

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Duncan. It hurts terribly to lose a beloved friend like that. We lost our Cutty a year ago and my heart is still broken. Bruno has helped ease the pain, but I still want Cutty back.

    I think you may have mixed up a post. I don't have a Jake, I have a Bruno and he doesn't mark indoors. Chews everything, yes, but never marks. And yes, Bruno is snipped. Vicki has Jake.

    I'm at the studio working on a drafting job and it's so cold here that my fingers are frozen and I can't type worth beans. I planned on going to the Y when I finish, but I really don't feel quite right. Nothing specific feels wrong, but my head is floating and my chest feels tight, so I might not go work out. Probably just fishing for an excuse. Any excuse is better than none.

    Take care everyone!

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    You have my thoughts and prayers. Heed the advice given here. It is all good. Just remember, never give up and never surrender! It's hard, I know been there and still am there so I know what you are going through. Call, maybe we can get together again and talk.

    Rita from CT
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Sylvia - :blushing: Yes, I mixed it up. Well, glad to hear Bruno is snipped and not marking. :laugh: Sorry about the chewing but hopefully he will stop when he's a little older.
  • tartanlass58
    tartanlass58 Posts: 10 Member
    Just joined end of February lost 3lbs my first week probably water weight but that is ok. Had a couple of celebrations my sons birthday and my 35th wedding anniversary so the diet was totally blown on those days but back on track and determined to succeed. Weather cold and lot of snow can't wait for it to warm up to get more activity in.:smile::smile: :wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy Ash Wednesday! :flowerforyou: I'll check in again later.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Well my weigh in day is Wednesday. And I am down 4.5 lbs but I can't
    except that number because I was up all night with a stomach virus. So I'll
    Wait a few days. That number would look good on my tracker but I know
    it will come back on.

    Carol- I am thinking about getting a fit bit, is it compatible with the iPhone.

  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hello All
    Posting my daily news. I went back read posting from last 2 to 3 days. Lots of things going on.

    Barbie: read your about reading all the post & how it will help. Gonna take the advice. TY

    Hope everyone else is doing well & meeting their March goals.

    Still cold here & our propane tank just ran out of gas. Dang it's getting cold. So gotta get off for now & see if I can get some delivered.
    I'll hope to be back later to finish this
    Pennie in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just subscribed to a joke of the day site. Here is one that was on their web page:

    A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store and he does a double take. He recognizes that the saucer is extremely old and very valuable, so he walks casually into the store and offers to buy the cat for two dollars.
    The storeowner replies "I'm sorry, but the cat isn't for sale.
    The collector says, "Please, I need a hungry cat around the house to catch mice. I'll pay you twenty dollars for that cat."
    And the owner says "Sold," and hands over the cat.
    The collector continues, "Hey, for the twenty bucks I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer. The cat's used to it and it'll save me from having to get a dish."
    And the owner says, "Sorry buddy, but that's my lucky saucer. So far this week I've sold sixty-eight cats."
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Great joke..
    No gas til tomorrow. Guess I will have to do lots of moving around to keep warm. But no cooking for me tonight :laugh:

    Ok read some of the post & they help. Thank you all.

    Brenda – 4.5 Lbs. Virus or not great number. Hope you get over that virus soon. I had it, sucks.:sad:

    Michele – Hope Bryan gets his packages. Must be a son, only kids pull this stuff lol :laugh:

    Carol - Hope you make it to the beach this weekend. My most favorite place to go! :love:

    Sue – Hello fellow Texan. Where you at in Texas? I am near Livingston. One goal is better than no goal at all. All we can do is our best.:smile:

    Sylvia – I love dogs & betting Bruno would be one I could love. He has lots of personality. MY SNL use to train dogs & DD is a vet tech. :happy:

    grandmallie – So how was the cinnamon and a bit of honey in hot water? I usually try to have ginger root in a green drink daily. It helps with lots of thinks but mainly use it for my back. :drinker:

    moeggep – I know what you mean about the first of month being busiest time. Mine too. Enjoy your wine! :drinker:

    DeeDee – Logged in my food & half way there on the water. :wink:

    Rita - Your poor mom. Sounds like she needed a break. I work in the field of elderly. Caretakers need to remember that they have to take care of themselves. Hard to do, though. What in the World was that sitter thinking?? :noway:

    margaretturk – Great goals for Lent. :smile:

    Vicki – Don’t feel too bad about the BC. You got back on board today & that’s what matters. :wink:

    Jane – SNOW!! I just thought I was cold in the rain. :tongue:

    cityjaneLondo – Congrats on the new car! Good for you on the downloading & getting your music on it. I dread every time I
    have to update mine. It takes so long to understand how to use them. Even then I only use about ¼ of the features offered. :huh:

    Kim – Hard thing to do, eat healthy when in the present of folks that don’t appreciate your efforts. :noway: Can you not have something like Oatmeal or cereal one day? I love to eat on wheat roll, purple onions, spinach leaves, swiss cheese & black forest ham with salt & pepper. Place in broiler til cheese melts. It is a spin from Subway’s breakfast.

    Jill _ Yea!! 3 lbs proud of you :happy:

    Tina – So sorry to hear about Duncan. It’s so hard to lose one of our babies. I had to put down my bloodhound recently. That was really hard. :flowerforyou:

    Happy Ash Wednesday
    Pennie in TX
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just time for a quick post before we head out to Ash Wednesday Services.
    Penne - we live in Granbury, it's about 45 miles SW of Fort Worth. I noticed a Susan in Dallas and I think Teral is in Plano. We probably have enough for a Texas get-to-gather!
    Hope everyone had a great day. I did alright food and logging but had to rest as I walked too fast to keep up with DH yesterday!
    My March goal is to log my food and drink 8 glasses of water a day. Simple but I will do it!
    Sue in TX
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oops I spelled Pennie's name wrong. Sorry about that!
    Sue in TX
  • mrsrcq2009
    Trying Again-I was on MFP a few years ago, I did well for awhile, then fell completely off the wagon, gained weight, got depressed, then got it together, lost again, etc, etc... still yo-yoing as I have for my entire life. I've tried various programs off and on, preferred the online versions, have been successful several times but never able to maintain. Now here I am at 51 years old starting over again. I lost about 12 lbs doing a well known program at work recently, but I don't like the rah-rah mentality of the meetings and I don't want to share such a personal area of my life with people I work with. Looking for support and helpful tips from people going through the same thing I am who are non-judgmental and understand the head trip that can go along with the weight battle
    ~about100 to lose~
    thanks, mrsrcq in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies,
    report on the cinnamon and honey in warm water, not bad at all, and hey maybe it helped move the scale cause I was back down a couple of lbs and that hasnt happend in forever:laugh:
    saw that on facebook, supposed to help all sorts of things.
    well got over 12,000 steps in that hasn't happened in a heck of a long time either :laugh:
    going for my massage tomorrow afternoon, :bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I don't know if the nausea and diarrhea I had earlier was a virus or what but husband has it now. But one of his good Karaoke buddies who he is with also has it. Maybe in the Evansville water????? He did eat a regular meal tonight and so far has done OK. I think he is going to try to go out for his usual Karaoke tonight. I guess he doesn't want to listen to me cheering or booing the guys on Survivor tonight. I can get quite verbal. I usually end up calling some one and we discuss' it together while watching it. Hey, I was going to put a laughing smiley face there and my smilies won't work.

    Got on the bike and rode a little bit today for the first time in about 10 days. It still hurt my back some but not as bad at all. I guess I am going to have to call the doctor. I know I won't be able to see the doctor but I can usually get in with the nurse practitioner the day I call. I just hate it that my co-pay is the same to see her as it is to see my doctor. Nothing against nurse practitioners but she isn't a doctor.

    God bless all of you tonight, Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Carol in NC - what part of NC are you in again? Because we didn't have ice or snow. Boy, you sure have a lot on your plate with the kids. They're so lucky to have you

    Well, today starts Lent so it'll be my first day of not eating at night. We shall see how it goes.

    A few years ago someone at the Y ordered these bathingsuits, I don't remember where from. One of them didn't fit so one gal asked me if it'd fit me. It did and I really like the suit. However, the suitspinner at the Y ate it the other day so now I wish I could find that same one. I'd get another and use this one at the condo. Maybe I'll have to go to where that gal works now and ask her which place it was from. Update: she didn't remember.

    Sylvia - what? Don't you feed Bruno??? lol

    Vince went to the MD today. He still isn't feeling well. The MD said he has a respiratory infection. Personally, I don't think they really know what it is that he has. I do think the oak pollen in FL was a more plausible explanation.

    Patty - I was just thinking about you and your test and wondering what was up with it

    Margaret - I agree that form is very important. That's part of the reason that I'm not real crazy about doing something as fast as you can (like a situp).

    Rita - I can't believe it...yes I can knowing how MIL was as she got older.

    My sinuses are still acting up. That's not uncommon. Many times when we go to FL and then back, the change in the pressure does it. So I take a Sudafed. The thing is that I do not get sleepy, just the opposite. But I do get very dry in the mouth so I drink a lot

    Heather - may you have lots of happiness with that car. Your crafts sound beautiful. I do hope you'll post pics

    Tina - my deepest sympathies to you. How well I know how hard that can be!

    Kim - when I wore a pedometer, I'd wear it all the time EXCEPT when I was exercising. I just thought that it wasn't fair to count steps in a step class

    Sylvia - hope you feel better fast

    tartanlass - welcome! Hope your son had a great birthday. Happy anniversary to you. I don't know of anyone who can't wait for it to warm up!

    Pennie - sending you an electric blanket. No propane!!!!

    Pennie - the thing about Bryan is that he never used to be this way. He was always so considerate, thoughtful, helpful. Now he's quite selfish. He just doesn't want to be bothered going to get those packages. Why, I don't know. Hey, what if we put a $1,000 bill in them? So sorry about your dog.

    Sue in TX - great goals for the month. That's about the best you can do. I'm very proud of you

    mrsrcq - welcome. We have everything you're looking for -- support, non-judgmental, understanding (BTDT). You've certainly come to the right place.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Tomorrow after exercise, I'll have some breakfast and then go to the Newcomer lunch. It's at the airport (where our general meetings are) but the reason it's there is because one of the members has her ribbon cutting ceremony for her flight school. Then they're going to have the lunch catered by the cafe there. The menu doesn't sound that good so I'm not going to stay for the lunch. However, I don't have anyone signed up to bring snacks to the general meeting next Wednesday (the last general meeting was cancelled due to the snow) and since I haven't used any of the money from my budget, I want to ask her if she can make up a pastry tray and how much it would be?

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Margaret, I read “Thinner Next Year” and “Younger Next Year”……both awesome books filled with great information….I like your goal of sitting less.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, I have had a pedometer for years and I wear or carry it all the time. I put mine in my pocket (it’s an Omron pedometer designed to be carried in a pocket or clipped on a waistband) and carry it all day and put it back in the same place at bedtime. The pedometer has software that allows me to keep track of my steps in a program on the computer so I can look back for several years to see my step count. I log my step count every day on a step counting challenge on MFP. There is research that shows that people who carry pedometers walk more steps than people who don’t and the more you move, the more you lose. I compare my step count to my own step count not to other people. I log actual exercise (walks with dogs or friends, dancing, exercise bike) not my step count on my exercise log. When I first started it was a struggle to get 10,000 steps a day and gradually the count has gone up.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Tina, I am so sorry about Duncan….our fur babies are so precious and no matter how long they live with us, it is never long enough.

    :flowerforyou: I called the line dance teacher this afternoon (I’ve started calling her on Wednesday afternoons to see how she is doing). She had cataract surgery on Monday and her eye still seems cloudy so she’s going to call the doctor tomorrow. She won’t have the second surgery for two weeks so she wants me to continue to teach probably for the rest of the month. It feels so awkward that my joy in teaching the class is based on her having setbacks and challenges in her life.

    :flowerforyou: Jake has gone to the movies so I have the house to myself for a few hours……I’ll dance, watch TV while riding the exercise bike, and walk the dogs briefly while he’s gone.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where we had rain all night and sun all day.and rain again after sundown

    :bigsmile: 21,000 steps today ---three minute plank----lots of time on the exercise bike
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hello to all: Had a good day at work today. My replacement was there to work in the pools and I could work on organizing things for when I retire and also did a little training with her when one of our patients cancelled and we had a little time with no one in the pools. Getting 7500 steps average per day is hard. It seems like so much more than the 6000 I was doing last month but I am working at it. Barbie, I don't know how you do over 20,000 steps per day.

    CT scan and lab tests tomorrow morning and then see pulmonologist in the afternoon. Hope things are better with the bone marrow and inflammation is down.

    Michelle - From someone who works in hospital pools. Please do not use suit spinners!!! They put microtears in your suit and wear it out faster. Also, and this is gross, they are never disinfected. If you ever saw the inside of one when it is taken apart you would never touch one again. Besides the person using it ahead of you could have an infection that would then contaminate your suit. Infection control at the hospital would not let us install them even though people have asked.

    Heather - Enjoy the new car. Sounds like a good one.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just a quick check in. Left the house at 8:30am and just got in at 10:15pm. Read the posts.......too tired for comments. Best to all.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've been reading all your posts.

    Today and tomorrow I am attending a PD workshop. I have been impressed with the high calibre speakers, but it sure is tough sitting so much. I do get up, stand up, leave the room so now and then, but not nearly enough. Also need to remind myself to drink more water.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    thanks for the info on the pedometer - I'm going to drag mine out and start wearing it just to see where I am at... I had a great dinner with a friend - but lots of talking and 2 big glasses of wine later - logged everything and for the first time ever am over my calories - just by 89 cal. - under yesterday by 300 so it all evens out... She made an amazing chili; I am getting the recipe!

    Levi says Hi, he thinks I am ignoring him so he has piled all his toys up around me... guess I need to go play before bed time.

    Kim in N. CA