childhood memories survey



  • Blossom01
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? At home
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Fruit
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Yes
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Marbles, jacks, and dolls
    * What games did you like to play? All sports and monopoly
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? No, just my wonderful sister.
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Yup! At camp
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Building club houses and skating
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Yes
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? The amusement parks
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes
    * What do you wish you could have changed? My sister young death
    * Did you have any pets? Yes cats and dogs
    * What was your favorite Christmas present? A pimple medicine that my sister left under the tree for me before she died unexpectedly on the 23 of Dec.
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? I really did not get in trouble to much at home but at school it was for fighting a lot.
  • Mariahef
    Mariahef Posts: 3 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? - South Brighton, Adelaide, South Australia
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Benny Crescent
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? No
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Lucky Locket Kiddle
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? No
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? I cut my right hand on a glass bottle that my Mother told me not to touch and I sliced through my tendon in my first finger. I had plaster on my arm for 13 weeks.
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Make believe and playing dress ups. Once we got a TV in 1964 I was pretty much hooked
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? We only went on one vacation to my Aunty's in Sydney
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? None really, but we have been to Bali 13 times in the last 25 years
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? at school in grade 5
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? I live on the other side of Adelaide from where I grew up and I haven't spoken to my parents for the past 18 years
    * What do you wish you could have changed? My Parents!!! They were both naracists.
    * Did you have any pets? a black Labrador/Greyhound cross called Labby Loo
    * What was your favorite christmas present? a mini Kitchen with a little roast chicken in the over and running water over the sink
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? anything and everything with my Mum. I only had to breath wrong for her to get upset and lock me outside
  • larousse_37
    A "Childhood Memories" Survey. Why?
    1. It's cold and snowy out and I'm stuck inside being bored.
    2. It goes along with the theme of everybody's cartoon icons.
    3. It's fun to read other people's answers.

    Lucky you! It's hot here, and hasn't stopped raining for weeks!!

    Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? - Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Evadne Street
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Nope
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? I used to do creative stuff, like make friendship bracelets or even hair wraps haha
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? I had an afterschool carer
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? I was pretty lucky in my family of freak accidents. I once cut every finger on my right hand open on a cat food tin and had to have stitches in my thumb
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Make believe, used to play a lot of Xena Warrior Princess or arts and crafts stuff. Bike rides and rollerblading with Sam (the Scotch Collie) in tow.
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Yes, we used to go to Yamba (on the NSW Coast) every summer holidays and one of my girlfriends always came along
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Yamba and we used to go to Sydney for every other xmas
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No
    ' Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes, my parents worked for Defence, so I was born in Sydney, moved to Brisbane, moved to Canberra and then finally settled in Brisbane
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Myself.. I was a seriously anxious child and wish I could have lightened up a bit, and I suppose I wish my mum didn't have to go back to work, but she did what she had to do. My parents were/are amazing
    * Did you have any pets? Sam the (most beautiful) Scotch Collie, Skittles the cat, Emma the cat (still alive), Missy and Chester the Staffordshire Terriors (still terrorising the family ;-))
    * What was your favorite christmas present? Ooohhh.... probably a smalll keyboard, or a Barbie Van
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Talking too much. I talked a LOT
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Southern Louisiana
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Oak St
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Nope
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? I was always riding around on my bike
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? I baby sat the dog and the dog baby sat me ;)
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Fell out of a tree, face-planted the concrete while jumping a ramp on my bike and chipped a tooth(good thing it was a baby tooth), got bit by a dog.... etc
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Fishing
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? We were to poor for vacations back then.
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Um, I did go to alabama and saw the submarine and ship there once that was fun.
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No
    ' Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes, Joined the Army, Settled in seattle for a while and back down here until I move again.
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing
    * Did you have any pets?Yes
    * What was your favorite christmas present? My BMX
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Never really got into trouble.. Well... I never got caught
  • lindabuckiewicz
    lindabuckiewicz Posts: 15 Member
    Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? New Jersey
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Haven Terrace
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Yes
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Barbies and my chemistry set
    * What games did you like to play? Monopoly- we had marathon games that went on for days!
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Rarely; my mom was stay at home
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Getting run over by a bicycle once; and by a sled once!
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? We had so many imaginary games.
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Yes; often our neighbors kids
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Wildwood NJ- fun at the beach!
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes; but still visit often
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing; my childhood was idyllic!
    * Did you have any pets? Yes; a series of dogs and cats
    * What was your favorite christmas present? My thumbalina doll. ( anyone old enough to remember that?!)
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Usually teasing my siblings.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Assuming less than 10 years old...

    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    In the woods and hills around where I lived in Gloucestershire, England, UK

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    Can't say as it's a common security question.

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?

    * What games did you like to play?
    Can't remember - prob anything involving imagination

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    Lost my front teeth falling off my tricycle

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    Climbing trees, cycling, running around, fishing

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    Visit to Jersey, UK Channel Islands, when I was 9 - I went by myself to visit family there.

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    Yes, but not quite far enough!

    * What do you wish you could have changed?
    Not much - it was later in life that everything went wrong :)

    * Did you have any pets?
    Yes, fish, guinea pigs, cats.

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    At that time, probably my own bike, but a big set of technical lego was pretty special too.

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
    I was sweet and innocent at that age and never got into trouble :-)
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? In the gardens, orchard and the woods round my house

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? It was right out in the country, not a street at all and no name, just the Village

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? No

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Dolls house

    * What games did you like to play? mainly I used my imagination, used to play on my own a lot as an only child living in the middle of nowhere

    * Did you have a baby-sitter? No my parents both were around all the time

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? No but I was raped by a family friend when I was 9

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? riding, going to the beach, reading, playing on my swing

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? No

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Trip to Rimini, San Marino and Venice when I was 7

    * Did you every bury a time capsule? My class did when they buit a new classroom on the School

    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Not far at all

    * What do you wish you could have changed? The rape

    * Did you have any pets? Yes my Dog Tara for my 7th birthday, and family dogs - Tarnus and Jane -two poodles and a German shepard Liza and Streak an old English Sheepdog, two guinea pigs named bubble and squeak, my horse Suki and Henry my cat, and two pet jackdaws named yo yo and come on and a budgie named bluey.

    * What was your favorite christmas present? My dolls house

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Not eating properly, I only ate a very limited diet
  • Laura_H
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    Winthrop, Maine

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    Rt. 41

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?
    Barbies, Legos and Shriky Dinks

    * What games did you like to play?
    Tag, Battleship, Sorry, Uno

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?
    Never- I was raised by my grandparents and their motto was if I couldn't go, they didn't need to go

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    I was riding my bike down the road to buy my grandmother flowers and I hit the soft dirt on the side of the road. I went over
    the handle bars, split my lip and passed out. Thankfully my cousin was with me and helped me home. I should have just
    picked flowers, my grandmother would have loved them even more!

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    Talking on the phone, writing, reading, drawing

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    I don't know that I had a favorite. We went on a lot of trips and they were all fun. The longest was to Texas to see relatives and we made a lot of stops before we got there (because we drove) so I guess that was the best.

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?
    In school

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    Sadly yes

    * What do you wish you could have changed?
    How I applied myself in school. I was such a smart girl, I just was too social!

    * Did you have any pets?
    Several cats through out the years. We had to keep replacing them as they would get hit by cars or get eaten by fishers.

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    A Tandy computer!!!!!! Compatible with NOTHING!!!!! But it was a computer!

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
  • ashleyy0608
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    Springfield, OH

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    Cherokee Dr

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?
    No, but I still talk to the ones I made in middle/high school

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?
    Until my younger sisters were born, I played with a bunch of boys.. my brother and cousins. We played video games, we were always outside, tag, legos, ninja turtles, sports, etc. I couldn't keep girly toys like barbies because they would always end up being destroyed in the fan... lol

    * What games did you like to play?
    We loved board games, hide-n-seek (we had a huge woods beside our house), and unfortunately, my brother and cousins loved to practice their wrestling moves on me- which always ended with me getting hurt and them getting in trouble!

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?
    Yes, mostly my older cousins/ aunts would watch us because my grandparents lived far away

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    Appendicitis at a very young age, I burnt/pulled all of the skin off of my hand while pouring water in my mug for hot chocolate

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    My brother and I would beg to spend the night at my aunt and uncles house because we loved playing with our cousins- they were practically our brothers growing up

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?
    Yes, a few times- the only time as a child though was on a houseboat trip to TN

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    Until I graduated high school, every year we would go on a house boat trip on the lake in TN- we would take our jet skis and spend a week on the boat with some of our aunts, uncles, and cousins

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    Yes, when I was in the 4th grade we moved 45 mins. away because of my moms work- close to Columbus, OH

    * What do you wish you could have changed?
    We moved in the middle of my 4th grade year and it was a really hard adjustment, I know my parents didn't have a choice.. but it would have been better to wait until the start of 5th grade if I had a choice

    * Did you have any pets?
    Yes, we had a few dogs growing up- my first dog was names Gizmo lol

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    Probably my barbie car with my name on it that I drove around the yard, I don't know if I got that at Christmas though...

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
    For some reason I lied a lot as a kid- over really stupid things
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Playing in the streets in Buena Park, CA.
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Eudora
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? No
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? A ball of some kind.
    * What games did you like to play? Hide and Seek
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Back in those everybosy's parents kept an eye o everyone's kids
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Pulled a hot vaporizer over on myself when I was 3. Spent 3 months in a burn ward. Almost lost my left eye and left arm.
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Ride my bike
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Never went on vacation when I was a kid.
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Vacation for us was spending a weekend at Grandma and Grandma's house.
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No.
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes.
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing
    * Did you have any pets? German Shepard named Kimo. Someone hung him when I was about 8.
    * What was your favorite christmas present? Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? I rarely got in trouble. If I did, it was something trivial like harassing my yournger brothers or sisters.
  • SkierElle
    Looks like fun!!

    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? California....
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? flora
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? yep!
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? beanie babies!
    * What games did you like to play? umm... rummy, hide and seek?
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? for like two nights
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? not really, although I did fall off a steer once and got a huge scar
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? riding horses
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? yep took a lot of friends skiing with me
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? skiing!!
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? I think so but I don't remember where!
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? thankfully so!
    * What do you wish you could have changed? I wish i grew up somewhere with real seasons!
    * Did you have any pets? HEAPS!! dogs, cats, horses, rodents, reptiles, etc
    * What was your favorite christmas present? bouncy horse
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? staying outside past when the streetlights came on :) being sassy.
  • Jess116
    Jess116 Posts: 57 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    eastern Pa, in the middle of nowhere

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    rural route #3...seriously!

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?
    reconnected with a few through Facebook. :)

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?
    loved my big wheels and then bicycle later on

    * What games did you like to play?
    flashlight tag, hide and seek

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?
    only every once in awhile

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    not really, fell off the horse many times though!

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    playing with the neighborhood kids

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?
    yes, every year to the beach

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    tie between Virginia Beach and Disney

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?
    no, that would have been cool though :)

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    no, only left to go to college

    * What do you wish you could have changed?
    nothing, it's made me who I am today

    * Did you have any pets?
    yes- lots!

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    crayons or anything art-related

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
    if I got in trouble, I blamed my younger brother ;)
  • virginiagomes
    virginiagomes Posts: 110 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Playing with other kids outside my house in Santiago, Dominican Republic
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Calle Ocho
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Yes, I do
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Barbies
    * What games did you like to play? Hop-scotch (sp), jumping rope, modeling
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Nope
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Yes, I got burned at 2 y.o with a boiling pot of water for washing towels
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Singing
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?No
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? To my auntie Norma
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? Not yet
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing
    * Did you have any pets? Yes, several stray dogs which my mom used to give away after a day or two
    * What was your favorite christmas present? Barbie dolls
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Climbing Walls
  • ldafoe
    ldafoe Posts: 20 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Brighton, IL
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? South St
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Sometimes
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Barbies
    * What games did you like to play? Big Bad Wolf
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Only three times I can recall
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Too many to count!
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Reading. As punishment, my parents would take away my library card!
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? No, but I went to summer camp every year with my friends.
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? Disneyland
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? No
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes, got married and moved across country
    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing
    * Did you have any pets? Many cats
    * What was your favorite christmas present? Powder blue ten-speed bike
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Speaking before thinking...still have that problem today!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Small town north of Dallas, TX
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Roaring Springs
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Sure do!! We've been friends for 20 years
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Barbies or Legos
    * What games did you like to play? Dream Phone, Clue, Battleship...I HATE HATE HATE Monopoly...I have no patience!
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? My best friends Mom
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Not own fault
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Riding bikes around the neighborhood with my best friend getting into whatever trouble we could find.
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Yep!
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? I didn't get many vacations as a child other then going back to Wisconsin to see my family. "vacations" were taken as an FIRST vacation to a beach is a little over a month away!
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? In Elementery School
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Nope still live in the same area.
    * What do you wish you could have changed? I would not of let my weight get out of control like I did.
    * Did you have any pets? Always owned a dog.
    * What was your favorite christmas present? nintendo an sd.
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? My best friend...we were always up to no good. We grew up living about 2 blocks apart.
  • suerun11
    suerun11 Posts: 136 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Outside, Military Bases, Beaches

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Don't laugh-Easy Street

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? I sure do! She has too much dirt on me not too!

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Cabbage Patch Kids

    * What games did you like to play? Skip-bo

    * Did you have a baby-sitter? No, my mom stayed home

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?Too many, Broke my arm at 2 (Bookshelf fell on me), Broke my collar bone 13- (Wrestling Camp), Broke my arm and busted my head open requiring stitches (Jet Ski accident) name a few:)

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Reading, summer church camps, Running

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Yes to the Lake camping where we both required stitches to our heads, see above

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? We were more of a camping family by water, still love water, not so much camping as much!

    * Did you every bury a time capsule? In high school my whole senior class did

    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Yes! Went away to college and never went back

    * What do you wish you could have changed? I was nicer and closer to my little sister like we are becoming now

    * Did you have any pets? Yes, dogs, cats, rats, lizards, fish

    * What was your favorite Christmas present? Teddy Ruxpin

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? Talking to much!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Mon 12/06/10 01:21 AMWhere did you spend most of your childhood growing up? Pittsburgh and Tionesta
    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Mayville Ave
    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Absolutely!!!
    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Matchbox Cars and a Ball of some sort
    * What games did you like to play? Tag, Olympics(gymnasticsin my yard), kickball, hockey, soccer
    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Nope my gramma was still with me
    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Crashed my bike trying to be a brave kid
    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Imaginary games.
    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? NOPE :(
    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? as a teenager actually to france
    * Did you every bury a time capsule? We made one in grade school and opened it at the end of the year
    * Did you move away from where you grew up? yep and moved back
    * What do you wish you could have changed? To have a "normal" two parent household
    * Did you have any pets? Doggies and fish. also had geckos, a tarantula, snaken and hermit crabs
    * What was your favorite christmas present? the one my parents hated an electronic keyboard
    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? not eating my meat at dinner
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Oh boy! I love things like this!

    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up?
    Here in NS in a small community, usually in the backyard :smile:

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on?
    It was a road.. called Lemuel Smith

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends?
    Once in a while. We're not that close anymore.. kinda wish we were

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with?
    My Little Ponies! (I'm still a collector)

    * What games did you like to play?
    Baseball, checkers, and oh me and few friends used to always pretend we were power rangers LOL

    * Did you have a baby-sitter?
    No, I stayed with my grandparents instead

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid?
    You mean like running my battery powered 4-wheeler into the garage door? LOL otherwise, no

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time?
    Playing outside in the mud, coloring, or riding my bike

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you?
    Nope.. we went camping though.

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child?
    We didn't vacation

    * Did you every bury a time capsule?
    Yes, my first grade class did. we were suppose to dig it up before graduating high school. No one could remember where it was. It remains buried to this day :cry:

    * Did you move away from where you grew up?
    YES! well I'm still in NS but I'm MUCH closer to civilization LOL

    * What do you wish you could have changed?
    I don't know. Honestly...

    * Did you have any pets?
    I had a kitten when I was 5 (killed by a car). A poodle for 16 years (had cancer had to put her down RIP Candy)

    * What was your favorite christmas present?
    PJ Sparkles

    *What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble?
    Swearing or hitting my little sister
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    * Where did you spend most of your childhood growing up? - Cumming, GA (just north of Atlanta)

    * What was the name of the street you grew up on? Whispering Woods Drive

    * Do you still talk to your first best friends? Yes!

    * What toy could you most often be found playing with? Legos, TMNT, Barbies, Nintendo

    * What games did you like to play? Baseball, Racing our bikes (got hurt a lot doing that, lol), and Nintendo

    * Did you have a baby-sitter? Nope....I was lucky.

    * Did you have any freak accidents as a kid? Does flipping over the handlebars of a bike count? It hurt like Hell and I still have scars.

    * How else did you enjoy spending your time? Playing, watching some tv (usually History or PBS), reading

    * Did you ever take a friend on vacation with you? Nope...hardly ever went on vacation...just wasn't lucky enough to do that.

    * What was your favorite vacation, as a child? We di go to the beach a few times...but I wouldn't call being sucked out by the current and almost downed fun, lol.

    * Did you every bury a time capsule? Nope...but I should have.

    * Did you move away from where you grew up? Nope...still live about 10 miles from there.

    * What do you wish you could have changed? Nothing...I enjoyed my childhood. Teen years are a different story, but I couldn't change then even if I wanted to.

    * Did you have any pets? least 1 dog and 3 or more cats.

    * What was your favorite christmas present? My bike! My first big kid mountain bike!

    * What was the usual cause for your getting in trouble? I didn't...I had the fear of God put in me.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    whoops...double post. Sorry.