Help! I need encouragement!

punkcat186 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I joined MFP in May 2010, and lost a total of 18 pounds by August. In September, I started to stress out about my job, moving, and big trips that were coming up and started to eat and lose control. Now, it's early December, and I am basically back up to the same weight I started at.

I am running 4 times a week, but I can't seem to stop snacking at work! They always have food and sweets that I cannot resist.. What happened to my self control? I know I shouldn't, and I know I can lose the weight, but why can't I stop eating?

I was able to lose the weight before, and would love to shed 15 of these pesky pounds again... Any words of encouragement?


  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    Hard to say without being super harsh but you just need to pick which one you want more...the yummy food or the nice body. I believe there is a balance, you can have one sweet or treat from your office and then stop (if you are able) that way you would have the best of both worlds :)

    food tastes sooo yummy, especailly short bread and yummy xmas treats like that...just have one, take your time enjoying and savouring it. then stop! lol

    you can do it! remember...a moment on your lips, a lifetime on your hips
  • Are you doing any strength training? Typically on a healthy, balanced diet; the best way to lose weight is by combining cardio and strengthening. Don't get me wrong, the cardio is extremely important, but you must be doing the strength training too. What is your diet like? Personally, I am a vegan so it makes it easier when there are sweets and whatnot, but maybe write out a diet plan for yourself. It is hard to restrict yourself, but with a written plan, you might be able to steer clear of the sweets.

    It isn't bad to snack throughout the day as long as these snacks are healthy. Maybe pack a carton of cut celery sticks if you get tempted by the office donuts or apple slices for those pesky muffins. If you know you can do it, than that is all you need. Go out and be determined! Get into a strength schedule, write out rules and guidelines for your diet, and always carry healthy snacks to work. Good luck!
  • Nubyia
    Nubyia Posts: 14 Member
    BRING YOUR OWN SNACKS! I know times are rough and all can't afford to bring them but try. An apple is better than a doughnut because of the natural sugars. If you do not learn how to eat, you will continue to yo-yo. Be persistent in the exercise routine and when you eat. I'm writing from experience.
    A lot of people's problems is they never learn how to eat. This is like 90% of the battle. Hope this helps!:smile:
  • luckyrustic
    luckyrustic Posts: 1 Member
    How about starting off by bringing some alternative snacks to work. Alton Brown had this thing going where he only ate from certain food groups for a few weeks and lost 50 pounds. One of his secrets was this Ginger Almonds. He would only eat a few a day but kept him from snacking on other things. Looks easy to make, here is the link:

    Hope this helps.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    or bring a fibre bar so you don't eat the chocolate about apples and cinnamon instead of the cinnamon bun? I don't know i haven't tried those, but i did have to bring a healthy fibre bar today because i caved into my sweet tooth and ate a chocolate bar yesterday lol
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    sorry I double posted
  • R00na
    R00na Posts: 1
    You know what, I am exactly the same! Earlier this year I managed to lose weight and then start overeating and put it on again and ended up being bigger than I have ever been in my life! The snacking at work thing as well, theres ALWAYS something really yummy and chocolatey or some sweets or cakes or crisps or biscuits.........I never used to be able to stop eating them but I just try and remember how bad being bigger makes me feel whenever I walk past the treats and that if I take them I will probably only get bigger! It's not impossible to do, you've already proved that you can do it so go for it, you can do it again! The first week of trying to avoid snacking will be the hardest but it will be so worth it when the weight starts shifting, that's the only way I can manage it, I haven't snacked in over 2 weeks at work now and its getting much easier to avoid! It is literally the force of habit and fact that they are there that makes you want to eat them, trust me just force yourself to avoid them for a few days and factor in a chocolate biscuit every now and then or something into your meal plans and it wont be as bad since you aren't banning yourself from eating snacks, just severely cutting down on them! Today I had a milk chocolate disgestive with a cup of tea as a snack this evening and I was still well within my goal for the day :)
  • jenn50
    jenn50 Posts: 81
    picture yourself 15 lbs lighter. how will you look and feel?? great right!? Brush your teeth after every meal and have pepper mints or something minty that way sweets would ruin your fresh breath at work. Just eat one or two to satisfy the taste but don't indulge on it. make sure you log your entries in and when you see the numbers you shouldn't have you will begin to stop. also logging in so many entries just makes you look like a pig. try to stay within your calorie limit and when you see sweets, just think do i want to eat something that will make me gain or not eat it and lose some more calories. self control. you can do it!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I have found that if I get that craving during the day the best for me is some grapes and strawberries. The natural sugar gives me that sweetness that I am looking for. Also, I like the Special K snack bars. They are filling enough to ease a craving and still allow me to stay within calories.
  • punkcat186
    punkcat186 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone! Great advice and encouragement. R00na, especially you since it seems like we are in the same boat. Thank you!!

    I will be trying to remember what it felt like when I was at my best looking and feeling weight (10-12lbs ago) and stop snacking at work. I am so good when I am outside of work, but since I am here 9-10 hours a day, it gets hard.

    I know I can do it again.. Thank you everyone!!
  • I have the EXACT same problem. Food is only a major temptation while I am at work, and I am at work 10 hours a day. Things that have helped me is to keep a water bottle near and full at all times. Bring lots of fruit and carrots to munch on all day. I go to Costco and get their veggie tray and just grab a sandwich bag full for work most days. The cutie oranges are nice this time of year, too. I also keep wheat thin or low calorie drinks like crystal light to switch it up. I don't feel guilty about munching on healthy things all day...I just have to watch portion sizes. Just keep your goal in mind and keep healthy stuff around. Good luck!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    I totally get it! I am dealing with the same issues! I started in January 2010 and had lost almost 35lbs but have now gained back 21 and am frustrated. I decided that I can do this and started back to eating healthier foods yesterday. Its a lifelong battle but hang in there. You can do this. If it wasnt for all the people on here I probably would be gaining all the weight back and giving up.
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