'Fat Free Foods' make this sooo much easier!!

jnthnlee Posts: 5
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I was near starving myself for the first 2 or 3 days to get my fats and carbs down to where i'm supposed to have them. Then my partner and I went shopping for groceries and got ONLY fat free and low carb stuff... I feel like i'm eating more than i did before my diet and i'm still being ''good'' .. It's crazy! I never bought fat free before i was always worried... but some of my favorite foods can be healthy!!
Eggs -- Liquid Eggs (they are great and do not have all the fat of a regular egg)
Cheese -- Fat Free Kraft Cheese (didn't even know it existed)
Ranch -- Fat Free Ranch (was always scared but it taste the same!)
Bread -- Get ''Flat-Outs Flat Bread" (WAY less carbs!)
Butter -- I can't beleive its not butter SPRAY (with the spray you're able to put less on it but still taste the goodness of butter YUM)
Soda -- Get an Energy Drink Mix (I got this powder in little packets that i put into my WATER and it has lots of caffiene and I haven't had a soda in like 5 days!! (I used to drink like 5 a day!!!!!)

I was new to this so i hope some of these things help you if your having problems staying at or under your allowed calories,carbs & fats!


Please Post other ideas and subsitutes for everyday foods


  • cjegger
    cjegger Posts: 24 Member
    You just have to be REALLY careful with the "fat free" stuff....sometimes they have more calories and sugars than "normal" stuff, ditto for the low carb stuff. Fat Free is not necessarily all good for you. Check calories and sugars on all that stuff. The I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is NOT "no calories" if you use more than just a few sprays. It's better to learn how to eat the right foods in correct portions. Also, a lot of that fat free stuff just tastes plain old nasty....especially the cheese. Also, the enerygy drinks with caffeine are NOT good for you.
  • ldybugg
    ldybugg Posts: 134
    I also use fat freet mayo, pam olive oil spray, and almond milk. Just by switching out a few key things you save alot of calories to use for more nutritionally dense foods so u get to eat alot more. After a while the old calorie filled ones just arent appealing anymore.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Fat free is great, but keep an eye on the sodium. often they take the fat out and add all sorts of super bad junk back in. so its definitely educational to take a look and compare labels between the two. Honestly instead of swapping items I cut back..less cheese, no dressings and fatty condiments, no liquid calories, and I know you said when you ate like that you were always hungry, but if you add in other things, like fresh raw fruits and veggies, whole grains and "good" fats like nuts or olive oil, you may find you can wean off some of the fat free stuff....
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    You are getting SOME fats right? Fat is a very important part of a balanced diet, and cutting it out completely is a pretty bad idea for most. I do like some reduced fat foods, namely 2% cheese, and I also like to combine real eggs and egg substitute.

    I do agree that learning where to make cuts and compromise is HUGE in finding success with weight loss. I find it's like a puzzle. You have to find what foods you like and how much you need to eat to stay sane and then figure out how to make the changes you need to get the weight coming off. It's just another reason why a tool like this site is so helpful.
  • we are def watching our calories too! i'm doing great with them.. So far I've liked all the fat free stuff I haven't had the cheese yet now i'm scared! lol. The energy drink is the best subsitute i could find that would give me my caffeine so i wouldn't have the headaches and go back to soda.. and they are way better than soda for sure.. and its going to be much easier to get off of this water mix then it will to just drop soda without a subsitute
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    great job, keep it up! soda is EVIL! :) haha
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Fat free is great, but keep an eye on the sodium. often they take the fat out and add all sorts of super bad junk back in. so its definitely educational to take a look and compare labels between the two. Honestly instead of swapping items I cut back..less cheese, no dressings and fatty condiments, no liquid calories, and I know you said when you ate like that you were always hungry, but if you add in other things, like fresh raw fruits and veggies, whole grains and "good" fats like nuts or olive oil, you may find you can wean off some of the fat free stuff....

    100% agree with everything said above. You're better using the full fat stuff and just using less because of the extra sugar, sodium and other junk they put into it. Saving 2 grams of fat should not equal mean you have to pay with 500mg of sodium. Plan to spend more time in the grocery store than you usually do so you can read labels and compare stats.
  • amycarolyn
    amycarolyn Posts: 1 Member
    I think being able to eat more volume for the calories works well for a lot of people, at least I've heard, but I've found that I'm more satisfied with a smaller portion and higher fat content. Maybe it is psychological.
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    I use the fat free kraft singles and love them..i also use the partly skimmed Tex mex from Kraft for my salads and wraps, etc. Fat Free mayo is also pretty good as well. For salad dressing, I do not like the fat free dressings - I don't find they have any taste. Instread I use the Kraft Olive Oil Dressings - tuscan italian and another one is pesto I think - and they are delicious and made with olive oil......
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i prefer the low fat cheeses, however with everything else I don't go "fat -free". Like others have said, more carbs are in fat free in order to improve the flavor.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Instead of the energy drink mixes, try Water Joe - http://www.waterjoe.com/ It's caffeinated water! I used to drink a TON of soda, too. Now I open a can when I get to work and sip it throughout the day (I just love the taste too much to cut it out completely). I can make it last until bedtime! I also start my day out with Water Joe and drink regular water for the rest of the day. As I lose weight I have more energy throughout the day, so I'm not as dependant on the caffeine except to prevent headaches and give me a kick in the pants in the morning. I order my Water Joe from Beverages Direct since they don't sell it near me.
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