Just starting P90X

OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi All!

New to this forum and to P90X. Just wanted to touch base. If there is any suggestions, pointers.

I am going for the Lean Program and I have completed the Core and Cardio dvd's. In both dvds is a roll down exercise, YIKES! How does one begin to do this one? I don't even dare rolling on my back. I ended up adding a 10 Min Cardio dvd at the end of this one to make up for this one exercise.


  • telll me how P90X works for you! :)
  • ErickaJos
    ErickaJos Posts: 43 Member
    Ohhh the Dreya Roll!!! That was a tough one for me at first and I was afraid of damaging my knees since I can bend them so much. I did jumping jacks to substitute for that move. I love jumping jacks!!! I was eventually able to do the rolls and leave my beloved jumping jacks for the warmups.

    Congratulations on this new endeavor. Keep up with it and you'll see how much more manageable the workouts will become!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Hi All!

    New to this forum and to P90X. Just wanted to touch base. If there is any suggestions, pointers.

    I have a couple of suggestions, push through and do as much as you can, and make sure you are eating enough.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i find it hard to get back up when i get down. I find my self sometimes pushing myself back up with my hands.
  • marinabrazil
    marinabrazil Posts: 106 Member
    push yourself back with your hands at first.

    You will see that every move in P90X just improves with time...just be patient and do your best. I am on day 54 and you have no idea how much has changed in every single aspect of my fitness....it will all come with time.

    Good luck!
  • Just remember, with P90X. If you have trouble doing one of the moves. Just do another move. Its not the end of the world. Or just work on it, until you can do it!

    There are still some moves that are harder than others and I am on my third round. Diamond Push-ups are still tough.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Those Dreya rolls are CRAZY but once you get the hang of doing them it's totally empowering! Good luck!

  • I just started Day 1 of round 2 of P90X...I STILL have trouble doing the Dreya roll...but I can now do regular pushups when before I had trouble doing them on my knees, much less on my feet! Each week gets a little easier..


    Increase your reps each round , I increase by 5 so if I do 20 wide push ups the next round I will do 25 same with everything else

    If you have small weights like I do, I increase the reps I do over what they do

    I also substituted this time Plyo for Kenpo because I have been having issues controling my breathing so this is better for me.

    Do you best and forget the rest! :smile:
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    Oh yeah the Dreya Rolls! when I fist strted I didn't even try to do them. I am on day 77 now and I am not great at them but I can do about 15 in the minute. It will come. Just keep pushing play and the changes happen with out you even noticing. It is addicting so watch out! Congrats to you on joining the rest of us P90X'ers that continue to bring it every day!! There are a couple of boards on here dedicated to those of us doing P90X and there is tons of great info and lots of knowledgable people on there, so if you have any questions hunt down one of those boards.

    Oh yeah and make sure you have a yoga mat. I use my mat when doing the Dreya Rolls. It seems to help with sore back thing! :)
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    Wow! You people are fast at responding and so many good pointers too. Okay, I'm going to attempt the hands to the floor to roll back, thanks. Oh, I would try the jumping jack option, but only if it was a life or deather (LOL). Thanks again everyone!
  • ItsNatastic
    ItsNatastic Posts: 66 Member
    I am nearly done my first round of P90x and I am WAY better at almost every move than I was when I first started. You'll notice that things will get easier once you gain some strength in the muscles that support those exercises. I didnt think I could ever do a pull up, and though I can only do 6-7 unassisted now its still a huge improvement! And yes Dreya Rolls are insane. I've gotten so that I love them now!
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    I did the shoulder/bis/tris dvd last night - I really like the format.

    I have worked out to DVDs/Gym for years but I have never concentrated on specific muscle groups before. I would do Upper/Lower body every other day, or Circuit Training, or Full Body followed by cardio. Concentrating on specific muscle groups and then teaching a Yoga class was quite a different feeling! My chattarangas made me wince after doing the dvd : )

    I wrote all my weights/reps down just like Tony said. I have to admit sometimes I just wanna slap the dude he says some off the wall stuff, but he is motivating most of the time, so I think I can take it and of course, there is always music only option (ha ha ha).

    Bring It!
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    Got a question???

    Does anyone else have trouble getting the dvds to load in their player? I have had to play a portion of any of my other dvds prior to the p90x dvd running. Well, last night I started my 2nd week and stuck in the Core dvd, which I have done once already now and I could not get it to load??? What is up with that? I gave up after about 4 attempts of putting in one of my other dvds (which loaded just fine) and I ended working out to 10 Days to a Better Body, upper body segment. Good video, but I would have liked to continue with p90x.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Hi there - I've done P90X twice so I know what you are going thru. And if your DVD's aren't working you can email Beachbody and they will send you a new copy of the one that doesn't work.

    Anyway, I posted this on my blog once because I think it's so appropriate! Hopefully it makes you feel better about NOT being able to do everything in every workout right away. :-)

    This is Tony Horton from the interview in the new Chest, Back and Balls - P90X One on One. I thought it was great so I had to re-post it!

    "P90X is a skill based program. There are supposed to be alot of exercises you can't do the first time, the second time, the third time, the forth time, the fifth time. But maybe by the 6th, 7th, or 8th time you can do one or two of them. For alot of people that can be very frustrating, and is the reason that no one has done a program like P90X before, because people who make fitness programs are afraid to deliver something that people can't do pretty well right away. That's why the plateau effect is the case for so many other programs. For P90X it's a completely different thing. There are people who start P90X and they can't do half or 3/4 of it but they GOT THE CONCEPT that IT'S a JOURNEY, it's a struggle, and over the course of time, that's how you improve. You get BETTER at your pull-ups, you get BETTER at your push-ups, your range of motion increases, and your flexibility increases."
  • OneFitLady
    OneFitLady Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks! Unfortunately, I got my system from a local person. It was still in the box and celophane wrapped, however not directly from Beach Body. I will still call them and see if I can work something out on those discs that won't load.

    I am going to attempt the R Rolls...I can bannana and superman, my hell I can R Roll! LOL

    Thanks for the quote too, that helped to clear up the fact that I'm not alone on my "journey"
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