*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    "You have such a nice face, maybe if you skipped a meal you'd lose weight everywhere else."

    WHAT!?! :noway:
    I would have said "Oh yeah, so do you, here let me fix that" and then punched then in the face. :mad:
  • stephgetsfit2
    stephgetsfit2 Posts: 72 Member
    "Great food choices, but Are you sure you're eating enough? Especially since you are doing crossfit!"

    Leave me and my food diary alone!!! lol
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ugh. My mom swears by this low carb diet. It's called "The 3-Day Diet" You eat very specific things for 3 days and the other 4 days of the week you go back to eating normal, without overdoing it. She and my stepdad did it in order for him to lose the weight he needed to qualify for knee replacement. They did it. He lost the required weight. He got his knee replacement. And he gained it all back, plus some. Though I have to say it did work for my mom, she stuck with it and still eats a lot better than she used to. She hasn't put any weight back on.

    But while she was doing it, she was using crushed pork rinds to coat meats to cook them because they're low carb, they would snack on pepperoni because it's low carb. I'd tell her I was watching what I eat, as a whole. I watch my fat intake, my sodium intake, etc., and she swears all I need to do is cut carbs.

    No thanks. I love carbs. And I love to run. I kinda need those.

    ohhhh... pork rinds as coating? that sounds YUMMY!
  • tdotdiva
    tdotdiva Posts: 22 Member
    These stories are crazy!

    My worst "s*it" people say story came from a "psychic". My friend had a reading party and when it was my turn this quack started to lecture me about how I should only eat my meals from a side plate, that way, I could eat whatever I want but ensure moderation. The kicker? I wasn't even overweight at the time. I was in a size 6 or 8 maybe...

    I've often wondered if she "saw" me getting fat in a vision and the side plate advice was for future me.

    *roll eyes*
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Ugh. My mom swears by this low carb diet. It's called "The 3-Day Diet" You eat very specific things for 3 days and the other 4 days of the week you go back to eating normal, without overdoing it. She and my stepdad did it in order for him to lose the weight he needed to qualify for knee replacement. They did it. He lost the required weight. He got his knee replacement. And he gained it all back, plus some. Though I have to say it did work for my mom, she stuck with it and still eats a lot better than she used to. She hasn't put any weight back on.

    But while she was doing it, she was using crushed pork rinds to coat meats to cook them because they're low carb, they would snack on pepperoni because it's low carb. I'd tell her I was watching what I eat, as a whole. I watch my fat intake, my sodium intake, etc., and she swears all I need to do is cut carbs.

    No thanks. I love carbs. And I love to run. I kinda need those.

    ohhhh... pork rinds as coating? that sounds YUMMY!

    I'm not denying that it tasted good. She made chicken fingers for the super bowl that way. But it doesn't sound "healthy" to me and she thinks it's fine.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    Two days ago I bought gas for the car and the woman that processes your payment (old style gas station that you can't pay at the pump!) commented on how thin I was and then asked me if I was sick! lol, uhm no, I just eat less and move more.
  • Love these!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    "you're wasting away" (ummm... 75lbs in 15 months is hardly wasting away)

    "don't you dare become anorexic" (right.. because that's what diets do to people)

    "You don't need to lose weight" (I know this is meant to be a compliment, but I need encouragement, not discouragement)

    "You've lost enough" (The scale, the doctors and my body fat percentage says otherwise.)

    "Here, I baked you cookies" (Gee thanks for creating temptation I have to resist, and not givnig me your recipe so I can track them properly)

    "the chocolate is in the cabinet above my desk" (UGH!!)

    "You're younger then me, so it's easier for you" (This is not easy. Period)

    (after a rest day) "Oh you're slacking off huh?" (No, after 9 days straight of exercise my body demanded a break)

    "You shouldn't eat that" (Why?)

    "How did you lose weight?" Me: eating healthy and exercise" them: "Oh that's all?" (that's all?? You do it then.. LOL)

    "I cant' run" (Do you have legs?)

    "You have obesity in your family, so you're destined to be fat forever" (thanks for the encouragement, ps.. obesity has little to do with genetics and everything to do with mental health, lifestyle, diet and exercise)

    ETA: Sorry to have so many, but I've face A LOT of negative nellies on my journey.

    Oh i forgot a good one
    "I didn't give you a bun or cheese because I know you're trying to lose weight" (thanks for making my dietary choices for me, please pass a bun and a slice of cheese) This was from a very supportive well meaning person. but it still irked me. lol
  • lindameeds
    lindameeds Posts: 5 Member
    My mum is the type of person that can eat a ton of donuts and not put on weight ... yet I look at one and hey, 20lbs heavier!
    I explained to her that I'd finally decided I WANTED to lose weight, as opposed to NEEDING to. I also explained how the MFP app worked and that I was doing a combo of Slimfast, Paul McKenna and MFP - it seems to be working for me.
    I'd put my "treat" meal through the app (we'd gone out for a carvery, hers - meat, lots of potatoes, lots of everything, mine - 2 slices of meat, lots of veggies and a small amount of gravy, all within app tolerances).

    Her comment? Shouldn't be eating that then, should you? :sad: She always know 'just' how to make me feel bad enough to make me wanna stuff my face. :sad:
    STFU, Mum!
    (We don't get on that well anyway...).
  • This makes me absolutely furious. I hate that there are folks out there ("nutritionists" if they want to call themselves that) that are not supportive of your goals. My background is in nutrition and community health and I specialized in exercise science. I would never tell someone to swap a healthy choice for a candy bar! How awful.

    My boyfriend is kind of a turd when it comes to the weight loss thing... He deliberately orders extra fast food when he goes and then says he got it for me. I don't want fast food, I don't like fast food, but thanks for thinking of me? This is only until he puts on a few pounds and then it is time to cut back on the burgers and fries.... :explode:

    edit: sorry I forgot to hit "quote" - this was in response to the person who sought out nutrition advice from a "professional" and was turned away. Grrrrrr.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    "You've lost 90 pounds? Looks like it wasn't enough!"

    "Maybe if you didn't have Crohn's you wouldn't be so fat."

    "OMG You need to eat <insert list of random nutrients and words from a textbook or something>, I heard in a random article from a friend that it's supposed to help."
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I had a family member say "You're getting older, it's just going to be a lot harder to lose weight and keep it off."

    Thanks for the double whammy. Now I'm old and fat!
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    I get the whole.. Just eat less and exercise and you will
    Lose weight..... Thanks genius! I hadn't tried that before.. I think you just cured me....

    And I recently just went to my little cousins birthday party and my aunt kept chasing me around with pizza and birthday cake and telling me you NEED to eat you are getting too skinny .... I DO eat... I just don't eat that kind of stuff...and I am 265... I don't "NEED" pizza and cake nor am I "too skinny"...
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    And at the same party my cousins wife was talking to me and asking what I was doing to lose weight and then she was like OMG you should do paleo, we are doing paleo and go to my Pinterest I have a ton of recipes......... All while shoveling pizza into her mouth... Which I am hardly the expert she is (after following paleo for 3 day) but I am pretttttty sure pizza and cake aren't paleo...
  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I get told " don't lose too much more weight - you're looking good". Except I'm still classed as obese. LOL.

    All.The.Time! I mean, why?
  • overshine
    overshine Posts: 5 Member
    "You shouldn't lose weight. Guys like thick girls." usually followed by a wink. :sick: :explode: :grumble: :huh:
  • "If you want to lose weight, why don't you join a gym? Working out at home obviously doesn't work."
    "You shouldn't count calories, you should just watch what you're eating." Um, isn't that a way to watch what I'm eating? o_O
    "You could fast." That drives me crazy because I'm in recovering from an ED.
    "Why do you only drink water?" I drink coffee too, thank you. >.<
    When someone asks me how much weight I've lost, "Oh, that's all?"

    ... I'm an opinionated person so people are lucky I don't bite their heads off with my calorie-counting, working out at home, loud mouth. :)
  • melmckay99
    melmckay99 Posts: 358
    I find the most annoying is:

    (when trying to decide what to eat)
    ".... oh, but you can't have that, right?"

    I guess I get angry when other people think they can dictate what I can and can't have. I can eat whatever the F* I want...but i can't help it if my choices are better than yours.
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    Person: Wow you look great! What have you been doing?
    Me: I track my food and eat at a deficit and I make sure I hit the gym 5-6 times a week.
    Person: **Silence** (Obviously upset that I didn't give them some sort of miracle pill/diet/shake answer)
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 235 Member
    Ten years ago, I lost 60 lbs. I am 5' 3" and went from 200 lbs. to 140 lbs. I worked out 5 times a week, doing 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight lifting every day. I did this for two years and kept the weight off. I discovered that I build muscle quickly when I lift and kind of got a kick out of being able to lift more than some of the smaller guys. I felt wonderful, wore a size 10 jeans, had tons of energy and could curl 25 lbs. with one hand. I felt like superwoman! The worst things that people said to me at the gym: From a personal trainer; "Oh you don't want to build muscle, you need to do more cardio and lose 20 lbs or you are going to look like a body builder." From other people at the gym: "Wow, you have back muscles! Are you sure you want to do that?" "Oh me and my girlfriends have decided to help you with your workout because you are going to get too muscular." Why is it that people feel free to comment on your body shape, your workout, your weight, etc. in the gym? I would NEVER to do that to someone else because it's rude. It got so bad that I quit going to the gym completely, gained all of the weight back and am now trying to lose it again. I will go back to the gym one of these days. I need to work on my comeback lines though so I can shut people up when they make stupid comments. Any suggestions?