Weeks of calorie defecit and STILL gaining? HELP!

So I started this journey Jan 1 2014 to lose the 15 pound I had gained from quitting smoking. MFP says my caloric intake should be 1200. I am consistently weighing and logging food intake. I do cardio for 30-45 min 3 days a week (about 300 cal burn) and light strength training with free weights 2 days per week. I am still gaining weight!! Not just weight but can literally see more fat and flab. WHAT am I doing wrong? Now instead of 15 pounds to lose I have 20!! Anyone suggest something that would help? This doesn't make sense to me.


  • jkd132
    jkd132 Posts: 10
    1200 calories seems low! Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
    Quite a few things come into play, 1200 does seem low, but so I can help better, what do you have your weight loss set at per week? Sometimes with just the low amount that you have said you have to lose, 2lbs per week can be drastic, try setting it lower, it will boost the amount of calories you need to eat, which can sometimes jumpstart your loss. Don't starve yourself, it tends to backfire as you're seeing now.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I am assuming you have set the weight loss at 2 lbs per week, so MFP todl you to eat 1200 calories, like it does with everyone. As this is just a random number, try approaching this more rationally. Find a TDEE calculator, like this one: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/, calculate your TDEE, then subtract something between 10 and 20%, depending on how much you have to lose, and have this number in mind when counting calories. You can still use the MFP way, but aiming for a weight loss rate that brings you close to this number fo rnet calories. It will be more realistic.
    Second, unless you have a serious health issue, unfortunately something is wrong with your math. Opening your diary would help get more precise advice, but some general tips below (not things you do wrong, things anyone in general could do wrong):
    - log everything you eat. The dressing in the salad, the coffee with milk and so on.
    - use a food scale
    - when looking for calories per food, double check the numbers. There are several entries for the same things on MFP, and some are set ridiculously low. If e.g. an egg appears to have 40 calories in some entries 80 in some others (random numbers I am making up), chances are the highest is the correct, so double check, or use the highest number
    - it is very possible you are overestimating calories burned. MFP has a tendency to overcalculate these anyway.
  • maybe2m
    maybe2m Posts: 18
    Quite a few things come into play, 1200 does seem low, but so I can help better, what do you have your weight loss set at per week? Sometimes with just the low amount that you have said you have to lose, 2lbs per week can be drastic, try setting it lower, it will boost the amount of calories you need to eat, which can sometimes jumpstart your loss. Don't starve yourself, it tends to backfire as you're seeing now.

    I did set my weight loss at 2 lbs per week. I really am not starving myself, as what I eat now is pretty close to what I ate before I started trying to lose weight. I didn't change my eating habits much, other than to cut out most of the chips and cookies I snacked on at night. I hadn't changed my eating habits when I gained the 20 pounds...all I did was quit smoking! I have added exercise 3 days a week as I said, and it doesn't make sense to me that if I increase my activity, don't change my eating habits, that I would still gain weight. I actually eat fairly healthy. I can't stand processed foods or "fast food".
  • maybe2m
    maybe2m Posts: 18
    I am assuming you have set the weight loss at 2 lbs per week, so MFP todl you to eat 1200 calories, like it does with everyone. As this is just a random number, try approaching this more rationally. Find a TDEE calculator, like this one: http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/, calculate your TDEE, then subtract something between 10 and 20%, depending on how much you have to lose, and have this number in mind when counting calories. You can still use the MFP way, but aiming for a weight loss rate that brings you close to this number fo rnet calories. It will be more realistic.
    Second, unless you have a serious health issue, unfortunately something is wrong with your math. Opening your diary would help get more precise advice, but some general tips below (not things you do wrong, things anyone in general could do wrong):
    - log everything you eat. The dressing in the salad, the coffee with milk and so on.
    - use a food scale
    - when looking for calories per food, double check the numbers. There are several entries for the same things on MFP, and some are set ridiculously low. If e.g. an egg appears to have 40 calories in some entries 80 in some others (random numbers I am making up), chances are the highest is the correct, so double check, or use the highest number
    - it is very possible you are overestimating calories burned. MFP has a tendency to overcalculate these anyway.

    Thanks for your reply. I didn't even know I could open my food diary to others. I will do that if I can figure out how. I assumed starting with MFP that numbers were estimates and I leave myselft "wiggle" room on those. I assume the calories burned are high and some of the food calories low. I either use numbers right from the food package or create my own recipe or use the highest number. As far as calories burned from exercise, I am not sure. I do stairs. I have no money for a gym. I work in a 6 story building. There are 116 steps. I walk those steps bottom to top and back down 9 to 11 times in 30 to 42 minutes.

    I do measure my food amounts. I do enter everything that I eat....if I don't the only one I cheat is myself and I need to figure out what to do different. ANY help at all would be appreciated...I can't stand how my body feels and my clothes just keep getting tighter!
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    You'll need to open your diary up if you want any kind of decent advice.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Quite a few things come into play, 1200 does seem low, but so I can help better, what do you have your weight loss set at per week? Sometimes with just the low amount that you have said you have to lose, 2lbs per week can be drastic, try setting it lower, it will boost the amount of calories you need to eat, which can sometimes jumpstart your loss. Don't starve yourself, it tends to backfire as you're seeing now.

    I did set my weight loss at 2 lbs per week. I really am not starving myself, as what I eat now is pretty close to what I ate before I started trying to lose weight. I didn't change my eating habits much, other than to cut out most of the chips and cookies I snacked on at night. I hadn't changed my eating habits when I gained the 20 pounds...all I did was quit smoking! I have added exercise 3 days a week as I said, and it doesn't make sense to me that if I increase my activity, don't change my eating habits, that I would still gain weight. I actually eat fairly healthy. I can't stand processed foods or "fast food".

    reduce your weekly loss goal to 1.5 to up your cals a bit and enter your exercise - eat back some of those calories - you totally cut out the unhealthy snacks - add some healthy ones like yogurt, fruit, veg, nuts - make sure you weigh everthing properly and drink lots of water - even with a slight gain, quitting smoking will surely be beneficial - quitting smoking is a major step so accept the slight gain and move forward. Congrats on your success so far - quitting smoking is a major + !!! :flowerforyou:
  • JojoEffeckt164
    JojoEffeckt164 Posts: 146 Member
    I recomment to talk to your doctor about the issue. Take your food diary to him and let him have a look.
  • andrianna666
    andrianna666 Posts: 5 Member
    Maybe its hormonal??:)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    After looking at your diary, your logging looks inaccurate. You are using generic sandwich listings that another MFP member created. Did they use the same bread as you, same cheese, not to mention it's not weighed to be accurate. .75 a sandwich? A 3 x 3 slice of lasagna is 375 calories? You haven't had my lasagna

    You didn't gain 15 lbs because you stopped smoking, you gained 15 lbs because you replaced smoking with putting something else in your mouth.

    As you say you are doing everything correctly but are gaining? So obviously you are not doing everything correctly. Weigh your food with a digital scale, log everything you eat and drink. You don't have a lot to lose so you have to be as accurate and honest as you can be. Just because you eat "healthy" doesn't mean you are in a calorie deficit.

    Good luck
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    This is going to echo a lot of advice you've already gotten here, but:

    - reduce your weight loss goal to 1lb per week max.

    - eat more lean protein and healthy fats, and treat your fat and protein macro figures as targets for the day.

    - drink more water rather than juices or diet sodas

    - keep a close eye on your sodium intake, as high sodium can lead to water retention

    - replace simple carbs (white bread, pasta, etc) with complex carbs (wholegrain alternatives, etc.) where possible

    - eat back at least half of your exercise calories

    - weigh everything rather than using cups. Cups are the worst measurement system after eyeballing

    - have patience, if you can consistently hit a calorie deficit you will lose weight

    Good luck!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With 10 lb. to lose, you must set your weight loss goal to .5 lb. and be patient.

    If you're gaining, you're not eating at a deficit. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    My advice, do not replace anything you cannot stick to long term. Someone said to replace simple carbs, i do not agree with his opinion. Eat what you have been eating so far but in moderation. Yes, rice and pasta might seem like a lot of carb for nothing but if you cannot see yourself without it in 12mths, then i suggest you keep eating it but cut down.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member

    I know how you feel. I quit smoking a year ago and put on weight, which I expected to do. I had reached my goal before I quit so my starting point was a good one, but like I said I have put weight on ( but I look OK and not too worried however I would like to loose some) and I am finding it harder to get rid of. I am 51 and I have found that during my late forties I was more prone to put on weight and need fewer calories that I did when I was younger, I think that will be hormonal.

    You have done a really good thing by giving up smoking and I know putting on weight sucks, but you will get it off just have some patience. I think the goal of 2 pounds a week is a bit high and 1 pound per week is more realistic. I know it is frustrating but keep trying and don't give up. Keep adjusting your diet and exercise until you find what works for you. I would suggest incresing your strength training, using heavier weights and adding some HIIT, rather than lots of cardio.

    Hang in there! good luck
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Quite a few things come into play, 1200 does seem low, but so I can help better, what do you have your weight loss set at per week? Sometimes with just the low amount that you have said you have to lose, 2lbs per week can be drastic, try setting it lower, it will boost the amount of calories you need to eat, which can sometimes jumpstart your loss. Don't starve yourself, it tends to backfire as you're seeing now.

    I did set my weight loss at 2 lbs per week. I really am not starving myself, as what I eat now is pretty close to what I ate before I started trying to lose weight. I didn't change my eating habits much, other than to cut out most of the chips and cookies I snacked on at night. I hadn't changed my eating habits when I gained the 20 pounds...all I did was quit smoking! I have added exercise 3 days a week as I said, and it doesn't make sense to me that if I increase my activity, don't change my eating habits, that I would still gain weight. I actually eat fairly healthy. I can't stand processed foods or "fast food".

    2lbs a week...that is for those who have 100lbs or more to lose.

    And you say you eat now is pretty close to what you ate before...that's why you are gaining then.

    I looked at your diary and you don't weigh portions and you choose entries that really

    half a rack of ribs 269 calories???? 2 ribs have 280 calories

    It's pretty simple really if you aren't losing you are not in a deficet...if you are gaining you are in a surplus.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    ...Someone said to replace simple carbs, i do not agree with his opinion...

    My advice was to replace them **where possible**. This leads to a greater balance of food stuffs, and therefore moderation. It also increases the amount of fibre in your diet, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer.

    We essentially agree with each other though, you need to put permanent changes in place to succeed at long term weight gain. If you can't do it long term, then it's probably not going to work out.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Firstly, set your goal loss to 0.5lb - 1lb per week. You only have a small amount to lose, 2lb a week loss is for people with more than 75lb to go!

    Secondly, your diary is a bit of a mess. You regularly eat under 1000 calories which is far too low, however, your diary entries seem way off to me - half a rack of ribs for 269 cals? You could be eating too little or too much - it's hard to tell.

    Drop your goal per week, weigh and measure all your food and don't use generic entries made by another MFP member. And eat back your exercise calories - MFP doesn't tell you to do this to try and sabotage your weight loss. If you are using MFPs calorie burns, eat back 50%, as they can overestimate.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    1.Stop logging normal activities as exercise, like cleaning or walking etc. You can simply increase your activity level to lightly active and it will be more accurate.
    2.Use a scale and log everything. If you cook something, create a recipe and add the ingredients, do not use similar recipes others have created, you do not know what they used.
    3. Set a goal of about 1/2 lb per week weight loss. And be patient.
  • maybe2m
    maybe2m Posts: 18
    Okay, thanks all who jumped in here. I am still struggling with all this. I went back through my diary and even if I make entries more accurate, there are not enough that would need changed or the difference in calories is not great and I still end up with a calorie deficit almost every day. I know my diary looks a mess. Yes ..I eat like that. I ate 0.75 of a sandwich because I have a head cold and nothing has taste. There are days when I actually just don't eat a meal. So...I will keep trying but I still don't really know WHAT to do different.