Not morning people - how do you work out in the morning?



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I head out at 4am, do or die.
    hubs thinks i am nuts.
    I AM!
    I feel so so great afterwards.
    Its incredible the amount of people i meet out there too.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Not happening-I am a morning person but workouts are for after work for me. :)
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    I'm not a morning person, and I tried to get to a point where I could be for the purposes of working out but . . . nope. I've accepted that I just have to work out later in the evening before bed. Good luck though!
  • Coltsatc
    Coltsatc Posts: 36
    I hate getting up early, but I've made myself do it twice a week for the last couple of weeks and now I still struggle a little to get out of bed, but the day is so much better when I work out in the morning. I feel so much more energized and motivated all day so I just remind myself of that in the morning and it helps me get out.

    Going to bed early and having everything ready so I can just throw my clothes on and grab my bag and go helps a lot.
  • AMSmit88
    AMSmit88 Posts: 100 Member
    It's knowing how amazing I'm going to feel all day that does it for me. A morning work out literally sets me up for the whole day making it totally worth dragging my sleepy head out of bed.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    Sleep in your exercise clothes. I'm not talking about baggy sweats and ugly stained tees, but the nice work out clothes you love to put on. Get up and just do it before you can even think about it! I find workouts at home are easier than hauling myself to the gym when I'm exhausted, so I have a plethora of DVDs I use.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    Well first thing, you need to get enough sleep each night. With the exception of Wednesdays or days I have work in the morning, I'm getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night. I wake up and work out first thing and I set my alarm usually about 15 mins earlier than I need to get up so that I can still snooze. Unfortunately, when it comes to waking up and working out in the morning, you've just got to cut the crap, get up and do it. I think about the fact that I'll be done for the day after that and not have to worry about it anymore which helps! After a while, your body will adjust and you'll crave those morning workouts. Just keep at it!

    I genuinely don't understand how someone can get that much sleep!!

    I have to get up at 6.30am, so to get 8 hours sleep I would have to go to bed at 10.30pm......10 hours of sleep would be 8.30pm bedtime!!

    How on earth do you do it?

    If I was getting that much sleep, then 'cut the crap, get up and do it' wouldn't sound so unrealistic.....
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    I'm terrible at this as well. I just know that if I don't get my workout in early, it's not happening! I'm usually tired, and have loads I need to accomplish when I get home. I am also not a morning person, and I easily slap the snooze button 4 or 5 times! So this is what I did...

    *Set my alarm in the hallway outside my room. I have to get up, stumble to the hall to find it...(One's super annoying and cant stand to listen to it! Makes me move quicker!)
    * I wear my workout clothes to bed (did this for awhile) now I just set them out.
    *Prep easy breakfasts for the week so I can grab and go after my workout and shower!
    * Go to bed early, turn off electronics 30-60 mins before bedtime! (It seems to keep me awake longer if I don't) I always try to get 7-8 hours of sleep.. I am not a joy to be around if I don't get my sleep! :)
    Good luck!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    From the time I was a teenager I was a night owl, loved staying up late reading, watching scary movies, etc. Of course once you grow up, hit the working world, have a family, things change and you have to get up early for that. But I still stayed up until 11, 12 at night because that was the time when the kids had gone to bed and the house was finally quiet.

    Since I committed to losing weight I tried exercising after work and it simply didn't work for our schedules (the kids are young teenagers now and need us to be their taxi service still). So I started by getting up at 5:30 to go for a half-hour run. Gradually, as my body improved and my workouts changed, I found myself getting up earlier. Then I added meditation to the mix and needed a few extra minutes for I get up at 4:30 with very little difficulty. I just make sure I'm in bed no later than 10:00. I sacrificed those quiet evening hours when the kids had gone to bed, but it's worth it.
  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions!:smile: I think I need to keep my alarm farther away from my bed. I already lay out my clothes and have everything ready (besides the toast). I've also been really good (so far) this week, I haven't hit the snooze button once. I'm getting up at 5am for this work out but I do feel accomplished after I finish so I guess I need to just keep it up to get into the habit of it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm not a morning person...I don't workout in the morning. At most I might drag my *kitten* out of bed a little earlier than normal to take the dog for a walk, but I'm not getting in the power rack at 'o dark 30 in the morning. I have tried...I do not "crush" my workouts at 'o dark 30 in the morning...I do however rock the **** out of a power rack at around 6 in the evening.

    Exercise is best performed when you are at your peak and can crush it...anything else is half assed.
  • sandyfp4h
    sandyfp4h Posts: 14 Member
    Along with getting to bed early, it also helps to have a workout buddy that you're going to meet at the gym. A friend and I meet M-F at 5am. Although we know we're going to meet up, we still text each other the night before. I also make sure everything is ready for the morning...towel, water, keys. I hate having to wake so early, but I feel great after.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I don't. Late afternoon for me.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I can't stand getting up in the morning, and I have to be to work at 7am >_<. But recently my schedule got changed to 12 hr shifts (6 days a week) for the next month and knowing myself if I don't force myself to get up earlier and workout before, I won't get my workout in because all I want to do when I get home is relax and decompress from the day because I'm exhausted.

    I set my alarm at 4 and make myself get up, no snoozing. It helps that I upped my water intake because by the time my alarm goes off I have to get up to pee anyway, so now I'm up and have to change into workout gear and get to work sweatin! hahaha. I'm also in bed between 8-9:30.
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I struggle with sleep so much and I am not a morning person at all!
    I workout out twice a day. Once in the afternoon and once in the evening. 20-30 minutes each time.
    It works for me and I fall asleep faster now but I just don't stay asleep or get a deep sleep.. So morning time is not my friend!
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    just do it and thank yourself later
  • carla113
    carla113 Posts: 27 Member
    Also not a big morning person. I have to:

    - Put my alarm clock (cell phone) somewhere so that I physically remove myself from the bed to turn it off.
    - Lay all of my stuff in one place (clothes, keys, earbuds, etc.) so that I don't have to work any more than necessary to get out the door.
    - I use the Advocare energy drink Spark sometimes. (It's not for everyone.)
    - Take a short nap (15-20 min) some days during my lunch hour.
    - Go to bed earlier so that I get at least 8 hours.
    - Eat a high protein breakfast or pre-workout snack so that I'm not tired by the time I go to work.

    I also usually have 1-2 cups of coffee per day. The caffeine gives me a boost if I feel like I need one.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm not a morning person...I don't workout in the morning. At most I might drag my *kitten* out of bed a little earlier than normal to take the dog for a walk, but I'm not getting in the power rack at 'o dark 30 in the morning. I have tried...I do not "crush" my workouts at 'o dark 30 in the morning...I do however rock the **** out of a power rack at around 6 in the evening.

    Exercise is best performed when you are at your peak and can crush it...anything else is half assed.

    yeah- this is pretty much me- I like being there at 9 PM. so that's when I go.

    Once in a blue moon I tell myself I'm going to get up early and go- but it never happens. because I suck.

    And the only way I don't suck is to do it when I don't have to get up out of bed to make it happen.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I really eased into my 4:30am wake up...
    I started by getting up at 5:30... worked out for 30-45 mins...
    started realizing I needed more time... got up at 5:00 am... worked out for at least an hour and half.
    Realized I was seeing the results I wanted, made some friends with some serious people at the gym, and realized I am doing this for me... I usually spring out of bed at 4:30... I always eat breakfast after my workout... usually take a banana with me and eat it on the drive home.

    I was a serious night owl... but I would consider myself to be a morning person... these days!! **It just takes time...

    Good Luck!
  • titus21114
    titus21114 Posts: 13 Member
    I head out at 4am, do or die.
    hubs thinks i am nuts.
    I AM!
    I feel so so great afterwards.
    Its incredible the amount of people i meet out there too.

    I head out at 5:15am for the gym and people think I'm crazy all the time. To me it is just a scheduled part of my day just like going to work is. It's something I know I need and I am so happy I went afterwards. The biggest reason that I like going in the morning is that when I am faced with a hard decision about whether to eat something not so good for me I look back at the hard work I did that morning and realized I don't want to waste all that hard work.

    It really is just a matter of wanting it! Also it takes 21 days to make a habit so just buck up and do it and then it will become habit eventually.