wanting to be healthier for my kids

I recently joined a small gym and have given up soda as of today. I am hoping MFP and these changes will help me to be healthier by summer so I can keep up with my 2 kids. I am not a big exercise person so I am using this for added accountability:) My current goal is 10 pounds, but probably really need to shed 15. I want to change my lifestyle so I stop gaining 3-5 pounds a year since they are adding up!


  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I'm a man, who got married at the age of twenty, I weighed 125 then. Before I changed my lifestyle, I was at 242. I've been married 22 years. So that's about 5 pounds per year.

    You're definitely taking a step in the right direction! :smile:
  • kreynolds322
    kreynolds322 Posts: 8 Member
    I gave up soda 7 1/2 mths ago. I found my new favorite is lemon water the kids love cucumber water slice cucumber put it in a pic of water overnight they say it taste like watermelon water. Slice fruit in water. Oranges. Strawberry kiwi. Helps get off the sodas. :-)
  • Aleta2
    Aleta2 Posts: 18 Member
    I was so hooked on sodas, juice and sweet tea. I couldn't imagine not having something strong to drink or something sweet. but eventually I gave it up totally and lost 15 lbs. Now, I can have a drink or two if I choose but I just think about drinking my calories and that will keep me from finishing a cup. Good luck, it will pay off.
  • KSanchez1017
    KSanchez1017 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm new too! I joined for the same reason... I have had four pregnancies and two babies in the last 3 years, and it has really done some damage to my body. The miscarriages were detrimental enough, but now I am in a great spot with my two boys, so I really just need to get back in shape so I can keep up with them and enjoy them with all their energy!!

    I have given up junk food and committed to salads and protein for lunch. I have also committed to four days a week at the gym. I can't wait to start seeing results, but I know it is going to take a lot of work to lose these 30 lbs!!