calorie counting/working out on vacation?

Spring break is next week (yay!). My family and I are headed skiing - my first time... eek!

So the big question I still watch what I eat/exercise while on vacation? I know everyone is different but I'm on such a roll with this working out/eating healthy thing. I don't want to lose momentum. I know skiing is a form of exercise but since it's my first time, I expect to spend most of the time on my butt or on the ground, lol. :wink: The resort we're staying at has a really nice gym.

So what do y'all do? do you do a little of both? I know there's no right or wrong answer...just looking for ideas/support.

Thanks y'all!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't log on vacation...never did when I was's only a few days and they are irrelevant to the greater whole. Enjoy yourself...make reasonably good decisions and practice portion control and moderation.

    Also, skiing is a hell of a workout, even if you're on your *kitten* 1/2 the you'll soon find out. I personally wouldn't worry about it.

    Any time I've ever been on a vacation, I've been active enough to compensate for whatever I may be overeating...I've never gained weight on a vacation.

    Also, it's good practice for portion control, moderation, and intuitive eating...good skills to have in maintenance...I don't track in maintenance because I learned those skills while losing.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    We went to Cuba last month and there was no internet so I had no choice. I still lost 3 pounds that week since I was paying attention to my portions.

    As cwolf said, skiing burns a ridiculous number of calories so you probably will be okay. Have fun I want to ski!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I don't go to the gym, I don't count calories, and I don't turn down all the goodies, but I do make an effort to stay decently healthy. Like on a beach resort vacation, I'll choose a lot of seafood and fruit because its fresh and decadent for me even though its lower cal. I'll swim, walk on the beach, play volleyball, go out dancing etc.

    Use it as a diet break, a way to prove to yourself that you aren't out of control without logging, and have fun!
  • miniformatlerin
    Im agreeing with the person who already answered. personally i never log my food while i'm on vacation. It's like a new exercise for me because one day when i reach my goal i dont want to continue logging my food. you have to learn how to live healthy without it so it's good to practice while you are on vacation. enjoy yourself but still watch what you eat, dont overeat etc (:
    I still work out on vacation but not as much as i usually do. And since you are going skiing.. then i dont think you should work out more. Just if you feel like it and really want to because its fun.
    Have fun there (:
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    You will still burn a lot of calories. Even if you spend a lot of time on your bum. Getting up over and over will be exhausting so I say don't go to the gym. It's vacation! I say live a little (not to mention you might be pretty sore if you have never skied before). And try to pick the best options you can, but don't be upset if you go over. I wouldn't count calories either.
    Enjoy yourself! :)
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    Skiing is good exercise, but if there's a nice gym and you're more comfortable there...use it!

    When I vacation I try to eat breakfast and lunch in my room (if I'm lucky enough to have a mini-fridge) or at least choose healthier options. Then I have what I want for dinner. I don't usually loose weight on vacation, but I don't usually gain it either on this plan.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I try to be aware of what I'm eating and not use vacations as an excuse to mow through piles of bread and fries and cake, but I also try not to ruin a relaxing time stressing about every calorie. Just try to make good choices and don't use it as an excuse to binge, and the exercise from skiing should be plenty to keep you from going too far off track.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I remember barely being able to walk the day after my first day skiing. You will definitely burn a ton of calories.

    I am going on vacay next week and I am planning on logging as much as I can and trying to make reasonable choices. There may be lots of quick add calories and guesstimates. I will just see how it goes and not put too much pressure on myself. Making memories with my family is more important that logging every calorie and getting to the gym. I will be getting tons of extra walking with what we have planned and plan to visit the resort gym a couple times to lift.
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I'm going on vacation in a couple of days. I'm on maintenance so there are no "days off," but my plan is to eat a little light through the week this week--just a little--and make healthy, enjoyable choices while I'm there. Plus I know I will be spending time going for walks on the beach. I always think I will log and then it gets complicated and I stop. So we'll see. Then I will come home, weigh myself, and if I have to I will eat at a slight deficit till I am back to where I am today.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I just got back from a week in the Dominican...I went to the gym while I was there...I walked on the beach...I walked to the bar...I walked back to the beach...walked back to the bar...repeat as necessary

    But i didn't count calories...I gained Im not gonna lie...about 4lbs...but it was vacation. We are now calling it Rum Bum...

    I expect it to be gone by the end of this month which puts me on track for goals by biggy.

    go enjoy, relax but be prepared getting back into the swing of things took me another week...feeling better this week with my eating and working out.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I just got back from a week in the Dominican...I went to the gym while I was there...I walked on the beach...I walked to the bar...I walked back to the beach...walked back to the bar...repeat as necessary

    But i didn't count calories...I gained Im not gonna lie...about 4lbs...but it was vacation. We are now calling it Rum Bum...

    I expect it to be gone by the end of this month which puts me on track for goals by biggy.

    go enjoy, relax but be prepared getting back into the swing of things took me another week...feeling better this week with my eating and working out.

    We meet again! And on such different threads too. Anyway, I bet at least half of that is gone by the end of the week. Extra salt, carbs, dehydration etc mean a lot of extra water weight that will drop right back off. Sounds like you had a lovely time, and I hope that you do too OP!
  • traceleann
    traceleann Posts: 60 Member
    I've got a vacation coming up in May and I'm planning on logging and exercising. The resort we are staying at has a gym and a pool so I can get up early before we head out to our activities and workout. We will also be walking a lot, way more than my usual day. I think logging my food is so engrained in me now, I would feel lost without it. I'm going to try to stick as close to my calories as I can, but if I go over a little, I'm not going to beat myself up.
  • lbarbosa87
    lbarbosa87 Posts: 6 Member
    I think vacations are a time to enjoy and have fun! I think since you are going to be fairly active skiing you might be able to skip he gym and just relax. With the food, I recommend choosing what meals you will make your high calorie meals and making sure you don't go over board on the other meals throughout the day. If you are choosing to indulge on your meals I would recommend tracking the calories just to make sure you at least stay close to your range. For example, if you want to go out and have a nice dinner with wine then try to have your other meals during the day to be between 200-300 calories or low on carbs. You might figure a dinner of steak, mashed potatoes, bread, 2 glass of wine might all add up to about 1,000 calories so then you would want to do scrambled eggs and fruit for breakfast and a salad with chicken for lunch. Hope this helps!