Gamer girl getting back in shape in need of friends



  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    I've lost many hours playing World of Warcraft -- had to give it up a couple of years back. :-) I don't play as many video games as I used to, but I'd love to meet current gamers who are also looking to get healthy. :-) Feel free to add me!
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    Thanks for the adds, you guys.

    Cartwoman, are you playing South Park: The Stick of Truth? I demo'ed it at NYCC and it's hilarious. :) Check it out if you're a South Park fan, which I assume you are by your name. :P

    I have it on pre-order. I think my local gamestore is delivering it to me tomorrow! So going to play that :D
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    Hey everyone!

    I added you all :D
    If I seem quiet during your day, that's probably because with the silly uk times I will be sleeping ;)

    I'm in the US and my boyfriend works 3rd shift, so I'm up at all sorts of crazy hours :smile: I always feel like I'm one of the few people on my friends list that are conscious when I'm on haha.
    Thanks for the adds, you guys.

    Cartwoman, are you playing South Park: The Stick of Truth? I demo'ed it at NYCC and it's hilarious. :) Check it out if you're a South Park fan, which I assume you are by your name. :P

    I am so beyond excited to play that, been a fan of the show since I can remember.

    Anyone get to play the new assassins creed? Haven't gotten to it yet but I've loved the entire series.

    I got Black Flag with my new graphics card for free. I haven't played it yet (need to install a controler on the pc first) but looking forward to it :D
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    I am also kind of a gamer. I used to play much more before, but then it became an issue for school, so I quit.
    But lately I picked up Ragnarok Online again. This is the kind of Game I can never truly give up. Kind of like a guilty pleasure. Almost like cookies and doughnuts. <
    Though I have given those up, but not the game, and I don't plan to. It's just so addictive!.

    Anyway, best wishes! and Fighting!

    Let's not give up! I wish to be able to cosplay some day without feeling self-conscious about my weight and shape.

    Everyone in the UK seems to love fancy dress and I'd love to fit into a Psylocke outfit for halloween this year ;)
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I remember when being a gamer got you beat up in highschool, now it's so accepted and mainstream lol. I just realized gaming has once again become my only hobby as told by the racks of games and systems on 3 of my 4 walls.
  • kasmsc42
    kasmsc42 Posts: 20 Member
    Gamer here and also relatively new to MFP. Primarily a PC gamer (Steam / GOG / DOSbox / emulators for older game consoles). Always looking for new friends. It's nice to see so many gamers on here!
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    I think I've added everyone who replied to this thread :o If I haven't feel free to send me a FR :D

    I play all sorts of games. I used to livestream quite a lot but my current internet is so bad, my stream just lags all the time :/
    Most days now I play all sorts of stuff, mostly on the pc (wow, lol, tsw, FFXIV, PoE, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Diablo 3) and I'm going t start a youtube series playing things like Slender, Amnesia and Outlast so that people can hear me screaming about nothing ;)
  • jaenders06
    jaenders06 Posts: 63 Member
    Candy crush became my enemy! I got so frustrated with it that I uninstalled it and refuse to play anymore. I snowboard too and ride a K2! I buy them big for me though because I've been doing it for awhile, except last year... I had a disagreement with the snow and managed to give myself a black eye and a concussion while wearing a helmet... I haven't really been out since then.
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I'm a casual Nintendo gamer. Zelda obsessed. Also do a bit of cosplay.

    Feel free to shoot me a message and add me!
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Us gamers got to stick im sending everybody a friend request!!!!

    PC/Console/MMO/MOBA/RPG/everything gamer right sheer!!!!
  • cartwoman
    cartwoman Posts: 64
    added everyone again :D
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey!! You can add me. :)

    I'm a big-time gamer, and I work for Ubisoft!

    am so jealous...
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey cartwoman welcome and hope you meet your goals! :) Feel free to add - my entire family is a gaming family
  • Kirianna81
    Kirianna81 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, I am a gamer myself in almost exactly the same position with my weight, Would love some more gamers as friends to encourage each other, and discuss games while we are at it. I have about 50lb to lose and am happy as long as it's going down instead of up :)
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member

    Welcome and good luck!

    I'm a gamer myself... it's addicting lol. GTAV was my downfall for like 1 1/2 months haha.

    Everybody, feel free to add me... I'm on here everyday, log (mostly) everyday and love new friends to motivate and be motivated by :)
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi All! Also a huge geek/gamer looking for friends!

    I really love WoW even though we have taken a break from it (we always go back lol), skyrim, diablo, I even really liked Star Wars.

    If anyone needs more friends feel free to add me. Hopefully having others will make me more accountable to actually log in everyday and not get lazy : )
  • rhiannondream
    Added!! I too am a huge gamer and work for an anime licensing company lol. Currently can't quit WoW- been playing since vanilla and have quit multiple times but I keep going back- nowhere NEAR as bad as I used to be though! Also waiting for the Diablo xpac...playing FF3 and other oldskool games. I've played too many games. ANYWAYS. Trying to lose 30 lbs here with good diet and lifting.
  • evilpixiegrrr
    Hey!! You can add me. :)

    I'm a big-time gamer, and I work for Ubisoft!

    am so jealous...

    It's pretty awesome, I can't lie. :) I work a lot of the conferences, too. PAX East, PAX Prime, NYCC, SDCC, etc. I'll make sure I post on my profile the ones I'll be working. If anyone here attends them, perhaps you can stop by my booth and say hello.
  • Abruneaubunny98
    I could use all the support I can get. I'd like to help you on your weight loss journey. My baby is going to be 2 in May and I'm trying (once again) to shed this dreaded baby weight.
  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    WoW / Diablo / HS gamer here ;)