new here- dance DVDs?

hi all - nice to meet you!

I had lost about 20 lbs on Jenny Craig, but gained some back.
I'm planning to lose it again. :)

I recently started Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I like it so far. I was wondering if anyone can suggest any DVDs that have 80's type music. I am not coordinated at all but I think I would like the music anyway.
Any suggestions for 80's type dance music fitness?



  • UnicornOreos
    I am not sure about DVDs with 80s music but Zumba is good! I used to be an instructor and I have TONS of DVDs. I am starting back to Zumba classes but on my off nights when I can't go I will do them at home. I would check out Amazon.
  • sablonde
    sablonde Posts: 2
    thanks! can you suggest a beginner zumba dvd?
  • UnicornOreos
    There really is no beginner DVD. With Zumba you just jump right in. You can modify to your own fitness level!!! I used to be an instructor and I had to modify for jumping. If you have a Wii or xbox there are Zumba games you can do! I LOVE them!!!