Anyone else just starting Insanity?

Tonight my husband and I will do day 3 of Insanity. I am SO beyond sore. It hurts to go from standing, to sitting on the toilet lol Not to mention running after my 2 toddlers. OY. I'm frustrated I won't be able to give it my all tonight with these horribly sore muscles, but I don't want to take a day off and mess up the schedule. We want to do follow the schedule exactly.

Anyone else just starting out? In the middle? Just finished?! I'd love to see some progress pictures and before and afters besides the official website ones!



  • nking404
    nking404 Posts: 73 Member
    Im just finishing up 3 days left :-). I havent posted my afters yet but I will be posting them up sunday!! I have seen tons of progress I have lost 24 pounds starting at 209 and im currently at 185 and inches every where!!! My endurance has improved a great deal, my flexibility has also improved, and my confidence has also improved! Your going to be very sore in the beginning of the program but you have to push through and continue to dig deeper. I can assure you the soreness will decrease and you will become stronger and faster and doing things you couldnt before!! So just hang in there and move at your own pace and soon you will be killin Tonia in those globe jumps!!! By the way im friends with allot of people who are doing insanity at the moment who have been seeing great results they are very motivational and dedicated to completing the program send me an add if you like GOOD LUCK ON INSANITY YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • I did my first workout on Monday and I'll be doing my second tonight. It's so hard to get up and do it after working a nine hour day, so I may not stick strictly to the schedule, but I will be doing it at least five days a week. Hopefully at the end of this we'll be all sorts of sexified.
  • PoohTaz7
    PoohTaz7 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on my 4th day of Insanity and loving it! I hope the motivation continues!!
  • I'm getting ready to start today!
  • I attempted it last year or so. Attempted the warm up and gave up! lol Good on you for sticking at it :)