Appetite Suppressants? (Don't flip out)



  • how do you see other people's diaries?

    If they have them set to open you can look

    Sorry about that, I'm having an issue with MFP where just about every 24 hours, all of my settings reset? Every day my email settings and diary settings go back to defaults and the MFP app on my phone fails authentication so I have to log out and log in.. Guess I have to contact support. Diary is back open (for today, at least)
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    where though? on their profile?
    yes on their profile
  • I really appreciate all of the replies and the advice.

    The main suggestions I get from friends and family are generally about homemade foods or recipes that I should try. Things like "Cook this" "Make that" it always involves preparing something by cooking or cutting or washing.

    I have a couple of challenges with proper dieting in that: #1 I'm always very busy and I'm very bad with time management. It's a fact, I should work on it, but I only have time(lol) to work on one major lifestyle problem at a time and my health is the most pressing problem. #2 I don't have a kitchen or a sink in my apartment.

    I live on instant foods, I need foods that don't spoil quickly, that I can grab and go with, that don't require much time to eat. I have found that fruits and veggies can be great solutions for me! They're always ready to be eaten, and I can stick to tough produce that doesn't spoil quick. However, for most of my main entrees, I can't seem to get around frozen meals. Any suggestions, bearing all of this in mind? Maybe this should be a new topic. :P

    the no kitchen and sink thing is a real problem, do you have a freezer?
  • barkfest3
    barkfest3 Posts: 1 Member
    I looked at your food diary for 3/4/2014 and noticed that your sodium intake was quite high. This can cause you to retain fluid. I'd recommend you cut back on the sodium and drink plenty of water.:smile:
  • I know drinking lots of water has helped me!!!! I cut out sugars and sodas!!!!! Instead I drink water and always about 15 min prior to a meal. I also have found sucking on sugar free peppermint candies has helped me too. Eventually your body will be trained to eat when it is supposed to and what you are supposed to!! Hang in there.

    The supplement you talked about my friend tried it she lost weight then soon as she quit taking it gained it all back .
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    The only way to be successful is to change your eating habits. I know that sucks to hear, I started out at 320 pounds and I got there by eating...a lot. But you CAN change your relationship with food. One day, one choice at a time. Pre-log, be realistic, sustain a moderate deficit and you WILL succeed. There are no shortcuts, it's down to you.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Over time, I think you do learn self-control. But yeah, I can totally relate to the issue of appetite. I am constantly fixing food, cleaning up after food, planning food, making snacks. It's stimulating! I have not tried the garcinia. I have and use hoodia. THAT works...the key is to take it ahead of your appetite curve, don't wait until you are hungry. It works the first day you take it. I find that taking it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, then mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and evening time if needed. Dose of 500mg.
    I do not think that any pill, however effective, can replace good food choices and exercise. So this supplement would assist you while you do that.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I would start by eating real food. If it is instant, it isn't good for you. I live off of frozen stir fry veggies it seems, and I cook them in a nuker. But what helped my snacking was honey and cinnamon, I put two teaspoons of honey and one of cinnamon in my morning coffee, and it does a great job. Give it a try. And when you have to snack, eat a couple of carrots. They are cheap and good for you.
  • dmo22
    dmo22 Posts: 8 Member
    Personally I find to the taste of iceberg lettuce to be super neutral, very crunchy, and the shear volume of it fills me up. I like to eat a half cup of refried beans (salty yes, maybe use the lower sodium kind if blood pressure is a problem) and a giant bowl of iceberg. I heat the beans in a microwave and just pile on iceberg until the bowl is full. Its 150ish calories depending on the size of the bowl you use, and the act of chewing on something for that long helps me stay full. Or giant bowl of iceberg with just a little bit of dressing and pepper.