*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • missyahall2
    missyahall2 Posts: 99 Member
    "I thought you were dieting?!?" (When you are observed drinking anything other than water or eating anything other than salad...)

    Yes this one too! I hate this one!...

    ^^^THIS ^^^

    Me: I use a food scale to make sure my diary is accurate.
    Them: Can't you just eyeball it?
    Me: Um no I can't.
    Them: But weighing seems hard/ a little extreme?
    Me: Aren't we in law school? That's hard. I was fat for 18 years. That's extreme
    Them: "blank stare"
  • breezyleaf
    breezyleaf Posts: 34 Member
    You should plan for Lipo, those fat cells are just waiting to fill back up again.


    SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! that is soooo RUDE!!! Some people, I tell ya!!!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    can you have that? I love this one - not

    This, for sure!

    I don't mind "what's your secret?" Except that when I say, "keeping track of my calories" and I get "that doesn't work!" or "that's not healthy!"
    :laugh: okay.
  • FredSetToGetFit
    FredSetToGetFit Posts: 286 Member
    I'm doing great for the first time in 20 years, and then I have this relation that keeps trying to get me on a yo yo diet. It really p15535 me off to no end, but then I just decided to each his own. I don't comment or try to tell ppl what to do unless they ask. I will make my body do the talking in a couple of months.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member

    Person: There's something different about you.
    You: Really? I didn't think anyone was going to notice.
    Person: Yeah you look really different.
    You: *waiting to hear it, ready for the moment, smile's about to come out*
    Person: You changed your hair. (Nope.)

    This. Yeah, I lost 60 lbs but it's totally my haircut that makes me look different.

    To be fair, they probably think anything weight-related is an etiquette minefield.

    Some years ago, I had a co-worker ask another co-worker if she had gained weight (and sounded happy about it), which made co-worker #2 get offended - however the first co-worker was a recent immigrant from (I want to say Somalia, but it may have been Eritrea), and her entire family was beyond rail-thin. Having meat on the bones was seen as a -good- sign, so there wasn't the "eww fatties lol" thing going on in her mind, it was "yay, you look well-fed, gratz!"
  • tamzinb10
    tamzinb10 Posts: 38 Member
    You're not doing the _________ diet are you? Cause you know that doesn't work. Trust me!

    (Says this while drinking a Pepsi and snacking on a butterfinger while a frozen Cheeseburger is defrosting in the microwave)

    Mmmmmmm what's a butterfinger?
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    "You're doing too much, you're never going to be able to maintain it."

    I got that a lot. I still get it now. I've tracked everything that's happened every day for three years. I'd say it's now past the requirements for "being able to maintain it".
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Although I realize people are just being nice, I get a little tired of some that go on and on and on, about how much weight I have lost. When we have somebody new start at work, someone will eventually tell them how I have lost a ton of weight. Sometimes I feel like I would like to not be forever known as the formerly really fat girl lol.
  • breezyleaf
    breezyleaf Posts: 34 Member
    "What are your secrets?!"

    1. I bathe in the blood of virgins right after a juice cleanse. Really clears out the pores, I'm tellin' you.
    2. Sacrificing a 2-year-old white rooster on the third full moon of an even-numbered year helped me shed 50lbs in one week! It was amazing.
    3. I ate less and worked out more.

    ROTFL!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • agsmith132
    Grandmother - "You can eat anything you want, it's all about moderation." *5 minutes later* "Well Allie, get another plate, you can't be full after one!"
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    Real questions asked:

    "Did you get weight loss surgery?" (no)

    "You cutting out all fried foods?" (hell no)

    "Oh you can still drink on your diet???" (lololol eff yes)

    "Are you f***ing with blow" (lol no)

    Most people just ask how I did it - and when I tell them count calories/macros - their eyes just glaze over and conversation is over.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    My hubby would say "So you're giving up already?" After I took two days off from the gym in a row after starting back for two weeks. I said "No, it is called rest days and you also asked me to do x, y, and z for you today so I'll just go tomorrow."

    Now he understands that I do take more than one day off a week and it doesn't mean I'm giving up. He even commented a little bit ago that he is happy I'm back in the gym because he knows it makes me a happier person.

    His mom would always comment about me eating this and that or passing up on a few things for the sake of staying on track. The "is that in your plan?" comments always bothered me because of the idea that you have to cut things out in a diet. I was constantly explaining that nothing is not in the plan, I just have to plan for what I will be having.
  • ccmiller89
    Ok ladies....it has to be...oh girl, you look good for having 4 kids!!! If I hear that one more time I'm seriously gonna blow! :mad:
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    My oldest son has accused me of purging or becoming anorexic!


    Actually, I've just decreased my overeating!
  • jennaisslimmingdown
    You are doing great so keep doing what you are doing!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    best one I had was...

    "Wait, you're on a Diet... thank *kitten* for that, everyone that had seen you thought you'd got cancer, the way you've wasted away this last year!"
  • Mav3rick54
    Mav3rick54 Posts: 180 Member
    I was back at my old office last week. My coworkers had not seen my since last October....which was when I started my journey to better health. Everyone was very amazed and giving me hugs etc.

    I was there for a three day training so our lunches were brought in. One of the desert items one day was pound cake and strawberries.

    Coworker as she walks by me with her plate of cake and strawberries raising it like she is giving a toast.... "I am having some in your honor"
    Me: "Oh, I have already had some."
    Look on her face... PRICELESS...as I explained to her, "I still eat...I just eat less of it...but thank you for thinking of me."
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    My good looking [friends] say "you don't need to lose weight! You're not big!" Umm, I'm 216 pounds.. I need to lose weight! (Think they're afraid of competition or something lol)
    And my personal favorite, "What diet are you on?" "Eating less and working out" and suddenly no one is interested anymore once they don't hear I took a magic fat burning pill....
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    My boss told me that if I kept running (or jogging as he called it) that my uterus would fall out. Thanks for the support. And many miles later that thing is right where it was when I started!!!!
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    Just this morning:

    Colleague: 'But you're not going to lose anymore are you?'
    Me: 'Yes. I was obese, and having lost over 30lbs I have only just made it to the top of the overweight BMI range'
    Colleague: 'But you weren't really obese were you?'

    ...well, kinda, by any accepted measure you'd care to use, yes...