Need help dealing with stressful situations

Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
I need help on dealing with stressful situations.

I'm getting ready to head into a meeting and it's causing some stressful reactions.

. I've always been an emotional eater but now that I'm working on better food options and specifically working on the psychological reasons on why I'm fat, this is one area that I am having to retrain myselft in order to be more healthy. So other than shoveling food in my mouth, crying seems to work but not really appropriate. Breathing is helping but I've noticed I'm clinching my teeth more and it's hurting my jaw and giving me a headache.

Suggestions appreciated.

- Eva


  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Congrats on your 21 pounds! Great work!!! :bigsmile:
  • Tash_Bgosh
    Tash_Bgosh Posts: 46 Member
    I used to feel that way going into meeting and going into work in general! After I realized what the stress was doing to me I decided that whenever I'm stressed, its not the end of the world. When you go into your meetings knowing something may go wrong, or whatever you're thinking thats going to make the meeting stressful for you, you need to just say to yourself "really, whats the worse that can happen". I mean you can die early if you keep being unhealthy and thats worse than whatever has you stressing over these meetings.

    No one is going to care more about you than YOU (and maybe your pals here :) ). so really, whats the worse that can happen?
  • tracybarnhill
    Instead of clinching, try chewing gum, also take a pad and pen into meeting and doodle, also write a journal of your stressful situations after they happen, then once you write it down let it go whenyou shred them!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    As a former stress/emotional eater and food addict, I know now that food did not alleviate stress and did not help me deal with stress. Stress eating before a stressful meeting would just make me feel WORSE as opposed to less stressed. Remembering this helps me when the urge to reach for food as comfort strikes.

    Saw that you noticed the 'deep breathing' post. That's something you can do that will help :)

  • shannonichole
    Are you religious at all? I'm Buddhist and use something called a mala (like a rosary). It helps you say something over and over again and keep count. You can get something similar, like beads on a string, and make your own "prayer". You can count to help relieve stress or say a word over an over again to help calm your mind. You can keep it in your pocket or around your wrist.

    At work try listening to relaxing music if you can and keep only healthy snacks in your desk. That way if you absolutely must eat from the stress it will only be an apple or granola bar instead of junk.

    Good job on your 21 pounds!!!
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    You could maybe try a stress relief ball & squeeze the crap out of it?? Also when I am stressed out I just close my eyes and start counting until I am calmed down :)
  • Shaqueta
    I had to change my surroundings to where they were condusive to my peace. I got some candles, a stress ball, read about some breathing excersies, and found music that soothes my soul. Not sure what kind of music you listen to but instrumental music is great. I love Kenny G, Kim waters, Kelly price has a song called healing, the chours says I need a healing for my soul. I love that song. I meditate. I don't have alot of time but before I get out of the bed even if its only a few minutes give thanks for life, health, strength, & the activity of my limbs. I had to find peace in the little things and realize that I there are things I can't control and how to let go and let if be. It wasn't easy adjusting but Lord knows my mind, body, and soul needed the peace. No one else has the right to steal you joy.

    May Peace & Blessings manifest in your life.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    Totally understand. I also just had a recent stress trigger and it was crazy insane the food that I wanted to consume. But I've been doing yoga. That has helped me learn to breath and be more calm. I do the BL Weight loss yoga and although it's hard at my size and hurts my knees slightly but on the flipside it get better and more easy the more I do it. Yoga has been on my list of stress relievers since then. I've been sleeping a lot better too. Instead of waking up every few hours I only wake up once or twice...mostly to use it...i know TMI...sorry. :blushing: and everytime I fall right back to sleep. Def don't clinch your jaw...funny u said that cuz I was doing that too and not realizing it....I'm a gum chewer for sure. I chew the crap outta the extra gum. So that can work for ya too. It will get better and more manageable...Good luck to you!! Always here...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :happy: