Anyone just dieting (not working out)

I was wondering if anyone else was like me and just loosing weight dieting alone. It seems like i'm the only one not working out along with the diet plan


  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I am not doing any exercise per say. If the weather is nice on the weekends, my boys and I take a walk to the park or something, but I am not doing tapes or going to the gym. I plan to eventually, but now I have 2 jobs, 2 kids, and trying to prepare to give my senior recital and graduation at school. Once that is over, I plan to reevaluate and add it in.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?

    This. Not trying to shove the work out and eat less approach down your throat, but there's numerous health benefits outside of weight loss from working out and it really doesn't take much time each week to see said benefits.
  • flaireuk
    flaireuk Posts: 1 Member
    I am, I am really just too tired and too busy to be bothered to try and fit it in... I'm shattered when I get home. Will try when it is lighter in the evenings though.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    That's me for now. Gonna start lifting eventually, but for now I'm just dieting. One the one hand if I lift while cutting I won't lose as much muscle, on the other hand it'll mean spending a LONG time watching my lifts stay the same or go down, so I'm going to cut until I've lost a fair bit of my fat and then start lifting .
  • 123stefania
    123stefania Posts: 167 Member
    I am not doing any big work out, I have 2 small children at home. So, I try to go for a walk and do some DVD at home. I go once a week to a babygym class. It's not a big workout but its better then nothing. I am careful with the calories I eat.
    You can start with some light exercice (walking, biking, aerobics at home).
    Good luck.
  • Jkn921
    Jkn921 Posts: 309 Member
    I am, I am really just too tired and too busy to be bothered to try and fit it in... I'm shattered when I get home. Will try when it is lighter in the evenings though.

    It may help you though reducing your tiredness from everyday. It's hard to imagine you starting but once you start, you most likely won't want to stop.
  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I don't work out, I've still lost around half a stone over a few weeks. The only exercise I do is I walk everywhere and I work in a bar part time so I'm on my feet a lot. My exercise ranges from 30 mins to 6 hours of walking per day depending on what I have going on.

    I am trying to work in some toning exercises in to get my stomach nice and toned for summer, so I try to do about 10 minutes a day of that, but I've only just started on that.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    yes and no.

    I have myself set up on here to burn 1200 calories per week via exercise, and I almost always hit that goal. I purposely under-log most of the time, but I am "sedentary" and will log things like 10 minutes of heavy duty cleaning or an hour and 30 min of walking around the zoo.

    I don't go to a gym ever, and I don't do fitness DVDs or anything along those lines. I only get "serious" exercise on the weekend when my husband and I bike for an hour on a trail, walk quick enough to get the heart rate up, etc.
  • Roxanne_Hennessy
    Roxanne_Hennessy Posts: 130 Member
    Why wouldn't you want to work out? Do you have an injury?

    I'm just too busy. I mean I walk about 3-4 miles a day, to the bus and around my office but that's it. I don't like lifting weight or running. I also just don't like being sweaty as it makes my rosacae act up
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    That's me for now. Gonna start lifting eventually, but for now I'm just dieting. One the one hand if I lift while cutting I won't lose as much muscle, on the other hand it'll mean spending a LONG time watching my lifts stay the same or go down, so I'm going to cut until I've lost a fair bit of my fat and then start lifting .

    I get what you're saying, I see quite the rollercoaster of progression in the weight room while cutting, however, you're not doing your lifting numbers any favors by continuing to lose LBM while you are in a deficit. Might as well do whatever you can to try to increase LBM retention while you're cutting so that you're ahead of the game when you want to maintain or even bulk.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I am. When I first started, I worked out almost daily and then life happened and I didn't have time to squeeze it in. Now I have the time but it's so hard to get back in the habit. I would say the last 20 pounds I lost were lost on diet alone. I would like to make myself work out again though. Not because I feel like I lost more weight but because I like the way I felt after working out.
  • DottieLoo
    DottieLoo Posts: 15 Member
    You're not alone. I currently work 2 jobs and don't have the time or energy right now.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    When I first started dieting I was running 2 or 3 times a week as well but about 3 weeks in I sprang my ankle pretty bad. I planned on starting again when it got better but i just never got back into it. A few months later im almost 50 lbs down. I do plan on starting again pretty soon though, weight training as well as running.
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    I get what you're saying, I see quite the rollercoaster of progression in the weight room while cutting, however, you're not doing your lifting numbers any favors by continuing to lose LBM while you are in a deficit. Might as well do whatever you can to try to increase LBM retention while you're cutting so that you're ahead of the game when you want to maintain or even bulk.

    I haven't lifted at all yet, so my numbers aren't hurting as I don't have any. Part of doing it right is establishing a positive routine, I think I will have a lot of difficulty sticking with a routine that sees my strength decreasing, which is a big part of it. I will start lifting before I bottom out on weight, and I'll probably spend some time at nogainz, but I want to minimize that time.
  • iminflight
    iminflight Posts: 1 Member
    I have Golphers Elbow and Tennis elbow (also known as upper and lower tendonitis in the left elbow) . If anyone can tell me some exercises that will strengthen this and help take the pain away I would love it. Thank You
  • sad_kitty
    sad_kitty Posts: 84 Member
    I'm currently just dieting alone. I'm trying to incorporate more activity into my day as well. I have a chronic pain condition and currently have been experiencing tremendous fatigue for the last few months, which has gotten in the way of adding as many workouts into my regime as I'd like. I know that exercise will give me energy, but I haven't had the stamina or energy to do much (and keep good form while doing it). Even after my walks, I need a few hours to rest. So until my doctor and I can figure out what's going on, I just plan to add walks in, and do what I can where I can. I'm losing weight at the rate I'd hoped to, but I'd prefer to be able to get stronger and tone up as well. Ah well. Baby steps.
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Right now I'm not really exercising a whole lot. I got to the gym before work in the morning and walk or do the C25K program but that's about it. I'm mostly just burned out from everything going on with my life from the last year that doing anything super intense just exhausts me and I can't do anything else the rest of the day. I'm probably going to start incorporating a class or two on the weekend but during the week the walking is fine. The plan I'm doing doesn't really suggest stenuous exercise either so it fits really well. I think doing what's best for you is what you should do. And if not working out is working right now then go for it.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I was wondering if anyone else was like me and just loosing weight dieting alone. It seems like i'm the only one not working out along with the diet plan

    I also don't " work out ". I walk 45 minutes a day for exercise, walk twice a day with my dog ( which I don't log ) and since I do not have a car, I walk to the bus or subway, to the store and since I live on the fourth floor without an elevator I also climb on average 500 stairs a day. I do not count everything except my intentional personal walking, because I want to get used to a more active life style.I also don't walk to burn exercise to eat's not something I am interested in, since I eat enough.
    However when I started out in April last year I did not even walk ( coming off a walker I was not able to climb stairs yet ) for the first two month and I did lose weight. I started with walking 5-10 minutes at a snail's pace and even that made me feel better ( maybe psychological...who knows) than being completely sedentary. Since June last year I upped my walking to 45 minutes at a " fast pace " and feel much better for it.
    I am not convinced that it makes a big difference as far as weight loss is concerned, but feeling good does it for me !
  • I don't go to the gym (too expensive) or work-out at home at the moment because I'm just too lazy.

    I'm walking to work which at my size burns 200+ calories right now. However, once I have the right motivation I will bust out the exercise DVDs and get to it.

    That's really all I'm lacking - motivation! :yawn: