Cardio Workout DVD's?????

Hi there, I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas on some good "CARDIO" workouts that are on DVD? I have been doing P90X for over 30 days now and I do enjoy most of the workouts but I have only lost 4 pounds and I have lost a few inches but mainly only in my waist and hips and honestly my clothes are not really fitting any looser at all! In the past when I have lost weight I did a lot of cardio, for example walking, Zumba, aerobics. I am wanting to lose weight first and then build muscle as this is what I need to personally do for myself. Some of the DVD workouts I have include Turbo Fire and some Hip Hop Abs! I am just looking for some ideas on cardio works to help me lose weight!

Thanks :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • I know that there are thousands on you tube, so you can watch a lot of videos and pick out the ones you are interested in purchasing ! I actually use some from that sight every day.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Free stuff: fitness blender has a LOT of free workouts ranging from HIIT to bodyweight strength to sanbags, so they're a pretty good ressource.

    If you like doing kicks and punches, I'm a big fan of Tapout XT. The trainer is really what sells the program (he's a less annoying Tony Horton type guy? And he's got quotes that'll keep you working for sure). There are more cardio and core focused workouts than P90X, but there's also some strength stuff built in there which is not a bad thing because muscles burn fat, y'now?
  • ash_37
    ash_37 Posts: 35
    i feel exactly the same way. i used to run on treadmill n cross trainer at the gym. with that i lost weight. then after i had my daughter
    been using dvds. i'm now trying turbo fire at home. im on day 5 anda little apprehensive. will i lose weight or will i just lose inches. to me both r important. im desperate to c numbers go down on scales.
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    I started doing Jillian Michaels kickbox on youtube. Its only 25 minutes long. Also tried Tracy Anderson Method. If you like to dance then Tracy Anderson (Gweneth Paltrow, Madonna's trainer) is for you!!
  • T25 baby!!!!!
  • ash_37
    ash_37 Posts: 35
    r u losing weight with jm kickboxing?
  • T25 is great and a good Segway to Insanity.
  • cbraun133
    cbraun133 Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, I have lost 5 lbs and 5 inches in 7 weeks doing JM kickboxing and also have completed 30 day shred and I'm currently on my 4th week of Ripped in 30 (both JM). I do the Ripped in 30 Everyday and do the kickboxing every other day to get the cardio in.

    Believe me after the thousands of dollars I have spent on Gym memberships, I can truly say that this is the most challenging exercise routine I have ever done.

    I love JM and am committed to her workouts and eating plans.
    Good Luck.

    ps. you can find lots of her workouts on youtube.
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    I'm 25 days into Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (20 minutes circuit a day) and can really see the difference. She's a bit of a nightmare trainer and I often want to smash her face off the TV, but it does get results.
  • jlg3797
    jlg3797 Posts: 9 Member
    @Tess - ahahaha. I feel the same way sometimes when I watch her videos. I do Shred and I have a Biggest Loser DVD as well. In one of the tapes she says "I want you to gargle your heart at the end of this exercise" or something to that effect and it's the worst. I have to say I've been surprised to see some results with a 20-minute workout, but I have been having luck. I've tried personal training and she uses a lot of the same moves. Maybe it's just that doing 20 minutes of any exercise is better than what I was doing before, but I think her exercises are pretty effective.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You've lost 4 pounds and several inches in 6 weeks. That's not 'bad'. Open up your diary and lets see if we can help more. Are you eating enough? too much? decent combo?

    I loved Combat, and T25 and now I'm doing 21 Day Fix, and getting my eating cleaned up.

    Are you Enjoying the workout?
  • TessMacc
    TessMacc Posts: 31
    @jlg3797 I would have given up ages ago, except my flatmate and I are doing it together and keeping each other motivated. We're trying to choose a new one at the moment but maybe take a break from Jillian! (We'll go back to her later - we have a kind of Stockholm Syndrome attachment to her now).
  • tariksehovic
    tariksehovic Posts: 39 Member
    The TRX home series is really good
  • I've been doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution. I am starting Phase 3 (month 3) this weekend. It's a 90 day program. I've lost 13 pounds in 7 weeks and I'm down 2 dress sizes. Her cardio DVD's are vicious! It's a 6 day a week program but only 35 minutes a day. And I love it! or hate it and love the results :)

    But I've recently hit a wall. I've been the same weight for 2 weeks. I think everything is just shifting around now. So I've added more cardio by adding running every day.