possible to lose 40 lbs by bikini season!!

i am currently at my highest weight due to stress and other excuses i could ramble on about. I want to feel comfortable in a bikini like i was last summer! my cw is 164. I want to be back down to at least 120 by bikini season (juneish)

is this possible?

any tips?
i'm eating healthier and hitting the gym everyday but am i being unrealistic.
i'm 19 years old.


  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    40# might be pushing it - even if you lost an average of 2# per week (healthy recommendations are .5-2# per week ) you only have 12 weeks until June 1. That would be 24# - still an awesome loss - but not the 40 you are looking for.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    impossible... even if you starved yourself.. take it slowly and you will get there eventually. If not 40 pounds by June, you can lose 15-20.. which is better than nothing and you will look great too. It will take lots of work and will be hard at times but you can do it!
  • radical_days
    40# might be pushing it - even if you lost an average of 2# per week (healthy recommendations are .5-2# per week ) you only have 12 weeks until June 1. That would be 24# - still an awesome loss - but not the 40 you are looking for.

    thank you for your feedback!
  • radical_days
    impossible... even if you starved yourself.. take it slowly and you will get there eventually. If not 40 pounds by June, you can lose 15-20.. which is better than nothing and you will look great too. It will take lots of work and will be hard at times but you can do it!

    thank you for your feedback!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    sure if you mean Bikini season 2015...

    That being said you don't have to be at 120...my profile pic I weigh 160 something...which was 2 weeks ago on vacation...

    If you want to look good in a bikini and not starve yourself or use an unreasonable deficet to do it...try eating at a reasonable deficet..and lifting weights...while getting in enough protien.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    You don't mention height (that is a factor) but I would say June is pushing it. Not to say it cannot be done. You need to look at a few things
    Figure out your TDEE and BMR
    To lose a pound a week you need to cut 3500 calories so 500 calories a day. Double that for 2 pounds a week which is considered as Aggressive as you should get. You can achieve the cut through Diet alone exercise alone or a combination of the 2
    Mid June is 14 weeks off so even if you manage to maintain a 2 pound a week loss you will lose 28 pounds not 40. But with solid exercise you may well be hitting a lot of the goal anyway because it will cause tighter measurements all on it's own. By August you should be close to your goal (generally it is harder to lose the last 15 than the first 15 and will take longer)
    Good luck with your goals
  • albloomfield60
    I hate to see when people put time frames on their weight loss like this.

    Basically your options are try and do your best, you probably will only lose 20lbs, but that's way better than being 40 lbs. over weight.

    Or you can do nothing, then next year at this time make a post about needing to lose 50lbs by bikini season.
  • radical_days
    You don't mention height (that is a factor) but I would say June is pushing it. Not to say it cannot be done. You need to look at a few things
    Figure out your TDEE and BMR
    To lose a pound a week you need to cut 3500 calories so 500 calories a day. Double that for 2 pounds a week which is considered as Aggressive as you should get. You can achieve the cut through Diet alone exercise alone or a combination of the 2
    Mid June is 14 weeks off so even if you manage to maintain a 2 pound a week loss you will lose 28 pounds not 40. But with solid exercise you may well be hitting a lot of the goal anyway because it will cause tighter measurements all on it's own. By August you should be close to your goal (generally it is harder to lose the last 15 than the first 15 and will take longer)
    Good luck with your goals

    thank you so much!!
    my height is 5'2!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You don't mention height (that is a factor) but I would say June is pushing it. Not to say it cannot be done. You need to look at a few things
    Figure out your TDEE and BMR
    To lose a pound a week you need to cut 3500 calories so 500 calories a day. Double that for 2 pounds a week which is considered as Aggressive as you should get. You can achieve the cut through Diet alone exercise alone or a combination of the 2
    Mid June is 14 weeks off so even if you manage to maintain a 2 pound a week loss you will lose 28 pounds not 40. But with solid exercise you may well be hitting a lot of the goal anyway because it will cause tighter measurements all on it's own. By August you should be close to your goal (generally it is harder to lose the last 15 than the first 15 and will take longer)
    Good luck with your goals

    so much wrong in this...

    2lbs a week is for those who have over 100lbs to lose...if you do this with only 40lbs to lose you will not only lose muscle but you will fail miserably.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Let's say that's 15 weeks, that's 2.6 pounds a week. That is highly unlikely at your weight. Start weighing your food, eating at a moderate deficit, but being strict about it. Get a good lifting program, this will help you look awesome as you lose, and find something ardio you enjoy. I'd aim for 15-20 pounds. It took me 8 months to go from 165 to 120 at 5'4". I'm now back at 135, after a low of 117, and struggling.
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    Focus on building muscle and your body will get smaller even if the number on the scale hasn't changed that much. I started weightlifting 6 months ago and have lost 2" from my waist and gained 3" in my shoulders (making my waist look super tiny) and I've only lost 4 lbs in that time.
  • Coltsatc
    Coltsatc Posts: 36
    Ya, definitely don't put a time frame on it. If you lost 20 lbs by June, but wanted to lose 40 by June, you would think you have failed instead of being happy that you're already halfway to your goal!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I would say that is really pushing it and would set you up for disappointment. If you had a ton of weight to lose, 40 lbs by June wouldn't be so unrealistic, but it seems that's all you have to lose.

    Maybe not focusing on an "end date" would be best. Just get started and eat well (at a deficit of course), exercise, stay hydrated, and let your body do it's thing in whatever time it needs to get to your goal. There are all kinds of amazing threads here that offer fantastic advice and iformation on how to get started. And there are very knowledgable folks here that have already done it and stick around to help everyone else. Just take what some say with a grain of salt lol...people can get so butthurt if you don't take what they say as the gospel. :flowerforyou:
  • tariksehovic
    tariksehovic Posts: 39 Member
    Sure it can be done, with the proper nutrition and changing your daily activity level to 2.0

    Realistically you will lose somewhere around 20-25Lbs
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    i am currently at my highest weight due to stress and other excuses i could ramble on about. I want to feel comfortable in a bikini like i was last summer! my cw is 164. I want to be back down to at least 120 by bikini season (juneish)

    is this possible?

    any tips?
    i'm eating healthier and hitting the gym everyday but am i being unrealistic.
    i'm 19 years old.

    no -youre 19, weight should melt off no problem. Dont cheat and dont kid yourself - everything you put in your mouth matters.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Yes you are being unrealistic. I could tell how young you were from the post heading.

    It's not bikini season you need to be concerned with. Do what you need to do to get healthy and fit. The body willl follow and then the bikini will also.

    Try to change your mindset to something permanent and not seasonal. Change what you put into your body. Don't forget about alcohol either. Lots of empty calories. Diet soda and diet drinks are not a good choice. Nor are spenda and other fake sugars.

    Eat breakfast and eat it early. Don't eat diet foods like those frozen meals. Carry good snacks with you. Meal and cereal bars are not a good choice. get lots of exercise. Walk, and walk a lot and fast. EXERCISE!!!!!!!

    You know what to do. It's easy. You just gotta do it.
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    Try not to focus too much on the scale. You will hear this until you are blue in the face.
    Start by getting your measurements.
    Measure EVERYTHING ( neck, bust, waist, hips, thighs, knee, calf, ankle, upper arm and lower arm)
    If you start tracking your food, getting your body in motion and keeping hydrated, you will lose.
    It might not be the total weight that you are aiming for - but think size - some people when they strength train go up or stay the same weight - but drop like 1-3 sizes!! This is the important part!! And the more muscle you build, the faster your body will use what you put into it.
    So it's not always about the scale. It's about getting into a healthy lifestyle, watching what you eat, tracking what you eat, drinking your water ( so 1/2 your body weight in ounces so 200lbs = 100 ounces of water each day)
    Eat five times a day, so you are eating smaller amounts but more often so your body isn't having to store excess food.
    Try to not eat that ever so delightful "bedtime snack"
    Eat for what you are going to be doing in the next 3 hours.
    Make sure that you are getting the right combinations of foods. You might be under your goal for the day, but did you fuel your body - or head?? Is your body hungry or is your head playing games on you.....
    You will get there, don't put a strict time line on yourself, that is more stress than you need. Work for small goals. One pound at a time!! you will get there!
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member

    I started at that weight a few months ago and even I won't be down to that weight.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    I hope to be down 40 lbs by June and I started at the beginning of December!

    Check this out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    i am currently at my highest weight due to stress and other excuses i could ramble on about. I want to feel comfortable in a bikini like i was last summer! my cw is 164. I want to be back down to at least 120 by bikini season (juneish)

    is this possible?

    any tips?
    i'm eating healthier and hitting the gym everyday but am i being unrealistic.
    i'm 19 years old.

    While you may not be able to lose the 40 pounds you're looking for, you could significantly change the way your body looks by doing some good strength training. FitnessBlender.com is free (no, I am not a spokeperson for them) and their workouts are excellent. They can be fit into any schedule and any fitness level. Sculpting may be the way to get the body you want.