Does the hatred of cardio ever go away?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's possible you'll always dislike it. I've never like strength training. I've tried many different types and my feelings range from loathing to tolerate only because I know it's good for me. I'm going to give kettlebells a try to see if that is more fun.

    My advice is to keep trying different types of cardio, maybe one day you'll find something you like. Or stick with whatever you find the least loathsome and just do it because you know you should.
  • AidaLott
    AidaLott Posts: 13 Member
    I figure anything beats sitting on my *kitten* all day long wondering what snack or meal I can eat next. So I take a walk or 2 each day and do some strength training at the gym 3 days a week. Alright, so I'm never going to look like a runway model. For that matter, I'll never be 20 years old again, either. So I just do what I can, one day at a time, to look and feel my best. At the rate I'm going, I should be a slim, lovely corpse by the time I die. Finally! I'll get roses, everyone will revel at how good I look and say nice things about me.
  • AidaLott
    AidaLott Posts: 13 Member
    Well I'm 63, and my hatred of cardio hasn't gone away yet. I'll get back to you if it does. I watch "Shark Tank" every week praying that someone will invent a jogging machine that I can take a nap on while it's doing the cardio for me.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    I love doing cardio. Mainly because I like to do different things all the time.
    You can walk, run, bike, skate, ski, rollerblade, dance, play sports, video games for the wii or kinect.
    I hope you find something fun :)

    Yup. A lot of cardio is work, done because it's the right thing to do. But then there are other cardio activities that are first and foremost fun. For me, that's cycling. The faster I go, the more I feel like a little kid again.

    Find something fun, and cardio won't feel like cardio.
  • judyamk
    judyamk Posts: 79 Member
    When I walk it is outside and my camera is with me also I have captured amazing moments, even if I have to stop along the way it is not going to ruin the cardio. To me it breaks up the boredom,plus my ear buds are always in playing my up beat music
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    i hate cardio too!!!! the only reason i do it is because i like seeing how many calories i actually burn and i don't know how to figure that when i do my strength training
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Do I love or hate cardio? Yes

    I hate droning on a treadmill or elliptical for an hour. I hate running in the same direction longer than 30 seconds. You won't catch me dead dancing around in front of a TV. So, I hate cardio.

    I love playing basketball until I can't stand up anymore. I love hiking all day. I love sawing wood all day and cleaning up the yard. I love jacking my heart rate through the roof during a 5 rep set of deadlifts at 90% max. So, I love cardio.

    Do what you enjoy.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For me; yes.

    Partly because it becomes easier by a good bit.

    I used to loath running and tolerate road cycling - I always enjoyed off-road cycling.

    I wouldn't go as far as saying I "enjoy" running, but I don't mind it at all, certainly - when I was looking after a friend's dog as well as mine which meant I couldn't properly play' fetch' to give them some exercise (one always gives up etc) - I did an average of about 9k a day for 10 days and had no problem with that.

    Bet if I did a workout DVD I'd be hating it because I'm not used to it.

    As far as running more goes, running with a local club made a big difference to me - people to chat to, to compete against (I always make an effort to get to the top of a hill first if I'm in a slower group :) ) and so on. Made some friends through that.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    I love lifting and strength training. After having my second child I have done weights mixed with light cardio (Jillian Michaels) about 5 times a week. Everything is toned but I cannot get rid of a few inches on my tummy... It's frusterating but I know I need more cardio or lipo which I can't afford haha. I did a cardio DVD today (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism) and I hate it. Question to the cardio peeps... Does it get better? Will my hate turn into love? I'm trying to stay motivated!

    Then don't do any and eat less. "Clean" eating doesn't magically make you lose weight. You need to make sure you're still eating at a deficit. My advice, if you really do hate cardio, is keep doing the lifting and track as accurately as possible and stay below your TDEE. This should get rid of your extra fat effectively.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    No the hatred never goes away.............of people who resurrect old threads
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I did a cardio DVD today (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism)

    That's you problem there, those things are tedious and uninspiring.

    I'll quite comfortably run or cycle for an hour to for or so, but anything indoors I struggle with for more than a few minutes. Just do something that inspires you.

    On the other hand I find all the waiting around and fiddling with plates incredibly boring. Resistance training is a necessary evil.
  • frenchfacey
    frenchfacey Posts: 237 Member
    not for me!! i cant STAND cardio, its so boring it kills me, i do HIIT w/weights 4 times a week, cuz that way im just bouncing around going nuts and i dont even realize...but 3 times a week at the gym, those 20 mins of cardio (HA 20, more like 15 or even 10) to get my heart rate up before i start lifting, feels like 10 million years instead of 10 minutes

    just gotta do it though right? seeing results will keep you motivated and help you remember that short amount of time you do cardio for, is so much easier than sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself.
  • TinaLauritsen
    TinaLauritsen Posts: 52 Member
    I really hate it too, but mostly because I am in terrible shape and never have done any demanding cardio before. I did however get hooked on the c25k running app, it can be mean, but after only using it for 4 weeks I can really feel what it has done to me (managed to run after the train without breaking a sweat or loosing my breath) + now that all the grey is gone it is awesome to get out and get sunshine on my face! + I do a bit a yoga everyday, which really tones nicely :)
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I love lifting and strength training. After having my second child I have done weights mixed with light cardio (Jillian Michaels) about 5 times a week. Everything is toned but I cannot get rid of a few inches on my tummy... It's frusterating but I know I need more cardio or lipo which I can't afford haha. I did a cardio DVD today (Banish Fat Boost Metabolism) and I hate it. Question to the cardio peeps... Does it get better? Will my hate turn into love? I'm trying to stay motivated!

    I always hated cardio, mostly because I sucked at it. Cardiovascular endurance was not (and is not) my strong suit... BUT! After doing it consistently ( I suffered through it only for the sake of the calorie burn) I found there's a "sweet spot"- where the initial 'this sucks *kitten*' goes away, a rhythm develops and I catch that wave where it becomes fluid and I don't even have to think about it....

    Also, that amazing feeling after I've caught my breath and my heart rate has calmed down some. I now crave that 'runner's high'. Getting through the 5-10 minute hump of suckitude is always a bit daunting, and on top of it, I have knee issues, but that's a whole different story.

    Bottom line- yes, you can overcome your hatred of cardio. :drinker:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Nope. It only gets worse.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    It never was a problem for me. Love to cycle/spin, in gym anyway. Beside's, I like to look at hrm and see 160 or so, from my 30 sec sprints.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    On average I do cardio about 1-2/week. I only do it to keep my cardio system in shape.

    The only real cardio I enjoy is bike riding - outdoors or on my Spin Bike w/some good tunes. Other than those I find creative ways to do cardio like Sandbag Carries, Sled Pulls and Boxing (okay, that one's not so creative). I enjoy doing all these so they don't seem like dreadful cardio because of that.