on the new GrGB. Hope all went well. Name and weight and length info please??

    Jill-glad the knee checkup went well.:flowerforyou:

    Patsy--So sorry to hear about the abuse of your niece. :mad: I can not understand how someone could hurt a child. She is lucky to have you to take care of her until a safe plance can be found.

    yanniejannie--Please take care of you!:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia--You are indeed very lucky. He does sound like a keeper.:heart:

    Joyce--glad you had a nice supper and there are times that we have to go for it. Long as it is not a habit I don't see the harm. Hope you are feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Sounds like we are in for warmer weather the rest of the week, in the 20's and 30's. I am so ready for Spring. Hugs to those who need them and :heart: to all of you dear friends.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 45 minutes of yoga and then took a 45 min step class. Came home and cleaned the condo (boo hoo). We're going out to Denny's tonight. Vince wants to leave around 10 tomorrow so that we miss the rush hour traffic in Charlotte. If it were up to me, I'd want to leave earlier. Actually, I've sent an email to a friend of mine who works in Charlotte and drives from Charlotte to Hickory many days a week to ask her just how bad it really is.

    I think you're technically supposed to get only 5 visits to the Y but I think the gal looked the other way when I'd reached my limit. I did tell her that today would be my last day there so I really don't feel right going to the Y early tomorrow. So I'll just walk around the parking lot tomorrow.

    Anamika - you made me feel so good about being interviewed. What an inspiration you will be! Best of luck to you

    Welcome all new ladies. You'll love it here.

    Pat - congrats on becoming a great grand

    Margaret - it was so weird how I really wished for my own fruit. But I also have to look at it from a convenience standpoint, can't have everything down here. Tonight we went to Denny's for dinner. I had the grilled chicken breast. You know, to me it tasted on the salty side. Now I'm not sure if that's because I'm used to lower sodium or if it was some spice that they used. Had broccoli (steamed) with it along with a fruit salad which consisted of bananas, grapes, apples, and blueberries. It wasn't much but it was enough. When I got home I had a yogurt, not because I really wanted it but because I needed to finish it up before tomorrow. I also had some Arctic Zero ice cream, again because I needed to use it up. There is a little more that I'll have tomorrow morning (what a breakfast! Boca burgers, egg substitute, and mixed vegetables and ice cream -- things I want to use up)

    The scale at the Y says I lost about 2 pounds from when we got here, but I'm sure a lot of that is water weight.

    Patsy - (((hugs))). I can't believe the abuse your niece had to put up with! That's horrible. She's so lucky to have you

    yanniejannie - Gwen is ever so lucky to have you

    Cynthia - you certainly are one lucky gal

    katla - I love sweet potatoes. I was just surprised that they were as high in calories as they are. But that's OK, I'll deal with it. When I'm shopping sometimes I wonder if a shirt is meant to be long sleeved or 3/4 sleeve Most of them seem to be 3/4, at least on me

    Well, we put some things in the car already and will put more tomorrow.

    Michele soon to be back in NC
  • Kayzoola
    Kayzoola Posts: 60
    Kicking off my exercise week with bodypump. I was able to increase the weight on the chest presses.

    Tonight I made a huge green salad to go with some soup. I made the dressing in the food processor with raw cashews, orange segments and a bit of lemon juice and garlic. I think it turned out well enough to try it again. No added salt! I like to put canned beets in salad sometimes, and was surprised to see that the pickled ones have a lot less sodium than the regular ones.

    I am still working on spring cleaning. Time to go through the bathroom now and clear out the things we don't use anymore.

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Past my bedtime, but don’t want to end the day without a couple of replies and committing this months goals.

    Michelle: Yes, the book Salt, Sugar, Fat How the Food Giants Hooked Us, is available on Audible.com. I just downloaded it and will begin to listen while I do my morning workout.

    Heather: I spend considerable time in New York City hotels and can assure you that it is one of the best places for finding healthy food. Fruit vendors on the corners. Create your own salads in every deli. Foods of every nationality all over the place. However, the wholesome options are side by side with all the lovely bakeries, bars and bistros tempting with delicious smells and enticing menus. NY is a feast for all the senses. Congrats on getting your 4-pack back. Hope you find a resolution to the knee issues.

    Joyce: Happy birthday. Now that you've had some comfort foods, hope you'll be back to your active self.

    Vicki: So glad to hear the turnout for DH’s party was so tremendous. Good for you for avoiding cake.

    Sue: I’m sure the crochet shawls are going to be very comforting to hospitalized patients. Bravo.

    Carol in NC: So sorry to hear your son is still not well. I’m tired just reading all you are doing for the kids and your church. Please take care of you, too.

    Teral: I hope we get to meet you while you're in Colorado. Today was sunny and beautiful -- spring is coming!

    For those who want my ‘recipe’ for chicken and vegetable curry, I’m sorry to disappoint you. I wing it using S&B Golden Curry Sauce (NOT recommended for those curbing sodium), frozen stir fry vegetables and boneless, skinless chicken cut into cubes. The ‘sauce’ actually is in the form of a paste you mix with water, broth or coconut milk. I use water. About 270 calories a serving. My DH likes it over brown rice. Speaking of DH, I started work on his very special 70th birthday adventure: a trip to Alaska this September. Has anyone ever stayed in Denali National Park?

    Stay well,
    Rori in Colorado Foothills

    My word for 2014 = Release
    Goals for March:
    Read Sugar, Fat and Salt
    Do high intensity interval training at least 1x per week for 25 mins
    Twice a week, consume fewer than 35 carbs
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    JOYCE, Red Lobster is often my choice of birthday dinners - about the only time I can get my DH to go although the cheddar biscuits are growing on him. Glad to hear you had a good meal and enjoyed the birthday. :smile:

    RORI, are you close to Westminster (Denver)? I have scheduled lunch with Jane H on Friday and she tells me others are coming too.

    MICHELE, water weight or not 2 lbs is a good loss; enjoy it. You are such a stellar dieter almost always hitting your goal right on.

    Tomorrow is voting for the primaries; been working on my choices and so glad the roads will be clear tomorrow. Those that will be traveling on ice, sleet or snow your country and I thank you for your votes.

    Pillow calls and I am answering; sweet dreams y'all!

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Boy did I have a pleasant surprise tonight. Several nights ago I thought I had lost the black wrist band I wear to sleep for my Fitbit one. The velcro isn't as tight as it used to be so I put sock around it and it stays fine. So I put the FitBit in the sock and it seemed to work fine. Well tonight I was fixing my bedtime snack and something caught my attention since it was hanging off my sweater just below my arm pit. Yes, you guessed. There was my black wrist band. How long had it been there??? I had been to red Lobster with it hanging down my arm. why did no one say anything. And it was really stuck to my sweater. I was surprised that my sweater wasn't damaged by gently pulling it off. So Now I have it back. I didn't have to do some general cleaning in my bedroom after all!

    Tummy feeling great tonight!!! Have to get back in the exercise groove but my back is still hurting. I can lift up my leg now but just sitting really hurts my back. Not enough to take a pain pill although I am taking routine Aleve. I DO NOT want to take any Lortab for it.

    Still looking for a rental house on the beach somewhere either in the Florida panhandle or in Myrtle beach somewhere. Just wish we would get hubbie hospital bills so we could know what we have to work with. Also wish the gasoline would go down. We would either have to rent a larger van or take two cars down.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning gals! Sun is shining! Frosty last night.

    Anamika - an interview! What a star!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie - I can't tell you how much it cheered me up to here about your hot dog adventure!:tongue: Sauerkraut is one of my all time favourite things! :bigsmile: I don't have it often I must say. Mustard I have a lot, but mainly English mustard on a ham sandwich. It is HOT, HOT, HOT! :laugh: And there I was thinking you were a saint! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michele - you are not a dustbin!:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Roro - I have not got BACK my 4 pack, I have NEVER had one before! Nor those lovely lines down each side whose name I can never remember! I have been a couch potato all my life.:laugh:

    DH had a bad night last night. He went to the doctor's last week to disvuss reducing his meds and he cut it in half. Bad idea. He has had to go back on the full dose as anxiety has been creeping up on him. He gets so cross as he thought it was all behind him, but I tell him it's only chemistry and he will soon be ok again. I have sent him out into the beautiful frosty sunshine for a walk to boost his serotonin. :happy: I have yoga today, so have washed my hair and have a few minutes to talk to my Vit F friends.:bigsmile

    I had trouble getting to sleep so read until 2 am. I reread some of The Happiness Project and then carried on with The Compatibility Gene. It's about immunology. I love popular science books, especially about the human body. Brain science is my favourite. I usually put them on my Christmas list and get my children to buy them for me.:laugh: :tongue:

    Well, must get ready. Have a good TO DO list today. I've been looking at happiness ideas to see how to accomplish them with ease and grace! :happy: :wink:

    Love Heather in Hampshire where the birds are singing and a 68 year old man is tramping the frosty lanes. :heart: :love:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning all,
    last night was not good..
    the DH is on the war path again...
    he found my print out for the massage on top of my printer and blew his stack,
    no one is touching you, and then said thats it he is turning my phone off, and then went into some very colorful language and was screaming and yelling at me.
    he left this morning without even saying goodbye to the dogs which he does every morning,and the reason he didnt is because they were in my room..
    I wrote him a note.told him I have never told him he cant do something that I have been the best wife I can be, that he is a bully and ,berates me ,and yells at me,and that I dont deserve to be treated that way, that we are equal's
    he will never find someone else who will cook for him,make his lunches,shovel,snowblow,laundry etc..
    If he thinks the grass is greener on the other side it will be his call..
    I dont need this stress...:grumble:
    sorry for ranting away..no excersise today. not even hungry
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Rori - thanks for letting me know that that book is available as a downloadable. I'll probably get it when we get back home. Your trip to Alaska sounds very neat. Oh, is it the abridged or unabridged version?

    Alison - I just can't imagine a dh acting the way yours does. You are a wonderful wife! Honestly, I don't know if I would do as much as you do if Vince treated me the way your dh treats you. You deserve a lot more. Rant all you want to

    Well, I think I'll just walk up and down the stairs of the condo,

    I was just telling Vince how cute Clyde looks laying out on the porch that maybe we shouldn't go. Of course, he said (which is true) that he needs to get the "crud" out of his system. I know, I just had to say it.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Grandmallie .... hugs and prayers being sent your way....
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Alison, I feel so bad for you! Whoever said "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" was totally wrong!!!! Words hurt worst of all when they come from somebody who is supposed to love you. He sounds like a terrible bully, and he seems to be threatened by your doing things to improve yourself. Has he always been this way? It breaks my heart that you are going through this. Please contact a battered womens shelter and see if they have a counselor or adviser you could talk to. You HAVE GOT to start protecting yourself. This is not right. And turning off your phone is a classic sign of an abuser who tries to cut you off from the outside world making you more dependent on him.

    Please take care of yourself and let us know how you are doing. You need that massage more than ever!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Agree with Sylvia. :brokenheart:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Thanks everybody for the sweet words about my guy. I'll pass them on. :smile:

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
    (worried about Alison)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    thank you for the support Sylvia...
    I feel so bad..I have to work from 10-6 today and that will keep me busy,but I am just getting worn down
    right now I have my puppy in my lap to make me feel better, bless the dogs, they get treated like royalty as they should be..
    I will look into some sort of counseling..
    my SIL called last night and she is coming over thursday and we are going to look at assisted living homes for my FIL,
    he is just getting worse, yes she is lazy and doesnt take great care of him,but he is ornery and will not listen to her, he has been trying to leave the house and wait for the bus that takes him to daycare at inappropriate times,he is sleeping in his clothes and urinated all over ..
    I feel bad for him, and for them, but with all that is going on ,there is no way we could bring him here...
    I am sorry to be such a downer so I will check in after work maybe.. depending on the mood in the house