Seriously?? How many calories?!

Ok. So, I weigh 219 and I'm trying to lose about 70 pounds. Ideally, I'd love to be losing 2 lbs. a week. MFP gave me 1200 calories/week, but I felt like that was too few, so I upped it to 1380 earlier this week.
However, I came across that Scoobie Workshop calorie calculator and, based on my goals, etc. it gave me 2208. !!

That seems INSANE to me. That's way too many, right??

I work out 5 days/week, with anywhere from 45-60 minutes of cardio and some weight training. I'm pretty new to this, so I just want to make sure I start out right and don't get myself all screwed up.

(This is where I got the crazy calorie amount from - )


  • laurenb8183
    laurenb8183 Posts: 2 Member
    What did you put as your activity level? This has a big impact on how many calories you are "allowed" in a day. Your height plays a factor also. Also, if you change your goal to losing only 1 pound a week, you will have more calories, but I bet, at least in the beginning, you will lose more than that a week. (That was my experience.) I also think having a goal of losing 1lb/week makes the lifestyle changes you're trying to make more sustainable.

    Hope this helps!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I know the urge is to try to lose weight as fast as you can but that is just a bad idea. You have to deprive yourself too much to make it work, which often leads to binges. Try slowing it down. You did not get to 219 overnight and you are not going to lose the weight overnight either.

    I started at 219 and came to MFP at just under 200. I picked 1 lb a week weight loss and added my exercise cals based off my heart rate monitor. I ate nearly all of those cals, probably 1700 a day back then.

    It was sustainable back then. I could enjoy a meal out sometimes and a snack every now and again without feeling like I was on a diet. I learned a lot about nutrition and exercise also.

    I am down 71 lbs or so. Yes, it took me about 10 months to do it but I did it. And I never felt like I should quit.

    This is a great place to start: It helps clarify quite a few things for me when I was getting stuck.
  • thechaffinmexican
    Thanks for the links! Reading now. :)

    I put "Sedentary/desk job" as my activity level. I little more active than that on a daily basis, but I thought I might as well low-ball that.
  • thechaffinmexican
    I know the urge is to try to lose weight as fast as you can but that is just a bad idea. You have to deprive yourself too much to make it work, which often leads to binges. Try slowing it down. You did not get to 219 overnight and you are not going to lose the weight overnight either.

    I started at 219 and came to MFP at just under 200. I picked 1 lb a week weight loss and added my exercise cals based off my heart rate monitor. I ate nearly all of those cals, probably 1700 a day back then.

    It was sustainable back then. I could enjoy a meal out sometimes and a snack every now and again without feeling like I was on a diet. I learned a lot about nutrition and exercise also.

    I am down 71 lbs or so. Yes, it took me about 10 months to do it but I did it. And I never felt like I should quit.

    This is a great place to start: It helps clarify quite a few things for me when I was getting stuck.

    Thank you! That's pretty encouraging! :) I've been working out for just under a month and I'm absolutely loving it! I feel great and I've lost about 5 lbs. - I'm pretty happy with that. I just want to make sure I continue making the most of my time and calories! I don't mind the loss being slow, but I'm scared to up calories too much and gain!
  • flowrgal23
    flowrgal23 Posts: 33 Member
    You may want to take a look at the group Eat More to Weigh Less, too. If I had to do it over again, I would have started out with higher calories along with the increased exercise. Cutting my calories too low caused me to hit a plateau after 40 pounds. I know it sounds hard to believe you can lose weight by eating more than the bare minimum, but it truly does work. I have another 50 pounds to go, but I'm very optimistic now. (And not hungry all the time, either!)
  • COliver416
    COliver416 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm a much bigger fan of cutting calories extremely, going down to the bare minimum and as I lose weight, eat more calories. That way, when I finally reach my goal, my calories will be at their highest level and my weight perfect, while my lean body is fed well.
  • GplusC
    GplusC Posts: 18
    It is basing its calculation off the amount of time you are working out along with the amount of cals your body needs to stay at your weight. To lose a pound per week with everything you are doing it sounds about right.

    Don't rely on computers to lose weight for you. I've learned on my own what I can eat and what I can not to maintain weight. I have tried may different things. What I have done recently seems to work the best for me

    Everyone is different. I eat my largest meal in the morning. If there are any natural sugars in what I am eating this is when I eat them. I choose to avoid carbs, but not 100%. I value protein the most. Healthy Omega 3 fats second. Carbs are last. I avoid anything unnatural as much as possible with the exception of protein powder.

    For the rest of the day I eat like a scavenger. Small bits here and there. I also avoid carbs and sugar as much as possible afternoon. So I am probably eating quite a few cal during the day, but not in big amounts all at one time.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    I use the Scooby TDEE calculator and find the goal has worked well for me. Just remember you don't eat your exercise calories back if you use this method!
  • thechaffinmexican
    Thanks, everyone!! I guess I'll up them s l o w l y and see what happens!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Thank you! That's pretty encouraging! :) I've been working out for just under a month and I'm absolutely loving it! I feel great and I've lost about 5 lbs. - I'm pretty happy with that. I just want to make sure I continue making the most of my time and calories! I don't mind the loss being slow, but I'm scared to up calories too much and gain!

    You may have an initial increase of weight by a lb or two when upping the cals but it wont last.

    I am sedentary in my work life but far from it in exercise. I picked sedentary because that is what happens if I dont get my butt moving. I also use a Fitbit One to tell me my daily calorie burn (outside of fitness). If I am more active, I get extra cals, if I am less, I get some taken away. I workout 5 days a week and use a heart rate monitor during these sessions. Strength training 3 days and TRX 2 days. I walk as much as I can.I am still losing about .5 lbs a week and I eating on average 1900 cals a day.

    To make sure you are accurately counting your food cals, i would recommend a digital scale if you dont already have one. I weight everything that is not water-like liquids. If the nutrition listing has grams or ounces listed, I go weigh it before I eat it. This keeps me more accurate than any other tool I use.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member

    This for sure... it was hard for me to picture but I've lost way more and steadier on 1700ish than I did trying to eat 1200. win win.