When to accept your body



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    It is ok!!!!

    I am happy with me now, but I think I have a long way to go. If I never get there that will be ok. It would be nice if I do though.
    I guess it depends on what I really want. I guess I can't really answer this question:)
  • seoseo123
    seoseo123 Posts: 8 Member
    wow.. Congrats on the weight loss! for me. the first thing I do is accept my body. I realized that I can't keep looking so disappointed when I see myself in the mirror or a reflection of myself. So for me I do it first and then I try to fix it. I mean if your weight won't go down anymore. You can try to get toned! :D
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
    I want to say that there's a difference between accepting your body and being complacent, but honestly once I drop all this weight I plan on lifting more and bulking, because I know I'm not going to be satisfied with the way I look. Rather, maybe it's a difference between accepting who you are and being satisfied. I can accept who I am because I'm trying my hardest to change, but that doesn't mean I'm satisfied with myself.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Everybody has a different point with their weight where they will feel comfortable and content which will vary from person to person. Once you're at a healthy weight I think that it largely doesn't really matter from a broad perspective. There will be a different point for everybody where the lifestyle sacrifices required to cut that extra bit of body fat will no longer be worth it. Not only that generally, the leaner you get the harder it is to cut more bf and the more strict and tightly controlled you need to be with your diet.

    If you're healthy and happy then maintain away. It's not like maintenance is a permanant decision anyway. You can always maintain for a little while and then decide to cut some more at an appropriate time.

    I think once the weight loss is largely finished it helps to set fitness goals so you can keep up a healthy lifestyle
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    To even start losing weight I had to accept my body.

    I used to just ignore it, cover it up with layers of clothes, wear a lot of make-up and do my hair, draw attention away from my body.

    To commit to changing, I had to look at myself and say "so this is what I have to work with".

    I work out and fuel my body because I love it and I want it to be stronger, faster, healthier. If it looks better in the process, that's great! Accept yourself from the start and focus on how to improve a little every day.

    "Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own."
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    For it's like...never...I know I will always look at those thinner leaner women and hate myself for being stupid and not able to lose weight.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    my mother was of the opinion that she could always lose 10lbs and subsequently she was never happy with her body. As she gained weight with the time (she was always yoyo dieting) she became hated it more and more, but nevertheless the weight kept piling on. I don't want to live like this. I watch what I eat (less stringent now, because I am on maintenance) and I do some exercise. I look at myself and remind myself that I have been pregnant a couple of times and that I am getting older and that wrinkles are part of life.

    Self-acceptance is crucial for me to lead a happy life :-)
  • jenna808
    jenna808 Posts: 79 Member
    It wasn't until recently that I started to accept my body, after spending most of my adult life wishing it was different. I'm never going to be tiny, always be pear shaped, and my bone structure will never change, and all of that is okay. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not working towards making it the best machine it can be. I decided to work with what I've got, and make it a strong and amazing body, and push myself to do more things than I ever thought I could. So I say accept your body for the things you cannot change, and push hard for your goals on the things you can and treat it with the respect it deserves, regardless of what shape it's currently in.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    It wasn't until recently that I started to accept my body, after spending most of my adult life wishing it was different. I'm never going to be tiny, always be pear shaped, and my bone structure will never change, and all of that is okay. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not working towards making it the best machine it can be. I decided to work with what I've got, and make it a strong and amazing body, and push myself to do more things than I ever thought I could. So I say accept your body for the things you cannot change, and push hard for your goals on the things you can and treat it with the respect it deserves, regardless of what shape it's currently in.

    Although I have been a failure when it comes to weight loss but I still think it's me not being able to work it out...I can't accept that I can't change my weight but the reality is...I haven't been able to change it much. See? I am at a dead end...
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    I think Nature hasn’t produced just one type of bird, flower, tree, rock…why should it produce just one type of person? We are all different. Some pear shaped, others apple shaped, some with stumpy legs and others are quite lean. It’s just to make life interesting.
    We are bombarded by a beauty ideal that it’s unattainable. We are comparing ourselves to computer generated images and getting depressed over having a bit of cellulite, a stretch mark here and there, a bit of a belly and it wouldn’t surprise me that some of us are upset with the fact that we even have pores.
    I want to go back to my previous shape – and that shape was far from perfect. But the way my body is/was has never stopped me living my life. I’ve travelled the world, lived in 4 different countries, dated some pretty hot men, went to amazing parties, lived and learned. And I bless that. I am extremely grateful that regardless a bit of extra weight that I am carrying at the moment I am healthy. And this extra weight will go away because I am working on it. I just know so and every time I step on the scale and I see I lost a wee bit it makes me happy. And if I don’t lose as much during one week I don’t stress myself as I can lose more on the week after. I don’t sweat the small stuff.
    I accept myself fully. More important than being thin is being happy and my happiness depends in loads of different factors. Not only how much I weigh.