

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening!

    Grandmallie, I am so grateful you are okay. You got good advice from the others so I won't add my two cents worth. Hugs to you!!

    Congrats to the new grandmother (Pat?)! That's a big boy!

    We had ice and snow yesterday with temps in the teens last night so I got a late start to my day. It felt good to be a little lazy this morning!

    On the home front, the girl child is spending the night with her dad since she has a doctor's appointment in his town tomorrow. Even though she would have been in her room with the computer anyway, it just seems so much quieter with one less person breathing in the house. I got a call today that the boy child will have his endoscopy and placement of the Bravo pH capsule in his esophagus on the 13th. AND, he hasn't vomited all day! Of course, he will be up for several hours yet, but hopefully he will be able to hold some food down. (He just walked in here and was amazed that I could look at him and type at the same time. LOL)

    Also, if everything goes as planned, I will finally get to make my aborted beach trip this weekend! I almost talked myself out of it by thinking of all the reasons I shouldn't, but eventually remembered that the world won't stop if I take a few days off. As long as the pastor I work with at Job #1 agrees that I can be gone on Friday, I will head out after Job #1 on Thursday. I should have no trouble getting to the house before dark even with a stop at the grocery store once I get on the island. I'm not really prepared, but I am low maintenance and need practice at being spontaneous!

    I guess I ought to plan and pre-pack my food for work tomorrow and then go to bed. *sigh* My evenings are way too short!

    Carol in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been reading for awhile tonight and so much is going on with the Vit F girls. I've been concentrating on logging and eating more fruits and veggies. Got to exercise the last two days. I'm hopeful that I can get back in a good routine and stay there.
    Congrats on the new grand and great grand babies. My youngest one is 7 and she is growing up much too fast.
    I'll post my goal for March tomorrow. I'm thinking if I have one goal maybe I can achieve it!
    Sue in TX
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, Bruno did find something else to chew on. Somehow this evening he managed to chew a hole, about 3 inches across, in the carpet in the master bedroom. The only time he was in there was when hubby was napping. The rest of the time the door was closed. I thought Bruno was napping too. And it is right in the middle of the main traffic way between the bed and the dresser. We have been planning to take out that old carpet anyway, so I'm not terribly upset about it, but we weren't quite ready.

    Silly puppy.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    morning ladies~
    have laundry in the wash,and trying something new to drink ,read something about cinnamon and a bit of honey in hot water will help with a multitude of things.
    so what the heck... why not.
    Tom came in and gave me a hug and told me he loved me, he didnt apologize but I think I scared the heck out of him...
    dont worry ladies, will still seek out help and talk with someone, and will have a back up plan,but I dont want to leave my home and dogs,.
    the last marriage ,I left and left him with the apartment,but this is my home too..
    but I will get some help I promise...
    love you all:heart:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All,
    I was able to read back a couple pages, but not a whole lot. The first week of the month at my full time job is always hectic, I do month end balancing for the department and it has to be completed by the 5th business day. I'm almost there.
    I got my personal training test rescheduled for March 23 and it will be at a test site, no computer to mess up this time. I will be so glad to get this done, but I'm thankful for the extra study time. I don't work tonight so I plan to get a good work out in after work, and then home to cook a nice meal, and I might even have a small glass of wine. Looking forward to some down time.
    Next week I am going to take a certification class in firest aid and oxygen. This is required by the Y, I already have my CPR.

    Alison, I have been there and survived it, listen to the suggestions. Be safe, in every way. You deserve that.

    Kim, That sounds like a great idea, how creative you are.

    Hello to all newbies,

    Everyone have a blessed and healthy day,
    Take care, Patty in Cincinnati

    Barbie NW Washington, The world sure has changed, back in the 50’s we had homemade food, not so much processed.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Alison:smile: Glad you`re still going to make a plan and seek help:flowerforyou: !

    I have no time this morning:sad: ! Have a wonderful Wednesday, can`t believe it`s Wednesday already:noway: !!!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    well got my lazy butt out and went racewalking.. feel much better...took our old car in for servicing the other day, it is 13 yrs old and not worth fixing, we had promised it to my daughter,so just called her to give her the bad news..
    thank goodness she is ok with it..
    did promise i would pay for her license when she got it.. hopefully that will be soon.. she is 25 for goodness sake..
    well off to the shower and then to work..
    talk wit ya'll later
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    I am so far behind on reading the posts! I am trying to catch up but only got to finish page 1 of March! I never did have time to finish February.
    Notes on my mother 'saga'. She pulled her pants up and while her DH was in therapy (he was suppose to be there for 2 weeks live in). She went to visit my brother and family in PA. The day after she got to PA, her DH signed himself out of rehab again and went home to find her gone. She had arranged for his 'sitter' assigned by Social Services to live in with him for the 2 weeks she is gone. Well, this sitter did what the DH asked and hired someone to shovel out the snow around his car then the DH proceeded to drive to a restaurant. Now mind you, he cannot control his hands any more, cannot walk and must use a wheel chair. The sitter was suppose to keep him in the house. Well, the DH (who had strict orders NOT to drive) drove with the 'sitter' in the car and hit another car in the restaurant. Cops got there, and made the sitter drive him home. When my mom heard about this she called SS and told them. He now has a new 'sitter' that is much stricter. I am hoping with her gone for two weeks authorities will see he is not fit to be home or to take care of his own affairs. We will see about that! I could go on and on but am at work and must get back to it. Here is how I did in February and my March goals.

    My SMART goals for February:
    I will lose 5 pounds by February 28 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Week1: steps average: 5066. Curves 3 times (closed do to snow). Lost 1 pound
    Week 2: steps average: 4636 (getting worse!) Curves 3 times (closed do to snow ) shoveled snow 3 hours this week! No loss but 6 inches gone!
    Week 3: steps average: 4643. Curves 4 times (open late due to ice one day). Gained 3 pounds, depressed this past week.
    Week 4: steps average:: 5193. Curves 5 times. No weight loss. Small gain of 2 pounds over the month.
    February brought with it much stress and depression. Here’s hoping March will be better!

    My SMART goals for March:
    I will lose 5 pounds by March 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Rita from CT
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Good Morning,


    Alison glad you are seeking help! Know it is a hard time.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX I changed my setting to monitor my fiber intake as a way to encourage me to eat more fruits and veggies. Go veggies and fruit!

    Carol have a great get away. Glad son is doing better and answer is in sight.

    Michelle yoga and deep water sound like great workouts!

    Heather having a painful joint is so frustrating. Hopefully they can do something for you. I asked about physical therapy because my DH knee was starting to bother him and doing the exercises they prescribe for him have helped him tremendously. Sounds like you are not letting it slow you down.

    Kay WI I agree with the idea in the book Thinner Next Year that your form is just if not more important than the exercises themselves. Their major tip is to watch your posture and stability as you do your strength building exercises. This is more important than adding weights. The also suggest not to add weights until you are sure your form is correct. The woman who does my massages talks about the importance if you work a muscle in one direction try to move it in the opposite direction too to keep muscles flexible. An example of this would be when you do the cat stretch on all fours and then do the counter stretch of arching your back.

    I thought there were some valuable tips in Thinner Next Year. I did find it got wordy not to the point as I would like.

    Barbie I remember salt tablets too. 25,000steps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quiet day. Finally getting into the 20’s. 30’s by the weekend. Getting things done around the house.

    To take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    To sit less today and have good posture. For Lent I like Michelle’s idea of not eating after 8:00. I am going to make mine 7:00.
    2014 word: contentment
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Happy Ash Wednesday. This year is just flying by:smile: . Well it is to get up to 40 today and tomorrow. Glad I am off tomorrow and can get out and enjoy the day. Last evening was a bad snack night. Not sure why but the left over BD cake was talking to me and now this morning I feel not the best. But when I took my BS at 6 this morning it was only 96. Today is a new day!! I am so Thankful to be able to start anew.

    Jane--glad DH is getting some answers and help with eye problem.

    Allison--Thanks for letting us know you are OK. You a such a good person and deserve good things. I do understand how you feel about not losing your home. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy--You inspire me as you just keep going to the Y and taking care of you.:flowerforyou:

    Kim--sounds pretty. I wish I could do more crafty things. I can picture them in my mind, but they just don't turn out that way.

    Michelle--Glad you made it home safe. :smile:

    Carol--hope things work out for your weekend at the beach. Sounds very relaxing.

    Sylvia--Bruno sounds so much like our Jake. He has dicided he needs to leave his "mark" all over the place. DH keeps shampooing the carpets but it's getting old and he seems to do even when we are home.

    Rita--All I can say WOW!! Thank goodness no one was hurt.

    Well I plan to work on my goals for this month today and get them posted. Time just is not my friend and I lose track of it.
    Hugs to those who need them and praise to everyone. We can do this.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day and ash wed.
    Have a good day.
    It`s snowing again.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    DH has just got home with our new car. He took me out for a quick run. It's lovely - much higher off the ground than the old one so we can drive through floods and 4 wheel drive. Loads of room in the trunk. All I've got to do now is drive it myself! :sick: :noway: :embarassed:

    Very proud of myself today - I have transferred some music on to my phone! At last! Too embarrassed to do it while DH was here, I worked it out on my own. I like quite loud, continuous music because I'm usually playing it on the train to drown out people's conversations! Couldn't get my Klesmer on though. Something wrong with the file.

    Then I did another job I have been meaning to do for about 6 months. My lymphodema massage therapist gave me the number of a company that makes the shiny, black arm sleeve that I like. I rang to order another one and found that I can get it on prescription. My therapist told me I would have to pay for it as it is not standard. So double Hooray!

    The crsft session at the WI was good last night. I did the decopatch and covered a heart shaped Christmas tree decoration in red and green patchwork papers. It looks great and soooooooo easy. I also liked the look of the tealight glass painting, but didn't do it. Some people made hearts out of buttons, again a nice tree decoration.

    So, my lovelies, I will have my cup of tea and get started on mushroom risotto with veg I just picked from our garden, purple sprouting broccoli and brussels sprouts.

    Heather in flowery and beautiful Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Pssst Alison...you're not lazy..... :wink: :flowerforyou:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all,
    Allison it is your house to; and a lawyer can help make it stay that way... Please don't let this "good time" lull you into thinking it won't happen again. You are number one!

    I have a question to all you step counters... I walk the dogs and garden as my primary exercise; and right now that is fine, as the pounds are going - slow and steady - but I used to wear a pedometer and count my steps and I easy to 10,000 steps in 6 hours of work. .. do you wear one all day? or just while you are taking an official walk? Do you log your steps? or is that in addition to any logged exercise?

    I have company showing up on Friday - leaving Monday.... and they don't know I am watching what I eat and would not be that supportive - comments like it's about time - or why bother you'll just gain it back... so I'm NOT telling (thumbing nose at them -giggle) I have meals planned that will be good for me, and easy for them to not notice, with the exception of breakfast. They would want toast and bacon, or sweet rolls - I have 3 breakfasts to do - I'm going to do a egg scramble with some veggies and toast (I'll have 1/.2 piece) one day, but am stumped on the other days... any ideas?

    Happy Wednesday all, to those who celebrate blessed Ash Wednesday and beginning of lent.

    Kim in cloudy N. Cal
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Alison - all I want to say is many hugs!!:heart: Glad you checked in.

    Weighed yesterday (Not something I do more than once a week) and FINALLY the scale moved!! It's been 2 1/2 months of hovering around the same half pound up and down. I now am officially 3 pounds down!! Appreciate all the encouraging words! Katla, thanks for reminding me not to stress the scale - it would move when in moves (and it finally did)

    Jill in western MA
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Curious, justanorange is listed as male and 35??
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member

    I noticed that too. I sent a "report post".

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello ladies,

    It's been a sad week for us as we had to let one of our furbabies go. Duncan was 15 and started having seizures in Oct and they thought it was a good possibility that he had a brain tumor. We treated it with medicine and he was doing well up until this past week. He went down hill pretty quickly within a day. Couldn't keep anything down and started having petite seizures. It was a Sunday night so we had to take him to the emergency vet. Ironically, we had our other furbaby there already as she wasn't doing well on Saturday. They kept her there for several days for IV fluids and antibiotics so she was there when we had to bring her buddy in. So twice in two days, we left our babies behind when we left. Fortunately, our girl, Zoe - my profile picture, is doing much better now but she seemed lost when she came home and kept looking for Duncan. As you could imagine, eating right and exercising have not been a high priority. Pizza is our comfort food. I am somewhat surprised when I got on the scale this morning that I only gained 1/2 pound. Guess stress burned more calories than I thought.

    Sue in SD – My church also has the prayer shawl ministry and my friend, Sheri with colon cancer, was given on and she brings it with her for her chemo therapy and uses it at home. She says she is very comforted by it so know that those that receive it will be blessed.

    Katla – Have you looked at the Roadtrek? I don’t have a dealer close to my home but sent away for the DVD and brochure. My parents were thinking of getting one for their travels between Florida and Maryland. It has the same footprint of a van so easy to drive but gives the freedom of an RV. When I was growing up we had a couple of trailers that you pull behind but think this would be so much easier. Of course, they are expensive. http://www.roadtrek.com/

    March babies – Happy Birthday!

    Michelle – Glad to hear you had safe travels and back home. Sounds like you had a great time in Florida.

    Carol – a weekend at the beach sounds wonderful. Hope you find it refreshing

    Sylvia – Is Jake neutered? They are much less likely to ‘mark’. If it’s a new thing, you may want to have him checked for an infection as that could be an indicator.

    Allison – Glad things are better in the home at this point. Did he turn off the phone or was that just a threat? Hope you’re still planning on getting that massage.

    Welcome to all of the new ladies!

    Congratulations to all of those with new grandbabies, NSVs, goals reached and pushing onward to new goals!

    Welcoming in March…(and hopefully spring)
    Tina from MD
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Tina: so sorry about Duncan. It hurts. :flowerforyou:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Kim - I wear my Fitbit 24/7 and have my step goal set at 10,000 (some days that is hard since I have a desk job). I use only the calories reported by my Fitbit for exercise calories even though I do weights, planks, workout videos, etc. I have my settings at sedentary for both Fitbit and MFP. This all seems to work for me.

    Just doing a quick read through so I won't get so far behind. I'm getting ready to shut down here and head to Job #2. God willing and there is not another disaster, I am leaving for the beach tomorrow at 1 p.m. I need to figure out my food before I go--I don't eat out down there so I need to figure out what I will pack and what I will get once I get there.

    Have a great afternoon!

    Carol in cloudy NC