Coffee, coffee creamer and MORE COFFEE



  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Coffee creamer is one of my last holdouts! I only use a tbs of it now in my coffee. Today I added half a scoop of whey protein (plain) into my coffee along with the tbs of creamer.

    Tomorrow I might cut down to the half scoop of whey powder and half tbs of creamer.

    I'm not cutting out creamer to save calories, but just to lessen my need for sweet coffee, and to taste the coffee flavor more. My goal is to start drinking it black eventually.
  • stutba
    stutba Posts: 152 Member
    I drink my coffee black, on occasion a little half and half. I used to drink it with sugar. Once you drink it black you will never ever want to add sugar again. YUCK!
    My favorite flavored coffee is raspberry. Raspberry cream is good too. Door County Coffee is my favorite brand. In the grocery store you can buy single serving pouches. (I usually make two cups at a time, my treat, I think a packet makes 8 to 10 cups of coffee)

    I don't like many of the mocha flavored coffee. I find it leaves a nasty after taste.
  • Doc_V
    Doc_V Posts: 20 Member
    I have developed a new addiction...those ridiculous flavored coffees. Right now I'm alternating between DD Caramel Coffee Cake, New England Blueberry Cobbler, and Target brand Dark Chocolate Cherry.

    They. Are. Addictive.

    Coffee+ a little coconut/almond milk blend makes a cup right at 25 cal. Up to 50 if I use a little sugar. I find I need less sugar with the flavors and it tastes like cake for breakfast.
  • templeforlife
    Going to try the protein mix in my coffee, not a fan of almond milk - gonna try it with the coconut milk. Thanks for the idea.
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    I would never use artificial sweeteners - They make me terribly sick to my stomach and trigger horrible migraines. Plus - they taste like poison - because they are. I used to load my coffee with sugar - now I use very little with cream. I can't honestly imagine drinking black coffee without sugar or cream. I do find though, that with cream (not creamer or fat free) - I can add very little sugar and actually prefer it less sweet now. There's less sugar when you add it yourself, too, vs. using one of those flavored coffee mate type creamers. Artificial creamers also upset my stomach, so I just prefer to stick with the real stuff in moderation. I also like to add a little splash of flavored extracts (NOT syrups - these are just the flavor with no sugar) - like pure almond or vanilla extract - and that really helps.
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    So i'm going to try the flavored coffee route and see if this helps. I'm probably going to finish out the creamer in my fridge by next Sunday.

    I'm also going to purchase some stevia and see if this helps.

    I have a keurig.. but I have one of those non-disposable k-cups that I can add whatever coffee to ... and get the perfect cup. Well, I run it twice, since one cup doesn't get me going. I'm the 24oz coffee queen. :)

    Thank you all for so much advice. :flowerforyou:
  • meaganorton123
    meaganorton123 Posts: 5 Member
    Silk soy french vanilla creamer!!
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    In my 2 cups a day, I use skim milk and stevia. Sometimes, it's a flavored coffee and sometimes regular, but always skim milk (and I put in just as much or as little as I want) and stevia. I've recently discovered flavored stevia and now use that too! Yummy. Stevia has never given me any problems - no headaches or anything.
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    Awesome. Yes, I use to love my splenda... but realize how much better I feel without it. I never bought into the poison option.. but I'm sure it is now.

    Flavored stevia!! Must find!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Yes, the quality, type and flavor of coffee matters (taste). I'm also trying to cut back on using so much creamer and I find if I spend a little more and get 'Good" coffee, I can do less creamer!

    mmmm... coffee
  • gem_girl15
    gem_girl15 Posts: 6 Member
    I used to drink Iced caramel latte a day which is 460 calories...then I noticed I keep going over my sugar intake and then starting to drink plain black coffee with sugar free French vanilla creamer which is 80 calories...I mean of course I still drink my Iced latte but only Fridays
  • bdorri00
    bdorri00 Posts: 38 Member
    There are some coffees that I like without cream and sugar....hazelnut coffee can be one of those but I usually add a tiny bit of sweetener even to those flavored ones. I think if you can't have artificial sweeteners, it will just take time to adjust. A little bit of flavored creamer shouldn't derail your weight loss goals though. I just use it in moderation and measure it rather than just pouring it in
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,072 Member
    What is coffee creamer?

    Serious question.
    I read about it often on these forums but is not something we have in Australia. Not that I have come across anyway.

    OP, I think it is possible to re train your taste buds by gradually reducing the amount of sugar/sweetener you have.

    I have coffee with small amount of low fat milk, no sugar - and is only 20 calories.
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    Coffee creamer is pre-mixed cream with different flavors. It's very high in sugar and tastes delicious.

    However, I have cut this habit out. It was stifling my weight loss. I switched to sugar free and mostly just getting coffee at work now and adding the non-dairy powder "creamer" and two packets of stevia.

    The coffee is flavored at work... and I really enjoy my cup. The stevia is not as bad as sweet and low (flavor).

    I'm really enjoying finally seeing the scale move and of course I will NOT go back to the high sugar creamer again.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Coffee creamer is pre-mixed cream with different flavors. It's very high in sugar and tastes delicious.
    The international Delights stuff and carnation stuff is not cream - both are non dairy creamers - not sure what they make them with but dairy is not part of the equation except perhaps sodium caseinate- a milk derivative classed non dairy

    For the australians reference this is the stuff she meant (I'm actually surprised you don't have something of this ilk there)
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I actually do just that. I haven't used real sugar in coffee in a loooong time. I just buy whatever flavored creamer I want and add two tbsp to a cup of coffee. The one I've been using for awhile is Coffemate's Sweet Italian Creme creamer, it's like 70 calories for two tbsp. That might be a lot for some people, but I feel it's worth it. It's less calories than if I put milk and sugar in it. It's plenty sweet and would be cloying if I added sugar to it.

    I know the non-dairy creamers are super unhealthy, but oh well. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    personally i dont really like flavoured coffee. i do find that milk in my coffee lets me drink it faster ( not as hot) and makes it sweet enough for me to drink. i would just try and use less and less sugar until you find you like it without it. the other option is flavoured tea-- im clearly addicted to coffee. If i dont have it in the morning I get a huge headache, but what i usually try to do is have a cup of coffee or two in the morning and then switch to tea in the afternoon. i like the taste of different flavours of tea and then i dont need sugar or milk.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I like the idea; will try with Cappuccino flavored protein

    I had no idea this existed. I must find it !!

    Like others have mentioned I switched to one cup almond milk, one scoop protein powder, and one cup coffee (I don't measure that - just go by taste) - drink as iced coffee. The protein powder is sweet. I've tried both vanilla and chocolate. I'm gonna try it with espresso for a hot coffee one of these days. For now I use a cold brew - which makes kind of a concentrated coffee so one cup gets you farther and I only need one (which is big with one cup of coffee and one cup of milk). The cold brew is then refrigerated so the drink is nice and cold when I make it too. Some say that cold brewing results in coffee that isn't as bitter.

    If I eat eggs I don't always use the protein powder and since I just have the regular almond milk I add some sugar to make it a little sweeter. I imagine the vanilla almond milk is sweet but I've never tried it.