Who plans their day out?



  • backstep28
    I most definitely plan out days, but not every day and I certainly allow for changes to be made if circumstance or my mood demands something else. That said, I stay within reason of the boundaries I've set for myself in MFP. My goals are also not strictly weight loss, but body re-composition so I play with macro nutrients and calorie intake quite a bit.
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    I do!

    It's something I do at the beginning of my day.
    I cook most of my own meals though, so that helps.

    I make sure to pack in all the nutrients I need and then see how much I have left over for beer and dessert :)
  • carissa321
    I plan .. I even plan my exercising. I find it a lot easier to just look at the plan that I've set for the week and then just do it than it is to try and think about what to eat when I'm hungry. I LOVE checklists ... dork here ... so this definitely works the best for me :)
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I plan out dinners, only because I'm a working mom and don't get home til 4:45 and my daughter goes to bed by 6:30 so I need to have dinner on the table no later than 5:30. I've started prelogging my dinner at breakfast time, and that gives me a good picture of what I can/should eat for lunch/snacks.
  • Sweetestthing87
    Sweetestthing87 Posts: 276 Member
    I just recently started to plan my day out since this past weekend (Friday).

    Yes, I have had to go back and make minor adjustments here and there but for the most part it has helped me stay dedicated to what I say I will consume and I can work in any "extra" calories. (Out to eat, adult beverage in the evening)

    It was much easier to NOT PLAN and bring a lunch and think to myself, I feel like eating (insert restaurant). If it is already mapped out, I seem to stick to it. Day 5 and so far so good. I like knowing what my day will look like. I try to plan down to the last calorie, before workout.

    This makes it easy to decline any food offerings that are made during the workday or even at home with my kids.

    You should try it for a couple days and see how it works for you.
  • SandraD1424
    SandraD1424 Posts: 81 Member
    I am a list person too and a planner. I decide for the week M-F, meals and snacks. This makes everything way easier for me, my grocery bill, budget, diet, after work time with my kiddo and boyfriend. It very much worth taking up my Sunday afternoon to make my week so manageable.
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    I totally do this! I usually eat the same breakfast (smoothie) and lunch day in/day out, so after I go grocery shopping I plan out dinner meals for each night and log it into MFP.

    I usually plan out one to three days in advance. I just find it easier to stick with knowing what I "can" and "can't" eat for the day.

    I don't log exercise until I actually do it.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I grocery shop on Sunday's with the weeks lunches and dinners in mind. I keep life rather simple eating oatmeal or soup at lunch and my snacks are usually yogurt, jello, fruit and veggies. I suspect that your most spontaneous moments are in the evenings when everyone suddenly decides to go to the bar or out for dinner, which can quickly derail any diet! My suggestion would be to keep your breakfast and lunch menu very light on calories so you have more room for outings.
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    I plan my meals and my workouts for the week. Prep days are Sundays and everything is in its own container ready for me to grab! Makes things easier for me if I don' t have to think about it.
  • austinsneeze
    austinsneeze Posts: 222 Member
    I'm so spontaneous so it's hard for me to plan any meals ahead of time (especially since I'm at college), but I'm wondering if anyone plans out their meals ahead of time. Does it work for you or do you find it too restricting?

    Wouldn't it be easier if you were at college? like you have a schedule and stuff .... so I don't get how its harder.... to me it would be easier to plan. This kind of seems like a common excuse to me.

    Yes I plan everyday ... sometimes for 3-4 days in a row. It's not restricting spending time 1 night saves time for the next 3 nights ...

    Lol, have you ever been to college? It's not just go to class and come home like high school. College is stressful, and schedules VARY, especially because most college students (such as myself) work, have other things to do, etc., and weeks with exams or papers due are DIFFICULT, and studying for these is extremely time-consuming. I find myself drinking too much coffee these weeks, or forgetting to eat at all just because I'm so busy. OR I'm so stressed out that I overeat as I work on my paper. Finding healthy things to eat at school sucks too. I'm pretty much stuck either packing my lunch or buying a granola bar from the vending machine. Also, college students are typically broke. Trying not to eat like a broke college kid is difficult when you actually are one.

    As for me, I generally TRY to plan my day out in advance. Otherwise I'll eat like a broke college kid. It varies when things come up as well, such as a quiz I forgot I had etc., or when I realize I no longer have healthy food in my house, nor do I have the time to go get some healthy food if I actually want a healthy amount of sleep......but I generally try to stick to my eating plan.

  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Each evening I plan out the next day's intake. I take breakfast, lunch & snacks w/ me to work so this helps me ensure I am eating a balanced diet as opposed to grabbing "whatever" as I rush out the door. My husband has a very inconsistent schedule & when he is home we eat together or meet extended family, so planning more than the next day doesn't work well for me. I just tweak as necessary for skipped snacks (usually ones "stolen" by my toddler!) or unanticipated additions.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I'm not a planner, but I started to plan my meals and it's helping me a lot.
  • stacek4
    stacek4 Posts: 30 Member
    I plan a week in advance. Every sunday, I prep my snacks, lunches and dinners for the day. The only thing that changes is breakfast because that depends on whether I'm doing fasted cardio or not. Usually I make a few different things, so I have variety, but I find it so much easier and less frantic when planning ahead.
  • JohnMatrix
    I do. I have every meal planned out M-F without even having to think. Cook/prep most on a Sat or Sun day and take what I need. Creature of habit. If I know it will help me maintain/get to my goals, I stick with it. Weekends are a slight variation (but NOT much) each week that I know what I'll be eating for the majority of my meals.

    Planning your meals ahead of time is a sure fire way you STICK to ratios/calories you need to get where your going. The question you have to ask yourself is, how bad do you want it? If your trying to lose a few pounds or even a lot of pounds, you need to have things prepared so that you can be accountable to yourself and track your progress.

    I'm the same with my workouts. Certain days I spin, certain days I do a circuit style class (think p90x) and all of them have a body part to do after. What exercise while weight training is varied each week to keep the muscles from adapting to quickly. That's my variety. Weekends are set as well just with a higher demand on activity. Know what your going to do, do it, see progress, smile.

    Some people call it obsessive, I call it dedicated. But it got me to where I wanted and that's what matters in the end. Plan it and you'll get there.
  • bermudamel
    bermudamel Posts: 212
    99% of the time I do, it just makes it easier for me to cope w/my day!
  • Lwillis1234
    Lwillis1234 Posts: 990 Member
    I do!! It helps me not overeat! AND to see if I have room for treats every once and a while! If I don't plan my day out i"ll eat anything
  • OneStepLighter
    OneStepLighter Posts: 78 Member
    I do! I usually know what I'm going to have because it's mostly the same foods. I'll add food here and there and tweak my workouts but it works for me! It helps great deal (I feel quite organized when I get to cooking because I already know how much I need to cook of a certain food) so I know what works or what I want to cut out or change during the day. Plus, don't have to worry about it too much later on!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I plan it out until I'll be leaving work because i'm aiming to only eat what I bring with me. So that's basically half my day. Then when I get home I can see where I'm at and go from there.
  • sworsham
    sworsham Posts: 4 Member
    I do usually plan my meals out by cooking enough for the entire week on Sunday. I'm not super strict about it, meaning I don't plan each single meal, but I do prepare meals ahead of time, so it makes having an excuse to just grab something unhealthy a lot less likely. It also helps if you are busy during the week because all your meals are made.
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    Yep. I plan out every day in the morning. I would plan out the entire week if I could minus dinner.