BED (binge eating disorder) friends



  • ntftnm
    ntftnm Posts: 55 Member
    I have never been officially diagnosed, but I am an emotional eater, I would love some more friends that understand...I also eat late at night or when I am overtired...and I have a very hard time setting limits on my intake.
  • sue_langley
    sue_langley Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah its so hard and the guilt we feel is crippling. If we loose only one pound a month because we were good 10 percent of the time then that was more than we were doing in the past is maybe a good thought to have. I recently heard a dietician say that telling ourselves we "can't" have something does not work. Instead we take our power back by saying "sure I can have that if I want it, I just don't want that today". This has helped a lot for me. I wrote it out on post it notes and stuck them all over the house. It does help a lot. If anyone tries this let me know the results.
  • Kati3Mari3
    Kati3Mari3 Posts: 22 Member
    Im really glad to find a thread on this, especially being my first day. I recently graduated college were the pressure to be thin was paramount to my eating desires, and I developed an unhealthy sneak eating habit. Along with that I would obsess with working out. Back then I was 155 about. Now, with no pressure of going out as much and instead being at home, my sneaking is much much worse, and my binge eating is/was completely out of control. I gained so much weight in such a short amount of time friends and family were legit concerned for my health and I ended up going to a treatment center were I was diagnosed with BED. At my highest weight I was 240. I am now 225 and want to break out of the 200s. I feel like I'm in a strangers body, and there are no words I can express to say how much of a depression it has put me in. It is a daily battle. Its hard for others to understand why I would want to eat an entire pie of pizza, when it makes me so sad after, but it truly is like I'm on auto pilot, and once the idea is there its very hard to say no no no....

    I want to be back in my healthy weight which should be between 135-165. I just seems overwhelming. Right now all I can do is take each day at a time, or sometimes each meal at a time.
  • RenatoVieira
    I can fell you pain. I'm a binge eater myself and i already gone up to a 6000+calories on a single binge.
    I have already discovered the reason i binge. I usually have a restrict diet through the week, and at the weekends i always eat out (family house, mall, etc) and i can't stop eating those things I've restricted the whole week, so i binge. I always fell very depressed the day after the binge and i start the restrict diet again, it's a cycle.

    I will add you a a friend and will try to help you out with your problem, support is always great for this things.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    I struggle with binging too. Yesterday actually was a bad day. I hate that most people in my life do not understand how food is just like a drug to bingers. A legal drug.
  • CVicious
    CVicious Posts: 6
    I have been known to do this but I think I also have sleep related eating disorders and binge eating while I sleep. Anyone else combating this?
  • cmaguire305
    cmaguire305 Posts: 34 Member
    I've never been diagnosed, but coming from an Italian family, binge eating is in my blood!!! I'm not a great friend. I suck at motivating people, it takes me forever to get back to people, I'm very crude and curse a lot, I'll constantly ask to borrow money too, but I'd be glad to be your friend
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Tried to explain binge eating to my mother the other day and she said I was always greedy, even as a child.... Nope
  • pinklark
    pinklark Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this. I haven't been diagnosed but I know I have a problem. Like others, I can be totally on track, but then something triggers the binge and I just can't stop. It's especially hard for me when I'm home alone with the 2 kids after a day of work and don't get a chance to sit down to eat my own dinner so I start binging on whatever I can find . . . goldfish, graham crackers, pancakes, chips . . . if I can get my hands on it, I eat it!
  • Frosty337
    Frosty337 Posts: 9 Member
    good morning, Sarahp86! No binge eating is not greed! I deal with it sparked by cravings! I have always been a foodie and am back on this site to recommit. I would be glad to offer you support and encouragement anytime. Best wishes -- we are stronger than our cravings and urges!
  • jessnoire
    jessnoire Posts: 13
    Emotional eating / binge eating / overeating... I do it a lot. Want to fight it!!
  • sharon_83
    I am so comforted to read so many people in the same situation. I've had a cycle of being really strict every day except weigh day and then on weigh day I can easily eat 5000+ calories that day. I've managed to keep it to weigh day only but recently as I'm moving house then country etc I have binged on other days too and I've gained so much weight in such a short period of time. I really want to cut out any binge days but just find it so hard. I exercise alot to compensate and feel that food and calorie counting takes up so much of my head space.
    I've been the same weight for 3 weeks so this last weekend, I had a 4 day binge. I just want to be normal.
    I'm so happy I'm not alone.